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<br /> � .t S �� �� 8'�'-.
<br /> t l. .. - _ . . ,S ' t - • a � , a i-: . :
<br /> ,. � ' �. ..''' ' ' .� �c. ' _ } �T .O � . .�.
<br /> } �a1 - - r.' . . . . _ f.ti . . � . F �
<br /> i. . _ � J.%�rt ��. �a�.. - ct :� . S '. '< . , •,� . � r �^iT . .:, f ;y c. �.,
<br /> ' - f r . �, �1�='S•—v� z� A F.- 'i, � �� :.4 � S 1 _ _.:'2'�5:.. e.S.<,. ` .rp.
<br /> ,`' 1' -'� _t ... � -._. 6 �...............���...�__.�.�.V�._.__.._..�---- _1.....__CL .a_.�...._f..�.:.,..r_..t _ ,� _.
<br /> . � .��'_ -� ���:_
<br /> �_ ' ' �.� � - . " .�x -
<br />' � • ! COYBtAtNTS �� ���°�� `
<br />�.t.�... .'`.f ` ..;C ` t t
<br /> 1. �sytaaflm. Bomrwer a�aes to mJke e�1 paymer� on dte eedtted debt when due. Uniesa Barrowar snd Lender agree otAemise. anlr ' ��:
<br /> . . • paymgnt�lsnder reeeives irom Bonower or ot r BortowePs banafit un11 6e appliad first to anY emaunb Bortawer owas an the sac�¢ed QeDt ••,• �
<br /> ' exctusitre ot Mmrest or prindpat.seeond to interest.and thetf to prindpa4 If peTtiel prePaYmerrt of the sewred debt oeana tor any reasoo,it will
<br /> . " not raQueo cr exa¢e Bs�Y�gQ D��1P��eaure�Cnbt is Oald in tull. 4
<br /> ; as�
<br /> � . s� s�•' • .' ��.c:.i � .
<br /> .. • Z.�ss Q�t �@orrowerl i�BV�I3a�s. sssmarrts.and other oharges eRtributaLte to tna property when d�re and wifl dsfena titte `.�:
<br /> • , � t o tl s e p r a�eg inst�iltiMr�3lius� �+ �e n o f t h i a d e e�o t O v s t.l.e n d s r m a y r e�u i r e B attower to essi g n an Y d 9 nts,cfaims or . .
<br /> � u �
<br /> • . Qe4ensee Q v�►�ai�►�8 a�lA�'v4h supptY 18bor ar mateda[s to impmve or ma�t�tein the properiy. , ,
<br /> �. �. , .
<br /> •�� a�ue�.eonower wwm tesv mg o�ovetnr�surea unae,c�aeoe��e w�enaer as eoROwers e�ense ana ror�enaers tie�rr.au �. . . .
<br /> . „ �eo poGefes shell ineG�de e smM�rd martsd8fl etauso in favor of LenGer.Lender wflf be nama�i as toss OaYee os as tAe insured on erry such - � .. ,
<br /> � ``�� a m th sean�ed QeyCt.Mi�nd i%4uUea martgege�instiwan�,�Borra�w�t�e�a��cr aia io��cl��in�anee���tong as Le�nder re���A� : •,?
<br /> . ..� ,:
<br /> -`_ �•�-��� a,�Sty.8anor�er+an7!keeQ ttre psoPerty in flood eorsdition and mete eu repa'as reasonaEty neeessary. _`�.5 ' ,� _.: _'
<br /> - . . 1 --' cJ:-,�,.. -.
<br /> � 6.E�ens6e.Bortow�e�re�eas to p aii LendEtt's espanaos.inslading teasanable attamsys'taes.�Borrovrer breake any eovenants in this Qeed . .,._ '
<br /> �, � �� of trust or in tury oAtigauon seaued�tt�is daed ot trust.Baaower wiU Qay tfiese amow►ts co Lertdet as provided'm Covenam 9 0!UUS deed of - �
<br /> � .. -.`::`<} �+S!- .. , .. . .
<br /> , _ ':3 &Rdm S�a�fN 6t�sb.UnQess Battower fust oEtains Lender's vurirtten eonsent. Botrower w��at makg or permit any changes to anll Orior : , .•
<br /> - seauity irtteresis.Botrower wHl Rertarm atl af Borramv's obligations under a�sy prior martgage. Qeed ot trust ar other seeurity agreemenL
<br /> . ' � .� inetuding Boaawer's covenants to mako paymerrts when Que. �'-�;`•'^
<br /> .c'
<br /> ..`�` � ' - 7.f�sst o!ReiRs arte Rofrts.Borrower aSStgns tn Lender 1Ae rertts and pro£rts of ths property.Untess Borrower and Lender have agreed . .
