. :s So'�_ . . :�;�.*�...:t;� � - �N�'� =c�.-=`- =,�4't "fi``
<br /> ..r. 6. . . � ' <:<�c: :t . . . 3 `-.. , - �C �.-T K��J€ C.R� .
<br /> . �.
<br /> ,." � - .�v. � . l�' �• y. S� _
<br /> 4 ` �- � _ � ( .1' �`� ' ' s Yt ti t - - T .`.' a
<br /> -. �� - fi s d.•. ` 'rLV.,� ..Et(�.��. _ .t�- � t ft. - '�".?a:f!'."' .
<br /> � c� te.�f ._._. ' 1, ":G t t.
<br /> __ � S: + �.���.��� � '�_.
<br /> T.' `�'�
<br /> _ - �� _:_ � _,YG��a fl,` .
<br /> `t� � covg�an�s g�.�' �� � :<�;?�4 .
<br /> � . �` �"��� �I.�I.:�Ni=��r•-.. `
<br /> �� 1. Pay�. �orroar8s agrees ca maks allpa Ymenta on tha seared dabt wt[en Que. Untesa Bonowev and Lendar agree otherwise. any 1.1:�,4,(4p:{ �.
<br /> � paymenTB I.atdBt teeeivea hom Borrcv�er or iar Borrowar's henefit wiU be appiied fust ta eny emounffi Bortawfl�owes on th9 se�aned debt e t L��
<br /> e�cdt�sive of tMSre3t or pdrKF�l,sscvnA to irrteras4 m�d t�ttT6DN'tlap�t•ST'�ar�ptepa�eent o!f�e seeured deM oeewa tar aay reason,it v+n71
<br /> c . . r t10t fCdGGB Ot 8RW3D 8M19Chf3Qi1�8d 08 y f f 1 8M ItRtil tAB 8 Q�_Et le:paiditi Rdt: • . ' ' � `` . ,
<br /> ,. F , .���t : ` .
<br /> _ _ .-� 2.Ci�m Q�¢tss3t Ttt�&�C'�et�71 p8Y ell mxea. s ottfer Ctistgon attrmuteEiO to 4lte pr�peRy when Que and wEU detend bYte '3`�r'{�+�, t: ��
<br /> r_._.,ps{2
<br /> • w tPte propQRy n ou�at eryy ett#ms whieA yroutd impab th ' �p} s daad ogo�tnst.LgnBar mny require Borrower to assign arry H�►te.etatms or ,� a .,
<br /> ,� rt d0}Bfl38S Y!lIIC?►�RO'ef'G!►R1$T/ABYB 888171St Q81'699 NAtO 6UQQ 1 t Of(��8�ie►Ara�r�ro►msinta►n th�propertY. ' s �E._t,`,..,
<br /> • ;,•�.. �.< .
<br /> . 9.[na�u�rsco.Barro�vos wtU kesn the proDerty insured under terma acceptaDla to tendar at Bmroarer's e=pense and tar Lender's Oeneftt.AU !�_ �:��r��'.4 '
<br /> . . l::. �,:_'�., F
<br />_ ., i n s u r e n e e Oo G a t o a s h a ll i r u�a a t a n d a r 0 m 0�gag�e t e u s e i rt t a v a r o!I,e n Q o r.l e n d e r w t l l b e n a m e d a s W s s p a y e e a r a s tl t e i n s u r a d a n a r►y e u e h � r,,
<br />- insurenee poficy.Am/tres��rue proeseds may 6e ptied,witAin Lendafs disaeSon,m e+fhe�die restoretfon or repatr of the damaged property . ,:.
