' _ �l '7!}� . �i�y2 s .�� �r - ��+" - '
<br /> � ci\ •}��,}E'1[.�T�V � . (s�i r /.�i . . '. ; )��Jt�_ .!1 ;.r..:
<br /> . .._ ��tN.t��,:aC.u�t'w:- < <�..s�;�{:�i�.).�2s ,<!ss �r�wi � .•lux�_.. . :.�• ... -
<br /> -_.'_'_" ." "_ .___. ' _"__'""�..._....._.. " ' "_""—_
<br /> __""_ _.___ _"_' __ _' " _"__ "_"" _'__'".
<br />- � 92.�.��.0��3 _
<br /> TOOGT'NIiR 141T1i all iho hnprovenxms norv or imre.4cr ercatd on�ho pm7�eny,a�d all cascnxnts,appunuunces.ond
<br /> Oxlures now or herer�fter n pan of�he pmperiy. All rcplattmcnts und nddlilons shell aim t�. �nveoxl by this Security
<br />- Insiruntcnt.All of ihc fnrcgoing is rckrrcd�o in ihis Sccuriiy insuunkm ac dic'Propeny." __:-
<br /> BORR0IYCR COVftMANI'S tha�Borru��er Is I�wfully seiscil of the es�atc hcra�y mnve��ed and h�s�ho right to gmnt and _.__.
<br /> mmey ihe Propeny and thnt the Ptoperty is unencumbered, exrept tor ennnnUmnces of rccord. ikmo��•er warrams and will --
<br /> deknd genarally the�ide m tha Propetly ogainst nll cl,ims and denwncis,wM1ja�m nny encum6ranecs at nxr�rd. _�,•,
<br /> THIS SCCURITY IN51'RUA1E?NT combines uni(omi covtmms for nx�innnl use and non•unifomi covenams wi�h Iimi�cd �:;:'?--
<br /> vadailons by Jurisdiction ro mnstimte a unifortn securl�y insuunxm mredns rwl propcny. �'-:
<br />' UNIrORM1f COVGNANTS.Oorroxcr and I.endcr rnvcnant and agrx as follo��•s: "�-"`���
<br /> 1. Fpymenl ot Prindpal pnd intercstt Prc�uymem and late Charges� f3ormw•cr shall prompily pay when duc �hc. �°-`
<br /> I:' -=-
<br /> pdncipal of and in�errsi on�he debt uvidenctd by�he Note and any prepaymem nnd Ime charg�s due under�he Nnto. .c:--..r;
<br /> 2. Fnnds for'C.axes and L�surnnm. Subjcct io applicaliie Imv m�n n wrincn waivcr 6y Lender. Dorrm��cr shall pay io �i,�fs-'r_
<br /> m:�er
<br /> Lcndcr on ihe day mooilily payments are duc under ihc Nota antil Uic hnte Is paid in full,a sum('�unds')for.(n)yrarly Iazes ,--
<br />�= and nucssmcros xfiich ma atwin riorit over t6is Sccurit Instrumcnt as a licn an�6c Pm cn :(6) cari IcucholJ � nums �f�"'-
<br /> Y P Y Y P Y )' Y F�Y 7�:.°r-==•:.
<br /> or ground rcnts on the Pmpeety,if any:(c)yrarly ha�ard or propeny insurence preminms:(J)yearly Ilaad insunnce premiums. °'r''--".
<br /> if any:(e)yeady nwngage inwrance prtmiunu, i(any: and(D any sums payable 6y Borrox�er�o Lender, in acmedance x�ith tj�.,�,
<br />= tF.c proxisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the{a�•mcr.l of mongagc Insu�ancc prenuums.'fhese icems are called'Escmw[tenu.' �';,;,•;_:�
<br />- Lemfer nuy, at any tima,mllect and hotd Funds in an amount no� to eameJ tl:e inuimum a:`munt a leiulrr for a focierally --
<br /> rclated man a e Iwn m� rc mrt for FSottoxei s cscro�r accoum under tF.e fc�teral Real Fs�ate Seiticn:ent Procedures Act af ���'-�"��
<br /> B S Y `9 ' , .���a,,.