<br /> • in mifJng.Bortower may Coitect and ret8b►the rerhs es tong as 6ortower�s noT in defauSL If Bortower defaufts,Lender,Lendefs ,;� '`%
<br /> . agert.or a eoun eADoimed receiver may take possessia�and rtsanage the DiaPenY and cotlect the rerAs.An}I rerts Lender co�ec�s!w[I be �:
<br /> � e00�ed fitst to ttte wsts of m tne,ncoO�Y.�dumng eouat costs and et�meYg tees.commfssions to rertbal_a9erns.artd anY athe► �
<br /> � . necessarN�efamd e�enses.7he$nig� ffino�mt of rerrts will thon eppiy tn paymer�on tffe seaned debt as pravided m Covenant 1. _ .,:.:.:.
<br /> � 8.LeaaettaMs'CartEae�tnIwn�a:Ptm�d Itr.ti Qav�sm.Bortowsr agrees t�o wmpty wNh the provlsions of arry Isase if this deed of bvst is on .� �f�-
<br /> `�`' e(easehotA.{f this desd of trusS Is an a unit in a eortdommium ar a R�anneo unit developmert,Harrowet wc'D perform atl aE Borrower's Quties; ; .F...t '`"
<br /> . •urtder d�e cavanmMS.hydav�s,or regu4'►ttnns af tAs wmdomfnium or ptanned unit develapmerR. f �. <,, +�;.:
<br /> . 8.�rfty af latffinr�0 9�form tar Borrawar.N Bmrawer tads to ertarm any of Bortowars duUes ander tnds deed ot uust.lend�may d`' r ���
<br /> pertann ths duties or eause them to bs performed.LenQer may sign�orrawars name a pay any amaurt if rtecessary for performanw.ft arry Y "`
<br /> ' c��ucHnn aa thepro is d'iseo��or noi earried on in a reasonaE:e mannes.lender may do wiwtevar is nacessary w protect Lende�s ',�
<br /> '. - seeurity Inte�t in tri��oraperN.This msy induCa eomat�tine ths cor�suuctton. . '.,
<br /> .;c.r
<br /> '� ,-°•---- .- - Ler�ders taiture to perfarm uvID not preduda LenQet irom exerdsing eny of Its otfi�r rigt�wdar the law or this deed ot trust �`��?'>1
<br /> �� Amr ameurtts pafd by Lertder to pmteet LendeYs seatrity irtmrest xdtl be seaued by ttiis daed of bvst SucA amoums wdi bs dua on demaad ''�.•'��'� , �. �;' !=`*
<br /> � • " 8nd vual bear irRerest ftam the det9 of the GaYmeM until pald itt t�d18t tltB iM�est rat9 in eNect ott the Seeured debt �;%'.' r:.;;;.. �
<br /> +�' �,„,. . ,;�;,s.t�'
<br /> ��.�� 10 Osfat�[m�/leeet�mtton. If Bmrowet taits to make enY DaVment wAen Que or breaks a�ry covenarts�mdar this deed ot trust m arry � ��`'
<br /> � obGSation secured by thts deed of trust or arry�icr mortgage or Qeed af trwt.LenQu may aceeferate the mat�aity o!tRe seaued debt and �'.. `n`s�y==,
<br /> — Aamand immediate OaVment and may invoke the power af sate en0 enY other remedles parmitted Dv eAAlieaDte taw. �F,��y; I� f
<br /> . , . d",;`.:._'::�5�.
