`�-_'� .`-aY��4i� �v".r .4� . _ --:�iJ'• - -=sss',.:.`�_._. �-_b;.,"'_nr `� �'
<br /> ` y� �� ,_�_,.` - ., - _ , -""'� s` 't y 5�f c^�- -� ' -,L =—-� � � . .
<br /> „• �,, ��;..;' �i� - � � ' - ��t� c �>���� ...t - .. - .
<br /> . t
<br /> "-� �
<br />- -:l;d_ � ,;K.. ,.t•��1_ n ' " t.:`-�� . .S_. .,-�c. ,�-� � +
<br /> .�: S.r•: > > - t e _
<br /> . •�_,:-•.n-
<br />-- ' "�:�
<br /> �
<br /> � � r�'_
<br /> vl t-�` ' � � 1 .�
<br /> ��, `� •p�oeeds�in oonnect[on with condemnatian or othar tsking ot the Piroperty or part tHeraot,or for con�anoe in tteo oonderrsnation.
<br /> �,�,. ..-:,::•��i::
<br /> :., K=����;_". Lender shall be entitted at tts apUon eo commenoa.eAP�ar In en0 prosecuUa in its rnvn nama a�y adion or prateedings�end s�aU so 5.��:
<br /> be erditted tr�make ar►y�mprom(se ov settlemert in c�onnection with such taNtn9 ar damage.tn the event arry portlon oi INe PropeRy is �r.�,;a=
<br /> . -�(t� so ta�cen or damaged.tsnder shall havs tlte opti�on tn tis sote and absolute disaetion.ta applY alt such pcacee6s. aRsr deducting �`� `
<br /> . n
<br /> °`` Merefrom a0 c�and e�enses inwrteA b1►it[n aonnedion vlitt►sucb Pcaeeeds.uDon any inQeDt2dness secured hareby and in such t�,%�;
<br /> •� . at}such Praoseds.afber suci►deduc�lons.to the r�estoraUon o!trie Property upon sudrmo- - h.;.
<br /> � �' ober as Lender may de0emilne,or tQ apptY resto
<br /> . .1`;�� ' ditians as tertder may deffimtina My �Fpf�ian ot Rrooeeds to ir►deDtedness shall nat e{�d or postpane the dua�ate of any pay-
<br /> ' rt�nts uMer tha Note.or cure a+'►y default tffareundar or hereunder.MY��PPU��rtds shatt�e paid fla Tnistor. : .
<br /> •'�.� ��_��'f�` 8.Pes(ormunes b�l Leader.tlpon tRe oaurrertoa oi an Event of Qefault hereunder,or it any act is taken or te�l praceeding �-�. F_
<br /> ' �'� : cammencad which matedady afPects Lentlers tnierest in the Property.Lender may in its otim d'urdetian.bat without obtigation to do so. r�.�,..'-
<br /> ' t ';:,.�c . and w�hout notice to or demand upon Tnu�-tor and wi4fioat releasing TrusUor from any obUgatlan,do any act wfiich T[ustot tras agreed _�=; ti
<br /> ., �.� -
<br /> �' �'''Y�^�''• � but ie8ed to do and may aiso do aTry otTeer act it daems necessary to protact 11►e securi[y:h3r�ot TnisOor shail.immediafetyr upon .,�^. ;
<br /> `` ,-`���--'--.� demanQ therefm by Lender.RaY tolenQer ai!eesis and e�anses ineurte d a n d s u m s e�e n d e r t 4 y L e n d er i n conneclion v�tlh theexe� _
<br /> – -- dse lsll tender of tt,e foregang dghts.to$ether wItA interas!thereon at tl�e Qefiault rat�provided in the Nats.which sha11�e a.dded to "`_z',;,
<br /> • the k�QehLemness seruoed hereby.Lender shall not incur any Ra6iiity trecause of anyWng a may Qo ar omft to Qo l�reur�der. . �--"
<br /> . . . 9.�ns�rfais.Tn�for shall keep the Props�ly in comp�iance witl►afl app�cabte Iav�s.ord'u�ances and regwlations
<br /> ' ' refatirtg W industrial hygiene or envtsanmentai Protet�om(aoltectivay referred Eo herein as`Environmental Laws�.Tnr�tor shalf tc�eg ',:.�;
<br /> •,1. :• Me Pmperty fre8 tram aU substances deertted to be hamtdous ar Umda umder any Env�omnenhaR t,aws(�Itectivehl� Oo herein ;.�Y;,,�:
<br />� " as'Ha�daus Materiats�.Trustar hareby�rarranis and repsesents Lo Lender fhat thECe are no Hazalloas MaUeriais on or under the _....�
<br /> P►operty.Tnsstcr hereby agrees to indemniry and hold haantess f.ender.its diredars,of8cers.empioyees and agents,and eny sua�s-
<br /> ,;�r;a�_,:
<br /> . `.'.*';�:'' sors to Lenders inffirest.from and against arry and a11 daims,damaBes.[osses and I'iat�lities arising in connection vrdh tl�e presenoe.