<br /> 1974 as ametxled from tin�:ro time, I7 U.S.C. Sectian 2GOl rt req. 1'RESPA'),unless aaothtr law�ha�applies tu We�urd� �'+.-°��`
<br /> r1.,^::.
<br />_ u�s.lessrr amount. IC m, LeeMer m�y, at any time, rnilxi and hoid �urds in an amount not m exceeef tEc lexscr sm.�mt. s_��:;-
<br />-._ Lender nuy es�ielute tt�amount of iLnds due on�he bacis of current data a�reasonable es�inutes of expendituns aF Yziwm �;�i��-:z':.
<br /> 8scrow Itcros or othc�u�isa in accordance with appiliablc la�v. �';F:�;:
<br /> 'Ihe �unds s6a11 bc hcld in an ins�iwtion nfiose dcposi�s arc insund bq a federal agency, iminmcemaiity,ce emity �<`L"'-�
<br /> fe,,:�r_
<br />- (induding Lcndcr,if Lcndcr is such an instiw�ion)or in any Pcderal Hame Loan Uank.Lender shall npply the�unds w pzig�he ��S%,.';,--��.
<br />-_ Cscrow Itenu.Lender may not cha�e 6nrm�cer for holding and applying die Funds,annuat[p unalyzing�he exrow-r.cc7�im,or :�;-:;�;"`--
<br /> �'erifying�he fscrow Items, uniess Leuder pays ilnrtower interes�on the�unds anJ appli.;&te la�v pertni�s Lender to maYr sud� =;j'�r;-
<br />�- a c6arge. Ilo�rever, Lender may require Qorto�acr io pay a onr�ime charge for nn independenl rcal c.tue aat reponir.g service ;�j,t�s'-';'
<br />. used by I.ender im m�necilon wi�h �his Iwn, uakss npplfcabie law provides othernisa UNecs r�n :Lrtemem is m�de or =.;':ii:tit.
<br /> applicabic law rcquircs tmems�m be pald. Lender shall not bc rcquircd to pay Qorro�cer any imcres�or earnings on�i:e i�uads. �j�!��-�-
<br /> Ibrrower and Lender ma � nt in wri�in Iro�cever,tha�in�eresl shall be ald on �he ftmA,.Lender shall rce to Rxn.-+aer, '�ll`"'.-
<br /> Y•8 6. P S ),�;f�:�.�,-
<br />�- without charge, an annuzl acmuming of the�unti�,sho�cing crcdits nnd debi�s�o �he �n�Ws and U�e puqwu for wt:i�.a exh ;�..,•„�
<br /> ' debit to the Fund.w:as madc.i ne ivnds am p(.cig.a as uudi�ianai securiry tor alI sums xccnrcu by this Security insuumem. ��t•; .
<br /> If tl�e Funds hdd 4y Lender exemi�im amaunts pemii�led to be heid by applicable Imv, Lender sh:dl uccoum�o Darro�ca 'v�• _�
<br />- (or the exeess�mids in acmrdxnce with�he rcquirenxms of npplicable law. It�he nn:ourtt o(tF.e�unds hcld by LenJer at any '��f'-��--`
<br />_ ,u;•:.:�::
<br /> Iime is no�sufficient io pay�hc E>:c,w I�enu a�hen due. Lender may so no�ify Rorro�eer in urating,nnd,in such case Oorrow�er ;7,;p:.:.
<br />- s6all pay m LcnJer�he amoum u.atssary �o make up�hc daficizrny. Ourrower ahall uuke np�hc dcficicncy in no nmre than 11t1:t�=��;
<br /> nrelve monddy paymrn�s,a� Lender's so!e discrc�ion. �--�F
<br /> Upon paymcm in full of ail sums s��cureJ by thi+ S�turiiy Insuumcnt, LcnJcr shall pmmpdy rcfunJ to f3urrowcr any y` S r,`
<br /> �unds held by Lender.I(,under parugraph?I,lxnJer shall acyuirc nr sell�6e Propeny, LenJer,prior io�he acquisi�ina or u!e � : .