<br /> .� ~ 11. ReWtsst far RoEse at QefmGt k is hereby tequested that copies o!the nat3ees of QefaWt an�safe ba sem to each person who is a party _ • �'�
<br /> � hereto.at the address of ead�sueA person,as set fortA Aerefi. � ,. .��.:
<br /> ° � . �;�:; 1 2.P o�e r o 1 8�s.t f i h e L e n d e r tr rv a k e s t h e p o w e t a t s a f a,t f►a T n a t e s s h a 0 f L r s t s e c o M i n f h e a H f w a E t f s�r e�s t e r o f d e e Q s o f e a c A c r r u m Y �_'?{. �� f
<br /> , - . wherein th9 trust DroPeRll or sama part or pateet thereo4 is sftuated a rmtioa of QafatRt eoMaiNng tAe frt[�rm�tlon raq�tired bY taw.Ths 7NStea :':-��.__,:__
<br /> • Sha19 GIsO ma0 coples of the�otte9 of defauFt to the Burrowet.to each p�son who is a party hereto.ac�to ather persons es prescribed bY -: , .'�'•,,,�._...,.._
<br /> • aDM�le taw.Not toss than ona moRth after the TnisLee teoaNa tAa natice of defauh,or two montha if tha trust pmperty is not in arry �' �_
<br /> inoorporatad ciry or viilagB ecrd m used in farming operations carr�ed on by tne trusLOr,the Trustee shail givB p�Gc natia�,vf 6ale ta,the persons t�� s"
<br /> and in the manner prescri6edby apyAfieab(e taw.Trustee,witheut demand on Bortower.&t�il se0 the property et pu6lic:auztion to the hlghest ', f`
<br /> -'s" . tr f d Q e r.l i r e q�i r e d b y t h e F a r m H o m a s t e a d R o t e c t i o n A d.T n�s t e a s h a i l ofter t t►e p z o p e r t y 6�two se p a r a t e safes as re�r e d bY aDDticeWa taw. ,r=i�' �`�
<br /> ' Tn�stee rtfay�ac�ane 8ale o!aD ar a�ry p�ce!of tDe property Oy public anncuncement as the'dme and piaee af arry previausty scAe6ut6d sate. �,
<br /> . l e r t d e r o r i t s�e m a y p u r e h a s e t he pro g e rt y et a r ry aete. . ;�:z.-,'�... �"-
<br /> r.._...
<br /> � . • Upon ncefat ofp�yme rn ot the price 6td.TrusteB shaU deliver to tha purchaser Trustee's deed conveying t�h�e propeny.The reehiats corttained in ,+��Y:°''�
<br /> ' . TrusteB's dee0 shaU b0 prima fae�evldiance ot the vuth of the statements corrtatneA therein.Trustee anan aDA�1l ihe proceeds of the sale tn the � ;�
<br /> 7 �' toftowing oMer. leS to aU c�enses of ths eate, inatuding, but not limited to, reasaaabfe Trustee's fees, reasonable attomays fees end • ---
<br /> '•' '• ��.:� teTrsstamment fees,(b)to ell sums sewred by this deed of trusL and(c)the batance,ff any,ta tfis persons IegaUy entided to�eceive it _r� _-
<br /> '! ��� "� ,^� 13.Fareeto�ae.At lender's option,this Qeed of uust may De forectosed in tAe manner provlQe by applicabta law for toredosure of mortgages �•�s�,��.
<br /> t /es�. � 4 M
<br /> N � ���I,.�1*,�i ,�' �n���Q�• � . .'.
<br /> ,." :,��f#v�Z'�``�� �: t4.tnsoaeBon.l.endes may e�rter the prnp�t to Inspect it ft lender gtves Bortower nottee bstorehartd.The notice must stete tfie reasonabts :F•_-:
<br /> ' '� � cause for I.endera hispocdon.
<br /> �:��:. -- : —
<br /> "• 16.ConQ�rcu�attan.Borrower asaigns to lender the proceeds of any awar0 or daim tor damages oonnecteA w1tA a eondemnation or otl��taktng _
<br /> � r.•k of eU or arry Dart•of ths pmQemr.5ueh proe�eQa will be apB&ed as proviaed in Covenant 1.This ass}gnmeM is subject trs the terms of arry prior
<br /> -� � � r-•� CP.'Mn11E�eE7fls11L , �.`+
<br /> �
<br /> • � 18.Yl�iv�li'fi�ercising azty�emg�y avallable to tenQer,Lender daea myt�;I+re up arry righta to tater use amI othar remedy.By not�ing "'"''�
<br /> arry�ome6y+�nl3orrower8 defauft,LenQer does nat wahre any�ight u L�c consider tha eveM e Qetautt it it happans again. , ; --
<br /> r . 17. Jdrtt sn0 Se�rerel t�i1�,Co�Ortara: Suecassca�mr.�Assi�Ecim�.AQ dudes unQer tlUs deed of oust are joirtt and eeve►a1.Any �, ` _--
<br /> ; 2omower wfio oosigns us� �3tsed of Lrust trut do�.a n�t ce.s:9n Ute undar(v1ng Qebt inatTUmom(s)daes so anty to grar►t and eomrey that •
<br /> ' `. Bonowo►'s ittterest in tt�e fS�t�ty to the Tqustee�ander�m�trr•ms of this QceQ oi trust.lyr adlfsNCn,such a Bortower agrees that the Landa►and �
<br /> �:;,.:- � ar�y othe�BoROwer under�+y.:��ced of Vru-�t:�ay extend,m�ty ar make eny other�tr��m ths terms o!thts Qeed of trust or tAa sec�ed , , .