<br /> . .:•`� � REPRES :..' .`:
<br /> � ' , �:.:; RECONVEYANCE OF THIS O�Q3 OF TRUST_ i.er►Qer a seatrity interast in.atl pteseN,fuWre and -
<br /> :::?�r 10.Assigtet�ern oi��.tnisror heceby assf�s tn Lertder.•and granfs .
<br /> sm
<br /> . • after ar�sing rents.tssues and Dtvf�of tha Propedlr.PraviQed that Trus6or sha(1.untit ths oaxurenoe af an Event at Defauit.heteunder,
<br /> ' have the tt�t�o oe�.and r�tain su�rents.iss�.�es arsd proflts as they��caM.a.due and payabte.UpoR t�a accurrertcs of an EveM oi -
<br /> . •; ��,''; �: Reiau0.L;ender ma+J.e'��'et i�Person or by agent,vr�or without bdnging any action or praoeeding,C��I►a reoeiver appainted by� ,,,:
<br /> -. ;;R."-:�="��:-: oou�t and withaut reqar��the�equacy►ofita s�►.enffif upon and take P�sesstan of tha ProDeKY,.w anY P�thareof.in its awn . .-
<br /> � :;}1�:', -:;:�:.:.�--.` nams ar in the aame of the'�t.i�a�e.and do any ads whiCf►it itesms necessary or desirabte to presenre the vat�e.markefaD�itY or �•;.'_�..�:
<br /> ...,.,w,.,.: ::,,. � renmb�"ily of the P�operty.or any part fhereof or tnterest the�i►t:4�to inaease the irtcatste:t�aetefrom or proffid tha s�ttrit�►hereoi and
<br /> . , ,","•,�,�'; . urfitlti or withont taking passession of the Properiy.sua for or o�ervdse aotled tfis rents.is3c:es and prafits the9eof.inc�v�ing those gast . . :
<br /> - . �"'� due ar►d unpald,by rtotitying tena�+ts to maSce payments w Lender.L.endes may apply rents.issues and prnfits.tess oasts and e�en� _v;;``���
<br />. • • •-�'��T'"L':" ��operation arM colteaion fnduding atncrosy's tees.t�anY inde6tednet,s seared Itareby.a(I in such oNer as Lender�nay deter- �: :_�':' __
<br /> - ;ri '=�.: mine.Tha entefiig upon and taktn9 Dossesston af tAa ProPeriY.ttte coUectlon of such renLs.issuss and prafits.and fRe appGcaBOn �
<br /> �_:::.��;
<br /> �� �� triereot as a°Taresaid st�atf nat aJm9 or waive an1►detault or no6ce of default hereunder or invattdate any ad dons in�espor�se ro such �_.; .
<br /> . ':_.�'}. . dsiautt ar putstrat�t tu sud��s�tica of defa�(t anA.noflnnihstar.ding the cantinuance in possession n1 tt�e property or the calteetlon. , i1r
<br /> ,:. :; �:�Ar;
<br />.. � _ :t.:;::,.� �+eoeipt and appi[catIon of rer�.(ssues or pmfits.Trustae aad lender shati be entitled to exerdse every dgM pmv�ed fr.r in a o� �
<br /> �-; : Loan tr�struments or tiy Iaw npon ooairtence af any Event oi Oefautt,inctw�rtg wit�out tim�tation t�e dg�!�e�rdse 4tts Powe �;
<br /> , . •.� ; �:�':.� Furtlter.Lendefs rights and remedies under this paragraDh shaD 6e cum�tFa6vs with.and in no way a S�nWition on.lendePs rt�b� � ��_=
<br /> " .. . � resrte�ies under arry assignrneat�f teases and rents ceoorded agalnst tl�e Ffioperly.Len�t.Tnjstee asad�:e reoeiv��.9�lia�&� �;;,
<br /> . •,(,.