<br /> - or to tlia secured debt tt tender re�dres mortgagB�c:r.Bartower a�ees to maintain sueh insuranee tor as tong as tsrtder requires. t� �
<br /> .. r��
<br /> , �.�<� 0. .Barcower wilE k�3 ths Orn e►N in ood eonditton and make a1i repaha reasanahty neoassertl• ��. ` .i�r�+�:..•``'•:
<br /> � �'ii D D 8
<br /> - �.,� 6�s.Bm��ss a�roes to pay sll lende►'e e�ansea,ltaetuding reasonable attamays'fees.H Bonower breaks any mvenartm in thLs desd � �1� - -
<br /> � of truat or in arry o6t°gat�an seaued by this deed ot trust.BoROwer wilt pay these amounta to Lertder as pmvided in Cuver+ani 9 0}this desd o} �°1 ,, r
<br /> tNSL �r 'Y 2 f . "�
<br /> �- r �'�S��f��z._
<br /> � � 6.Pdar SeaatEy(nDSao�s4a.Untess Bmrowe►first aDtains tendefs written eonsent,Borrower will not make or permit arry changes to airy prior �;_ „�.�`� .;..<.
<br /> � . � ggeurity Urterests.Borrmver wi0 pertorm aIl af Bortowst's obtigations w�der arry prior mmtgage,deed of trw�'t ar other seciuity agreemerti, �4. - � . 5 �,
<br /> ineRrd'mg 8arrovtm''s ca�nants Lo make paVmerits vAten du8. t'' 'e' ��' ,
<br /> -, .. ..... ; ,-:, .� F ;
<br /> � . ; 7.Asat�o!Raf'IS etd P�ofrPe.Borrawer assigrts m Lender the rerns and profits of the ProAeRY.Untess Bortower end Lender have agree� S. - ,:��<: � ::
<br /> � otherwise In vaiiing, Barrnwer may coite�end retain the rems as tong as Borrower is nnt in de9avtt.If 8orrower Qetauhs,Lender, LenQer's . T�, ;
<br /> : w
<br /> � eSem.or a courR app�r�ted receiver maY take posseasian eM manage the praperty srtd collect tha rerAs.My►rerns LertQer eoiteGa afiaU bs '�, ,� r :
<br /> � apptied first to tAe�of manaqirtg t�e property,indudlng caurt cos�and attnmays'fees,commissions to cecnat ageMS,and atry other j . . +� �,�
<br /> .�' necessary related ezpa�ses.The rematning amount of rents wwilll then ayDty m paymeMS on tho socured debt es prmrided R�Covanart 1. � •• ;�'�..
<br /> �Srrj�
<br /> . �t�at�C�rTt�9'�tasum4 Urs'ttt Qavd�ast9.Bor�ower a�eas to wmpty with tAa pravistoas of arry tease ii this Qeed of trust is on f ,��" '�-:
<br /> • �; e feasehutA.It tt�a QBB�d ot uiut ia rnva�au`t in a condomTnaBn ar s plam�ed unit devetopment 8orrower wdl perlorm aU ot Borrowafa Quttes ! ` I' c �` -
<br /> _. '• under the covws�,bY-Wws.ar regidatiaro of tl1e co�dominiutff or Plenrted unit derelopmertt. �:`��. t r.>;.
<br /> . , . . ' _i. . . ' 1 1 c -. - .
<br /> �. ' u 9 A:�iltoriBy o!lm�an m Perfcnn tor Bnrmares.tt Bwmwer faits tuyerfarm enit of Borrowers dutias under this deed of trus� tender mall { f� r�
<br /> _ perbcm�d►a duties er cause tAem to be perfermed.Lsnde�may eign Bonowera name or pay eny amowrt H necessary for pertartnance.!f any i p,.._�-.'
<br />- .); �;.,. .
<br />- • . • wn�aUOO ort the Droperty ts d'cscontinue0 or ttot eanied on in a rQasonabte manner.Lender may do whatever Ls necessary to protect Lende�s :} ��..�.�.�, ..
<br /> . ;'(:j� seaacty irrteret;t intna propsrty.This may tndude eampteNng tha canstructlon. ' 9:�'?�. ;_:.