<br /> ot the Property, shall apply un�•�mids hclJ by l.enJer m the timc of:�ryuini�ion or aate as n creJit ugainst�he sunu taurnl by '�S_---
<br /> �his Securi�y Instmmcm. ��::�`��:::--
<br /> pP Y PP P N•Y Y W S P ,�r,�.:.�
<br /> 3.A Ilrntlon of Pe ntcnls. Unless a lica6le la�v fOY1JC5 OINI'RVjSC.8II ��ments rcccired b Lcrtdcr under m ro hs f,���>,;.
<br /> . I nnd 2 shall be app(ied:firc�.�o any phpaynknt chages due under�he�ote:!econJ.�o nmoums pay�a64 urAer pamgraph 2: 'i;k:"`.
<br />- l6ird.Io Intcresl dut:fa�nh.lu principal Juc:and laa,lo any laic charge�dne nr.dcr�hc Nolc. �?'�r'�;'(�,
<br /> 4.Cha�ges;I.iens.6ormw�cr shall pay all mxes.tuacssmem�, chargex, fins anJ imposition>aRribulable m the Property i:,�'c}z_'
<br /> '�:,1 -
<br /> which may.uain prioriq�ovcr thie Stturily Inslrumcni, anJ lea�thald paymer.�s or ground rcms, if any. Qorrowcr shall pay ,�...,`�,
<br />- thesc obliga�ions in tht nunncr proviJeJ in pxraemph 2,ar if nm paiJ in ihat manncr.Omrnu�cr s6all pay them on�inu dfnrtly :. _'..-.
<br /> io the penon o�rcA pa�nxm. Qorro���cr shall pramp:ly Wmi.h to IxnJer all notices af amoums�o lu paiJ undcr this paragmph. �'��'{��:`-
<br /> If Qorrow�cr makrs ih:•a paymenb dirc�ily. 8�.rtnv.rrsh:dl pmmpil�•(umi.h m lwnder reccipis evidencing�he p�yntems. `�._�.�_;:__-
<br />� Dorrow�er shall prnmptiy dixhargc any litn which ha�priorily orcr�hi.Sarurily In.lnimcnl unletis Uorro���er: (a)agrces in =''=.�
<br /> �ariling lo ihc payn:eN af Ihe nblig��ion+ecuml b} �hc lieit in:i inanncr aatplablc�o lxndcr.�b�contc�is in g�ud fai�h�hc licn ;?`"-.
<br /> bY. or dcfcnJs apaina cn(orccmc.�� nf ih. lirn in. kg;d �m�crcJin�. �chich in �hc I.cndcr'. opinion opera�r w prcrent �ht ��'`���.��:
<br /> enfnrctment o(lhr litn:or(c)sttura Gnm�F2 ho!Ctr uf Ihc liCn an agrrcm:nl.:ili.faanp�to Iwnd.r.uMrtJinating�hc lien Io .�,n°..
<br /> Ihis Seeuritp Inslrunx•nL If IwnJer dclennint.�h;it any pan nf�he Prnpen. i..ubjcat la a licn�d�ich r�.n avain prinrily orer - �
<br /> Ihis Scruriq�Insuum.m.lAndcr m.�y giw IArtru�ccr a nn�im id.n;ifyinE�Lr Gcn. Uurro�ccr.hall.ati.f� R�c licn�+r�alr nuc nr ��5`'�:-"--..
<br /> more of Ihe aclinns set(onh aM��r u nhin I U Ja�•.af thc grein�.d r,oiim. •��••`:'
<br /> Fo�m 303II 9i90
<br /> o.n+oc
<br /> �Qf. • _.
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