<br /> Ai�y applleation of paymeuts, insurance proceeds, or Miscelfaneous Proceeds to principal due under tl�e Note
<br /> shall not extend or posCpone the due date, or cl�auge the amount, oY thc Periodic I'aymenYS.
<br /> 3. l+uuds Yor Escrow Itenis. Borrower shall pay Co Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due under Ihe
<br /> Note, uiitil the Note is paid in full, a sum (the "Funds") to provide Por payment of amounts due for: (a) laxes
<br /> aiid assessments and other iteme which can attain pciority over this Security Instrumen[as a]ien or
<br /> encumbrance on the Property; (U) leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c) premiums
<br /> for any and all insw�ance required by Lender under Section 5; and (d) Mortgage Insurance premiums, if any,
<br /> or any sums pRyable by Boerower to Lendcr in lieu of Yhe payment of Mortgage Insurance premiums in
<br /> accordance with the�rovisions of SccCion 10. These items ase called "Escxow 1Cems," At w�iginatioi�or aC
<br /> viy tiine duting the term oP the Loan, Lencler may cequire tltat Comn�unity AssociaCion Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessroents, if auy, be escrowed by Borro�ver, and such dues, fees avd assessmonts shall be an �scrow
<br /> Item. Borrower sliall pwii�ptly Purnish to Lendec all notices of aniounts to be paid under this Section.
<br /> Borrower shall pay Lender [he Funds for IIscrow Items unlcss Lender waives Borrower's obligation Co pay
<br /> the Funds.for any or all L+serow Items: Lender may waive Roirower's oUlig2tiou to pay to I,ender Funds for
<br /> any or all Esc�row ICems at any time. Any such waiver may only he in writing. In the event of sucl� waiver,
<br /> Bonrower sl�all p2y dlrectly, when and where payable, Ilie amounts due for any 6scrow Items for whicli
<br /> pa�+ment of Funds has been waived by Lender uid, if Lender requires, shall furnislt to Lender receipts
<br /> evidencing such payment within sueh Cime period as Lender may require. Borrower's o6ligatron to make
<br /> such payments and to provide receipts s1i211 fbr xll puiposes be deemed to be a coventmt and a�reement
<br /> conCained in this Secuciry Instrument, ae the phrase "eoven��t aud flgreement" is used in Section 9. If
<br /> Borrower is o6[igated to pay Escrow ltams directly, pttrsuanc to a waiver, and Rorrnwer fails to pny the
<br /> nmount due fox an Escrow Item, Lender may exercise iYS rights under Section 9 and pay such amounC and
<br /> Borcower shall then he obligafed under Section 9 to rcpay to Lender tury sucli amoui7t. Lcnder may revoke
<br /> fhe waiver as to tti�y or all Escrow Items al any time by a notice given ii�accordance with SeeCiou 15 and,
<br /> upon suoh revocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Ptwds, and in such amounes, thaY are tlien reyuirod
<br /> under tl�is Section 3.
<br /> I.ender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount (a) sufficient to permit I,eader to apply the
<br /> Pwtds at Ihe time speciYied under RHSPA, and(b) not to exceed the n�aximum amount a lender c�tn rcyuire
<br /> under RESPA. Lender shall estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis oP eurrent dat�i a�d reasonable
<br /> esCimates of expenditures of futuxe EsoTOw ICetns or otherwise in accoxdance with Appl icable Law.
<br /> The Flands shall be held in an instihi[ion whosc depasits are insured Uy a fedeial agency, insCrumentality, or
<br /> entity (including Lender, if Lender is an institutioo wliose deposits are so Insurcd) or in any Rederal Hc�mc
<br /> Loan Bnulc. Lender shal] apply fhe Funds to p1y tlie Escrow Iten7s no laler lhan the time specified under
<br /> RESPA. Lender shall not charge Borrower for holcling and applying the Tu��ds, annually analyzing the
<br /> escrow account, or verifying the�scrow Items, unless Lender pays Borrower intexest on lhe Funds and
<br /> Applicable Law pennits Leuder to makc such a charg�e. Unless an agreement is made in writing or
<br /> Applieable Law requires interest to be paid o�� Clie Punds, Lender shall noC be required to pay Borrowcr any
<br /> Interest or earnings c�n the Funds, Borrower vid Lender cam agrce in wridng, however, tl�at interest shall be
<br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shall g�ive to Boerower, withouC charge, au auuual necounting of thc Nuncis as
<br /> ccquired by R�,SPA.
<br /> It'there is a surplus of Ftuids 1Teld iz� escrow, as dePincd nnder R�SPA, Lender shxll account to Borrower fm
<br /> Che excess fuods in aceordance �vith RE,�PA. IC lhere ie a shortage of Fuuds held in escrow, as de'fined under
<br /> R�SPA, Lender sl�all notify Borrower as required by RFSPA, and 13orrower shall pay to Le�lder the amount
<br /> necessary to make up the shnrtage in flecordance with RN.SI'A, hut iu no more tlinn 12 inonthly payments. If
<br /> Chare is a deficieuey of Punds held in escrow, as defiaed under RLSPA, Lender shall notify Borrower as
<br /> �_. . � �� za000zet
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sin01a Family-Fannle Mae/F�addio Moc UNIPORM INSTFlUMENT Porm 3028 1101
<br /> VMP� VMP6INEI I1106�
<br /> Wolters 14uwm Flnenoia�Sarviaee Pag�G of 1]
<br />