<br /> iu thc Yroperry and rights tuide�•tliis Secw•ity Inatrument; and(d)talccs such action ae Lender n�ay
<br /> reasonably rec�iire to assnre that Lcnder's interest in the Property and rigl�ts tiuider this Secm•ity Instrumenl,
<br /> and Borrowec's obligation eo pny Che stim�s secured by this Security Inslnunenf, sl�e�ll continue unch�nged.
<br /> Lender may require that Borirower pfly such reinstatemc�tt sums uid expenses in one or more of the following
<br /> forms, as selected by Lander: (a) easla; (b) money order; (c) ecrHfied check, baule check, trcasurcr's cl�ecic or
<br /> oashier's check, provided any such check is drawn npon en instltuCion wl�ose deposits zre insured by n
<br /> federal agency, instrnmentalily or entily; or (d)Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon roitistatement by Soxcower,
<br /> fliis Secm�ity Histirmnent and obligations secured herel�y ehall rcmain fully ePfective as iPno acceleration lixd
<br /> occurred. Howevcr, kUis right ko reinstate shall not apply in the nase of acceleratiion under Section 18.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. `l'he Nota or a pnrtial inlerest in Chc
<br /> Note(together wikh this Seciu�iCy Instrwnent)can be sold�one or more times wiil�out prior notice to
<br /> Borrower. A sale might result in a change in Yho entiry(imown as the "Loan Servicei^") that collects Periodic
<br /> PaymeuYS dua under Yhe Note nnd this Seourity InsCrumcnt a��d performs other mortgnge loan servicing
<br /> obligations wider the Note, tlris SecluiYy Instrument, and App7ioal�lc i.aw. There also might be one or more
<br /> changes of thc Loan Servicex unrelated to a sale of'tlie Note. If there is a chzngo af U�e Loan Seivicer,
<br /> Borrower will be given wriCCen noCice of#hc chang�which will sta�Ce the name and addr�s of tl�e new T,oa�i
<br /> Servicer, the adciress Yo whieh payments should be inade and any other iuformation RE?SPA requires in
<br /> covncction witl�x rio6ce of transf�r o£servioing. If tha Note is aold wd therca$e��tl�e Loan is seivicecl by n
<br /> Loan Seivicer ofher than the piu�chascr of tl�e Note, the mortgage loan servining obligarions to Borrower will
<br /> ieviain with the Loan Servicer or be transferred fo a si�cceasor IAan Servicer and nre not assxuned by thc
<br /> Note purchaser miless otkerwisa provided by the Note puxohaser.
<br /> Nalther Borrower nor Lender n�ay commence,join, or be joined to auy judiciel ection(as eifher an
<br /> individual ]itigant or Uie inemUer o£a olass) that az•isea from fhe otl�e� party's actions pursuant to this
<br /> Seciu-iCy Insli�mnc�it or tliat allegae that Ghe oflier pasY�y has breaohed nny provision of, or�viy duYy owed by
<br /> reaeon of, Yhis Security Instruinent, imCi1 such]3orrower or Lender has notified the ofhe��party(with such
<br /> t�otica given in coinpliauoe with the requiremente of Seclion 15) of sucli alleged breach tmd afforded Ihe
<br /> other paz�ty ha�-eto�reaeondble poriod after the giving of suoh notioe to takc wrrective action, If Applicable
<br /> Law provides a time pex•iod wlvofi must elapeo Ucfore certain action can be tnlcen, Chat timc period will Ue
<br /> dc�nned to be reasonable Por pmposes�of this p�ragaph. The noHcc of 2cceleration and opporCmvty to oure
<br /> given to Borrower pursu�uiC fo 3eeCion 22 aud the tiofice of aacalerafion given to Borrowcr pursuant to
<br /> SecGon 18 sliall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportui�ity to take corrective aotion provisrons of tl�is
<br /> Scction 20.
<br /> 21. HazardoUS SubstanCes. As used i�i this SecCion 21: (a) "Xazardoats Substat�rces" are[hos¢ substances
<br /> defiucd art tosic or 1�azardous suUsCaxices, pollutauts, or waetes Uy Envir�onmential Law and[he following
<br /> subst[tnces: g�soline, keroscnq oEher flammaUle or koxic petroleuvi produots, toxic pestioides and herbicides,
<br /> volatile solvanYs, meteriale contAining asbeews or fornla1dehyde, andradioactivem2tori�ls; (b)
<br /> "Ls`tavirrnemenPal I,aw"mauis ledeeal laws and lawa of lhe jarisdic�ion where tha Property is locaCcd tl�ati
<br /> relflke to het�lth, aafel�y or onvironmaital protecfion; (c) "Environmental Cleanu7�"nicludes any responee
<br /> action, remedial aetion, or removal aotion, as dcfii�cd i» Fuviromnent�l Law; and(dj an "Envitronmentcel
<br /> Concl�taon"maans a condition that etin oause, conh�ibute to, or ofherwise trigger an Environmcntal Cleanup,
<br /> Borrower shall not cause or permit the presenoe, uso, disposal, storage, or release oF any Haza��dous
<br /> Substanaes, or threaten to releasa any ITazardous Subsllances, on or in Uie Property. Borrower sha11»ot do,
<br /> nor nllow anyone clse to dq a�iything affecting the Property(a) Chat 3s in violation of any Environn�ent�al
<br /> Law, (b)whioh crente,s an�nvironme;ntal Condi�ion, or(c) which, due Co the presence, use, or release of a
<br /> Hazardous Sul�stznce, creates a condition thal adversoly affects tha value of the ProperCy. 'I'l�e preceding two
<br /> 2404D323
<br /> NEARA9KA-Single Family-Fennle M aelFretltlle A7ac 11NIFORP.4 INSTRl11:1 ENT Form 3020 H07
<br /> VMP� VfiAPE(NE)�1706)
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