<br />- _ . .:..i:z� lertders faiture to OeEform wiU mct preduQe Lertdac f[om exercising acry af its othes rights undm tha taw or thia deed a!uust. �S`�<<`:�:� ' ,
<br /> . ,T_ •'�c:-.iF��J��;.F�- -
<br /> _ �Y.+ca . . "
<br /> '_-'___ _,-L`,I �4'��{i i Sef}�'c:�f:}.'"�
<br /> ��• My amauMa paid b�p LefQar to pratect Lenders sactuity irtterest xnro 6e seaued by thfs deed of wst.Sucb amaunts vuq be Que on Qemand ��;, ,�� _�t�,,:
<br />- - . anA wifl bear irRerest.fram the date at the paymertt urttil Paid in fuU at the in[erest rare in efteet on the sec�ed debt ..q,�. ,Y��.�.T..`-.
<br /> -'�y . r '- 1� s r
<br /> . . trr � ,;R.�2_:
<br /> t0.Dafardt aad Ataatoraflm�.H Borrower taifs to ma4ce arry OaymeM when du.s or breaks any►covenarts under this deed of trust or a� , r.t��;',, a sR;.4,
<br /> . � obUgetion secured try this des0 of�ust ar arry pdar martgage ar deed of trust,Lender may accetarate the matuity af the seaueA deDt and . ,�r;�yl��s;
<br /> . . _ demand immediaLe ppymerK ertd may imroke the pmnrar of sale and arry other rerrtedies Permit�ed bV ePPGeaQle taw. t /,{f,� .��:
<br /> .. . . ' " _:i�F✓ - y. y,.
<br /> _ _ 11.Re�caat tct Noflco o!Dofmfft tt ta herehy reques0ed that copfss of 1Jre noticea o!default and sets be sert to each person wtso is a party _�,_�,,,,',,��.� ?;
<br /> - . � hereto.at the address o!each suefi Person.as set forth herein. ���� �r �,* r
<br /> - . � �T . 1;•��':'.:
<br /> 12 P�nrer o!Sa1e.IP ffsa LenQe►imra&es tne pawer af se►e,the T�a ahall first record in tha office af the regTSter of deeds af each couRty � �`t+r�
<br /> � ', wheroin the vust property or sortres�ct or parcel thereot is situedrel a notiee o1 detauh caMatning the informaaon re�uire�Oy lav�.the Trustee
<br /> :I�.,� sha►t atsm mail copiss c!tha nouc�u.af defautt to the Borrowar,tw va�h Persan who is a party hervto,m�d to aU►er persons ss�prescriGed by ���:'�
<br /> - • �:•�t � aDP�taw. Nat.tess thaz�ar.r�.mer>th after the Tnistee re�xfts f�e nattee of defautL at nvo momhs'rf the Wst proyertSp ts not in atry
<br /> incmporated city or.v0(age and Isri!"�cEin�farming operetions eame:Y:n by the vustor,the Trustee shaU ghre pubtle notice of sale ta the persons . �t����`"
<br /> . and in the manner arescriDad by a�fiaabte law.Tn�ctse,without Qemand on BoROwe►,snau een u,e oroaenV at peibiie auction m the highest �"'�'•x �
<br /> � Dtdder.lf required try ttse Farm Homastead Protectfan-Act,Trustea shaU offer the property irt two separate sales as►equued by appticaDte law. ��4:r.'�1;f - ,.:",�
<br /> _ _ _ Tn,stee may pos�mna sate of aU or arry parcel cE Usr�Rropem by pu6lic announcemem at ihe time and ptace of ar�y pre�o�N ccheQutea se19. .j���_:���r:,��--,��
<br /> • sr�
<br /> � LenQer a im deslgrooe may purchase ttq ProAe�f►etsr��9 sate. �'
<br /> . . ipt �. ant of the pr�a:�i�.'�rustee afiall deliver to th�putchaser Trustee's deed eon�trysying the praparty.The recidals eortteirted in � ��� « ��
<br />_ '+ TNSt@8'8 Qeed s�aU be prlma faae8vtdtmnra of�ftetruth af t1re sta�R�mama eornained thetetn.T stee sh�l apply tlis proeeeds of the sate tn the '•�''������ -
<br /> � . toLOwfig arder. (a) to.�11 expensQCS d'tha sate. ,L�.Nudtng. but not timited to. reasanaEte TrusOee's tees, re3sonaDle �ttom0�s feBS end . ��itylJ`.�,;'���
<br /> . rein..natemeM faes;(tr}to aU sums o�nad by this drxd af trust,and(c)the 6atance,if acry,to tha psrsons tegalty ertiUed to receiva tt �{E' �'
<br /> . , � L
<br /> � :�' 13.Fefa�e�utm.A�ti�rndefs optiea,Mis deed af�r�ua may be toredosed in tho errmmer provide by appGeabte tnw fer foreetosure ot moRgages � {�;pr, �"�
<br /> ,� nau �
<br /> ...•"�q on reat pmperty. �!�}y : y�'=•:
<br /> 141 Lendei may ertter itu��rroDerty to inspect it if tcndsa ghres Bortawer rtotice beforehand.The notice�must st&�tha reasanaCle 1�t3�#'
<br /> _ . `" �E cause lsnder'e tnspscttan. �wrr�r.��r� -' :
<br /> �� � tb.CanQomnoBan.Borrowar asctgns to LenOer theRroseeQa of am/award or daim for Qamages connected with a condemnaUon or other taking '�`'����,..;,,'� -
<br /> �ti;, _
<br /> � �," ,�r'• of ah or any part otthe property Sueh Oroeeeda v�itt Ise applied as prov1Aed in Covenart 1.This essignmertt is subjact to the terms of any prtor �..�,5_.5, -
<br /> +�� seartiq►a�enmeM. '5� "
<br /> ,,f �•. �'f'�i�1�•„' : �
<br /> , >.., ��� 18 tN�By exotcising atty rem e•rra�7a6le tr.lenQer,Lender doea not give uD any rights to�atet use atry othe�remedy.By nat exercisi� ' ,� �i, -
<br /> �* t�� eiry remedy upon 6arrowere dafa�d��er @oes not waive any dght to leter eonstter the event a detautt It it happens agefn. ` e�j�� '" --�
<br /> ,�•1.' ti
<br /> � ,�'a>,��,., . Bo�rra�w�ho t��thfs dead�of m�ist�bsut��rtot n���BmdeQ�.iAIt�e�bte in nQstru�mrert�i(a1 does�so�o In y�to�ar�it eend�m ey t�� ., , ±'.� ' '�;• -_
<br /> ' B a r r c w e r's i n t e r e s t i n t h g p r a D e r ry t o ffi a T ro s t�w s d t�r t A e t e r m a o!ffi i s Q e e d o�t n u t t n a d d l U o n,s u c h a B o r ro w e r a g r e e s t h a t ffi e L e n d e l a n d r; .
<br /> '•�� a�I other Borrowar under this dead of vust map ozt�+a,mod�y or make amr attms changes in the terms of tfiis deed of wst or the seaued 4 :`s��;
<br /> _� �. r'}-_ deDt wiUtout that Bcrrawe►'s co�ent and wtthouc r�c�asing that Bovower from tttcs nerms o1 thia Qeed of trust. `
<br /> ,:��eti,' � �,,�., ... '_.