<br /> ��' aceount only for thase renis ac�aRy reoetved '�•._'
<br /> • "` 11.Eve�af Qeiautt.The fi¢mv�ng shail oonstidite an�rent oi Default undertfti�,Qaad of Yrust . � .:�.�:
<br /> . �� .
<br /> '` `<<�,� (aj Fr�lcip�tn pay any instattment oi prindpal or interest or any other sum seeured hereby vrhen due; �;;;::�
<br /> . ,. . � , . (b)A�c1�ot or detauR unQer arry provisJon contained in the No4e.ihts Qeed of Tnist.any of fhe Loan tnstruments.or ar+y �ri,•-
<br /> � �• other lien or encumbrance upon the Piroperty: w�.�
<br /> � � � (c)A wrtt of executton or adachmes�t or arry simitar process shaii 6e erdered against Tn�stor vfiicA sfiall beoome a lien on ��,�
<br /> � � � tha ProA$1ryY or arry purtlon thereof or interest therein; !�'"'"
<br /> 1
<br />. � {�Ther�shall be filed by ar against Tn�r or Borrower an action under arry pr�ent or future tederal,state or other shatute. _u_,
<br /> �• faw or�t�tt+an retatfng to baniwpt�y.insotvenaY or ather�elief forrS3btora:or thare ahaft�e appoU�Led ertiY busbee.receIver or __
<br /> � aquida�c�'i'ivsto►or Borrower ar oi ait or anyr part oi the Pr6Dertsl:�t��e�ents.tssues or profrts thereoi.or Tnistar or Bomawer
<br /> � , .sha{{mafa��rry generai essignment for the benefit of txedito� -
<br /> (e)TAa saie,transfer.lease. assignment,camByance or turd�iar c�ncumbras�a of aU or arry paR oi or any inierest in B►e
<br /> • Propercy.efther votuntaAty ar(nvotuntartty,wlthout 1he express wrEt�t eansent ntl.knder.provtded that Tnrstar shall be p�rmit � -
<br /> . ..::.'� ` ted tu execute a tease ot the PropeRy that Qoes not oontain an opt!cct,ta purcha�ie and the tertn of whid►Qoes not exoeed one _-__
<br /> ���� �
<br /> ���. �4,�'��.� fl At�n�sonment oithe Property;or �' r'
<br /> 7" (g)Ii Fr,rstor is not en indlvIdual,the issuance.sate,transter.assi men�wrneyance or enaimDranoe ot more Uian('d a
<br /> r����+'a'`�.:... ..:`....f g" �,�_-.__.
<br /> ::,f:;�. ...�. aorporatir,nti�totat of pecoen t o i i t s issue d a n d o u t s t a n d i n g s t o c k.o r(H a p e�e�s A i p)a t o t a l a f p e r-
<br /> cent of p�tr:$rship ir►terest�.or(if e Umited liabiliry campany)a talal of — percent at the 8mit�ed Oabilityr oemp� ��y�,+;
<br /> °�� rry hnera�or vating rights dudng the pedod ttils Deed oi Tnist remains a I�en an tho property. ,
<br /> . � � ��� '<'v�, :� 12.ltet;;cs��;Accmteratton Upon 03tau1L tn Ne event of eny Event ot Oefautt Lender may.without noUoe exaept as required �`'�=_
<br /> � �. � ';` try taw,dertar�i;z indebteMess secumd hereby to be due an0 payable and the same shall U►ereupora Ceoome due snd payable witt� ;r�,;;�,:�
<br /> � or�rmti�presenUnenL demand,protest or noUce M any kfrtd.Tfiereafter I.ender may: `�'� "
<br />� � .�'��. . , � (a)Oemand ihat Ttusteo exercise the POiNER O�r aALE gran�ed herein.and T�usiss sAa11 fhe�r•.�U�3nistofs inter- ����,. ,
<br />-- � est 1n fha Property to be sotd end the proceeds to be dUS7ibuted,aU in tfie manner cu'ovide0ln the Nebraska Tnist Qeeds Act
<br />_ •� � (b)Exercise any and aU dghts provided for in an�r of the Loan tnsUuments er by taw uAcn aaa�rreatce of any Event of
<br /> ' ',;:� .. Oefauft aM .. .
