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201201201 <br /> All insuranoo policies required by Lender aiid renawals of such policics sha11 ba subject to Lender's riglrt to <br /> diaapprove auch policies, shall include a sCa��dard mortgage clause, and shaIl tiame Lender as morCgagcc <br /> aaid/or 1s ui eddilional 10�payea. L,ender shall havo t1�e iight to hold the policics �uid reiiewal certificntec. If <br /> Lender requires, Bonower eha]] promptly give to Lendor all receipts of patid premituns and renewal noCices. <br /> Lf Borrowet obtains any Form of insm�a�7ce coverage, not otherwisc required by Lender, £or d�mage to, or <br /> dest�uction of ilic Properdy, such polioy sh�ll include a standard morCgage clause aod sfiall narne Lender as <br /> inortgngee nnd/or ns vi additional loss payee. <br /> In tha evant of loss, Borrower sliall give�rompt nolice to the insaanceoarrierz�nd L�ider. Lender may <br /> make proof oP loss if not n2ade prompkly Uy Borrower. Unlcss Lender and Boxcower otihenvi�c agree in <br /> writing, viy insurance prooeeds, whethcr or not tihe undetlying insurance was required by Lender, shall Ue <br /> applied to restoi�aCion or repair of tl�e Property, if Che restoration or rep¢ir is eoonomically fe;�siUla aud <br /> Lender's security is nok I<:ssencd. Dm�ing such repair ancl restoration period, Lender shail lxava the right to <br /> liold such incm'tmce proceec{s uutil Lcnder has had an oppor�zu�ity to {nspecti such ProperLy to ensiu�e the <br /> woi9c l�as beon campleted to Lender's sllisfaction, provided that such inepcction e1�a11 be tmdertaken <br /> promptly. Le�itier may disUw se proceeda for the repairs and restoraYion in a eingle pay�nent or in� series of <br /> progress pnyments as tha work is completed�. Unleas an agrccmcnt is ma�da in wriYing or Applicablc l,aw <br /> rcqu+res inGacest to Ue pnid on such insurance proceeds, T,ender ahnll not be required tio pay Borrower any <br /> interest or oarnings on sueh proceede. I�ees for puUlic adjusters, or other Cl�ird partios, retained by Borrower <br /> sha11 not be plid ouE of the insurance proceeds and shall Uc tlie sole obligation of Borrpwer. if the restoration <br /> or repair is not eoonomioally fcasiUle or Lender`s aecurity would l�e 1essened, the insuranee pincecds shall be <br /> applied to the smns secured by this Secnrity histiuinent, whether or not fhan due, with the excess, if any, <br /> paid to Boirower. Such insurt�nce prooeeds sl�all be ap�liad in the order providcd for in Seotion Z. <br /> If Borrower aUandons the ProperLy, Lc�ider may file, negotiate and�ettlo any auailnble insw•nnce elvi��and <br /> relatcd matters. If Borrower does no[respond wi�hin 30 days to fl notioe firom Londer t1�at the uisur�tice <br /> carrier hns oPfered to setkle a claiin, then Lender may nogotiate aud settle Yhe cl�im. The 30-day period will <br /> Uegin when the notice is givcn. Ir�eithar event, or if Leneler acquiros the Property uuder SecUion 22 or <br /> ot9�crwise, Rorrowar hereby assigns ho Lender(a) Borrowar's rights to nny inFUrance proceeds in an[unouut <br /> not to exceed tho amounts mipaid under the Note or thie Scew�ity H�sUwnent, �nd(b) any otl�er�of <br /> Borrower's rights (oCher Cl�an the rigl�t to any xefund o£imearned prcmiiuns paid by Borrower) imder al,l <br /> insuranco policies oovering the Properry, insofar ae such rights are applicnble to the coverage of the <br /> Property. Lender may use die insura�ice�roceeds eilher I�rcpan or resCore fhe Properly or to pay aunounts <br /> unpaid under the Nofe or U�is Sccurity Instrument, whether or mot thcm due. <br /> 6. OCCUpancy. Borxowcr sl�fill occupy, esEablish, and use Che Propc�-Ly as Borrower's principal reeidc��ce <br /> witliin 60 days zfter the execuLion of tl�is Securidy Instrtunent and shnll confinue to occupy fhe ProperCy as <br /> Boirowcr's principal residence fur et 1easC one ycar after the data of ocoupancy, unless l,e��der otihecwise <br /> agrees inwriting, which conseut sl�all not be utu•ensoiaably withheld, or unless extenuating circuinytazices <br /> exiet whicli are beyond Borrotvcr's contr•ol. � <br /> 7. PreservaYion, M aintenance and Protection of the Proparty; lnspections. Borrower slinll noc destroy, <br /> damage or impair Yhe Property, allow Lhe Properfy Co detieriorate or aoimi�it�vaste on the ProperCy. Whethea� <br /> or noti Borrawer is residing in the Property, Borrowor sha71 maintain the Properly in order to prevent'fhe <br /> Property from deteriorating or decre�sing in value due Co its condition. Unless it is determinccl-purauanC to <br /> Section 5 that repair�or reetoratirni ie not economically fe�sible, Borrower s1�a11 promptly repair the Property <br /> if damaged to avoicl fiixther deterioi ation or d�ruage. If insm ance or condenviation proceacis are paid in <br /> connaction with da�nage to, or the taking of the Y�roperty, Bocrower ehall be responsible for repairiiig or <br /> restoring tlie Property oi11y if Lendar has relensed pro�eeda for such pmposes. Lender mtiy disUurse proceeds <br /> zaaooaza <br /> NEdRA�SKA-Single Pam Ily-Pannie M aolFreddlc M ac UNIFORA4 INS I'RUM ENT Form 3028 17�T <br /> VM P� VM14 P6(NE)f11051 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnanclal Sevlces Page Y of 1Y <br />