<br /> - ; f TM�du�lae and 6enrtfita ot this deasf af tr.�t sha8 btnd and benefit thm successora and assigna of Lender art0 Bortower. � ���y� , ,, ;,'
<br /> ; � ��� itt.�dc4teo.UNass mhetwise reQvisud IsV taw,snY noUe9 to Borrawet shaU 6e gWen by delivering it ar by,ma311ng k by certtfted mail addressed to S i4;lY � ��
<br /> r� �•s:; Borrower atthe pro aQdress lu a�v ather sSdresa that Bor►awer has�iven to Lertder.Borrawer wiU gfve arry noUce to Lendor by certiliod ,
<br /> _ � �� k mail to Londofs ad ss on page 1 of thts Cea3 0�t(tosL or to any other address which Lender has designatod.My ather noUce to LerMei shall �f � • <
<br /> �� ba seM to Londot's adQreas ea atttted on pago t af thla daed ot truat.
<br /> ' t !8
<br /> - ' My no�co st�a116o Eeemed to have 6een given to 6mrower or Lendes when ghren In tlea manner steted above. {;� �
<br />,::1� �.: . . J �`''!'<<��2'�;';,��
<br />_ - . • 19.Tranater at the Raparty or e Bmreftarrd tnterest In tho Bartowar.If all or arty part of the prop�or any interese in it is sotd or transferred ( '�� `y;}:1�;•_:i ,<.
<br /> withavt LondeYa prlor written cansum, Lender may damand immediate payment of the sacurod ebt. Lender may atso Qemand immediaie ' ��"�4�;`�� -
<br /> - ' � Dayment i1 tho Bonower ia not a netwal Oerson and a benefleiat interest in the Borrower is sold or vansferred. However, Lender m not �A"+ti�: !� .���,
<br /> -- Qemm�d paymertt inthe above situaUona 1f k Is proAibited by federel law as of tha dete o1 this deed o!Vuat. � � "��'��k ":• _
<br /> '� '� � i� -
<br /> - ' 20.Reeomoycrteo.When tfie obiigaiton seeureA by ttUs Eeed of vuat Aas been paid and Lender haa no fu►ther obligaUon to make advancea � • -
<br /> - wde�tho insVUmente oragreements seaaed by this deed of Erust,the Trustee shal�up on written requestb�the Lender,rewrrvey the trust �� ��;• . ;:
<br />-_- • pro y _�rty.The Lender shafl Qefhrer to the Bartower,or to Barro�ver's auccessor in Imerest,the Vust deed anA the note or othsr avidenee of tha Sq u1,�JJS���,.
<br /> o AL g a i�o n c o o a t i s i t e d.6an ower s n a ll p a y an y recor d a t lon c o s t a. . �i;�y i.� �
<br /> •S:t�,i;�41
<br />--'_ Y1.Suceoassa Tniatee. Loneer, at Lender's ouUon, m remove Trustes and aDAa�M a successor trustoe by first, maiting a ccpy of the '� ���°�`''Y� � � �.
<br /> ce a ay
<br />-_-- . substituUan ot vuomo as required Dy sppticaLte law,and then,hy filing the suhstttution of trustoe tor recard in Uw o�ee of tfie register of decQs �; :��` �� �. •
<br /> '- of eneh cou�in which tho trust proparty,oi sortre part thereof,is situated.Tha successor trustee,without eamoyance of tho property.shalt ;j ' • �
<br />_ � . succead to all tho powes,Euties,autharity and Utlo of the T�ustee named in tAe deed o1 trust and ol any sueeessor trustee. •
<br /> -�, �4, � .
<br /> -- ., -
<br /> _- . � • .
<br /> �t .. `!. �
<br /> . � Ipape?ol?1 ;
<br /> Bati[EB95YS7At9.rtJC.ST.G10UD.►dN U8301 11�806�97•Y3611 FORA!OCVMT6NE 611991
<br /> �. � �� • . .
<br /> I ,.. .
<br />- . ,.•. .'-�"'1^_""'�"^..*'__ .."_:."'�""'��.'..'_ �"'-�-�-�---..'_, '1 ..'_��`�_."�' •-.�-�___.-_. . - --' ,----•�•-�,-� .•-�--•-*�^•.^.^�^--�--t---�-. . . . . T_--.�_,__.,�,_. ' . y:� . •
<br /> 1j_.
<br />