<br /> ' (c)Curnacenee an actlon to toreclose thls Deed of Tnist as a mc►t�qe.aDFoint a reeeiver.ar�eei8calty enfaroe arry at fhe
<br /> ��-. � oaverrantss nereot. ` .
<br />"':.'�t;;:.� �• K�tarrtedy hsrein conferred upon or reserved to Ttustee or t.ereder is imer,Sed ro ee e�Yc�sive oi an other reme herein,in the Loan
<br /> Y � ��''-=:.
<br />:�```�°';'`�' � tnstrumertts or by law provtCed or pertnibtsd.bu!eacA st�t!O�a cumutativve,shall bs in sd�itlnn to every ofher remedy ghra�t hereunder. :�',::,�
<br /> e
<br /> in the Loan Instruments or nu�rv or hereafter exisUng at lav+or in equity or by smwte.end may be exercised c�naurreqtty.independently s;;•,,`
<br /> . � �. or su000sivety. `
<br /> • 13.Tn�steo.The Trustee may cesign a!eny Uma without cause.and I.endermay at any time and vrithaut cause aApoint a su� -+-'
<br /> cessor at substitute Trustee.Tn�stoe shap nat De Ilable to ar►y paRy.inctuding�vltho I(mttAtion LenQer.Bortower.Tru,tor or arry pw .,
<br /> ' • • ,. :, chassr ot the Properhl,for any Ioss or damage untess due to rectdess or w11Kul mtsoonduct.and snall not be required to take any►acA7m� '�s'
<br /> os
<br /> in canne�n�v�h the entorsement oi this Oeed oi Tnist unless indemnifled,in wriUng,tar al castv,campe�►saticn or expanses Nfiir� �`."ij�
<br /> may he assodated therewith.In addidon,Trustea may beoame a pun�aser et arry sate ai the Property(judit�al or under tha power of :
<br /> sale g►ar►teA hereln);postpone t�e sate of ait or any portian of the PropeAy,as provided by law.or se0 the Property as a whote,or in _�„• '
<br /> � . � separate parcets or tats at Tnutee's dis�retton. .-
<br /> ^ �• 14.Fees and EaRansea.ln ihe event Trustee sefts the Praperty by exercise of pawer oi sate.Tnistea shall be entitted to appty
<br /> � � eny sate prooeeds flrst to payment oi sil oosb and expansos M exeroistng powar ot satg.including ail Trustee s tees,and Lenders artd
<br /> •� � T�ustee's attmneys iees, adually inaured to extent patmittod by appiicabte taw.tn the event Borrawer or Tnistar exercdses any dght
<br /> -. ' pmvided by taw to c�ue an EveM of Oefautt,LenQer shall Qs en�Ved to recover from Tnutor ali aosts and expenses actuaf[y incutred as
<br /> � ' a res�ilt of T�r's defaulf,induding without Umitation afl Tmstee s and attnmeys fess,to the extent permittei)by appii�te law.
<br /> ' ' ' ' 15.Futiue Advanema.Upon request oi 6orrower.LenQer may.at iis op�on,make additianaf and Wture advanoes and read-
<br />`�- '':_ •�- ;.•,. �:;`--. vanoes to Barrav�r.Suati eGuanras and reaslvanta�.:a!!s tatcr�i�Er�an.sh3!!he sec�tred by this�ee0 01 Trust At no t3me sl�aU the ,
<br /> � .. � •
<br /> . �. . , . .
<br /> , .. .. . • , . - .r �.ar---��._.._.�.. �.�iy
<br /> __,_��..,..Y_._,-___._.-...-.-•-.T� ..-_ .� .,=
<br /> ...:
<br /> � ,.
<br /> �
<br /> +^_1^^"_'•'_"•♦ ':��T.a 1. t
<br /> ._.-._..�.�.—.�y. .. , . . .. . � . - - . . . .. �+ . . ,... .... . �` �. ,_ _ i. . ,._. .t' .�'t 5 N:. , 1..S-?... �\-�.•w-� 4�:_a• ��3•._..
<br />