<br /> � � `'i.1�+�4'•Y•, Qabt whhout thut BorrowePS conserit ar.d:wid�eut teteasing that 8orrower nom tha terms o�tdUs deeC at uust. • , .
<br /> ,.,,��y;�i�. . `;•:��• .
<br />-_ ,�;��f�?,,�, : Tha Qutias and Eenafits ot this Qeed of trusC:.'hail bind and Qenetit the successors and assigna of LertdEr�+d Bortower. • "��„��;�.
<br /> �� ,� 1A Natlee.UNess othervvise requtred by law,any noUee to Barrower sha116a givan Ey delivering it or by meil'ing it by ee�tifted mail addressed to ' •
<br /> ' ' Bonowar.at the propsrN aS�sa or arry�other address that Borrower has gtvan to Lender.Borrower vmil gi�e anY rrotiee t�Lende►by ceitifled . .. --
<br /> H
<br /> _ • ! maU to LenCer's adQress astm¢e 1 0!thla deed of truv�t.or to arry other sddresa whicfi lendor has dasignrrted.Any mher nottce w LenQer shaU _
<br /> �� • be sent to I�ndefa aQ�esa sea§tated on page 1 ot this deed of trust. ""
<br /> � . • � , Arry notico drafd t�Qaemed to have been glven to BoROwor or LeMer wAen given in the manner stated above. � � . .
<br /> — . . ' 19.T�fmr oltl�e Praperiy ar e BeneBdaf Intmeat tn the Bsrrower.If eU or arry part of the pronertv or emr irrtoreat in it is ofd ar vmicJaecc3d . �, . ,
<br /> �i4
<br />_�-- without Len+dePa O��or written xnsent, Lender may demand immediate paymertt of tRe se�vred dabt. Lender may also �emand lmara�lfate
<br /> . .
<br /> == " ' payment it the Borcowor is r,at a natwaf person an3 a dc3nefleial irrterest in the 6onor�er is sotd or transtetted. However, lender rr�ay aGt
<br /> "_ • • demand paymeirt trt the aEo�situationa if it is pralLiusd Gy federal Iaw as of ffie date oi Cvs Qeed of trust. �. � '. �
<br /> 2�. RCeaetuuymtte0.VYhen the obiigaUan st�a:raB D�this deed o!mrst has boun pald and Lender has no furtt:er obligeUon to make advancea '
<br /> � unQer tAo inatmrrtarro ar egreements sep:rQd OY this deed of trust, the Trusiae shalf upon writte��e7�st by the Lender,reeomrey tha trust .. �
<br /> - � property.The Lender st�tl delhrer to tAe Ec►rowe►,or to Bonower'6 suceessor in interest,the trust deed and the note or other evidente of tlfe , ,
<br /> • . � � atrt�gation so sadsfied.Bortower sha11 pay any recordation eosts.
<br /> _ � � � 21. Suceossar Tmstno. Lender, at Lenders opt3on, may remove Trustoe and appo:nt a suceessor trustee by Hrst, maiting a eopy of the �� �
<br /> subsUmBon o1 trustee as raQutred 6y appiicahte faw,and thon,bV tiiln�tho eubstitution of trustne tor recmd in Ufe offlee of tfie register of deeds _ •.,
<br />-- � � • o!oach eavntl►in whteh the trust praperN.or somo part thereoT,is s�tuated.TAe sueeeasor trustee,withaut comsyanee o!the property,shati • '
<br /> - � sueeead to ell the power.duNes,authortry an0 titte of the 7rusteB�amod in tho dced o!trust and of any sueeessor trustee. :
<br /> _� . ' rpage?ol?I . .. . �
<br />� " . . . . BAWIIEASSYSTELiS.WC-.ST-ClOUD.liR�683D1�t�8�0997•P36U FCilm OCPLtfOt�8119A1 . .
<br /> '• . .�
<br /> , • `i. ,
<br />