<br /> required by RESPA, and Borrowar shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up tlie deficiency in
<br /> nccordaTtce with RNSl'A, but in no more tha� 12 monChly payments.
<br /> Upoii payment in full of ell sums sccurcd by this Security InsCrument, Leuder shall promptly cet'und Co
<br /> Boceower any Funds held by Lender.
<br /> A. Charges; Liens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, Pines, and impositions xttribulable ta
<br /> the Proper[y which ean attain priorlty over Yl�is Secuxity Instrument, leasehold paymcnts m� ground rents on
<br /> tlie Property, if any, and Commm�ity Association Duee, Fees, aod Assessmants, if any. To the extent tliaC
<br /> tliese items are Escrow Items, Borrower shall pay Chem in the manner prpvided in Section 3.
<br /> Borrower sl�all promptly disch2rge.my ]3en which has priorily over thie Securiry Instrumevt uuless
<br /> Borrower: (a) agcees in wriling to the payment of Clie obligation secured Uy the I3en in a mannec acceptable
<br /> to I,ender, but only,so long as Bqri�ower is perPocming sncll agreemenh, (b) contests Che lien in good faith 6y,
<br /> or defends against enforcemevt of tlie lien in, legal prooeedinge which in Lznder's opinion operafe to prevent
<br /> Che enforcement of the liev wliile those proceedings are pcnding,but only until sueh proceedings are
<br /> conehtded; or(c) secures froin the holder oP the lien an agreemeitt saCiePactory to Lender subordinating ttie
<br /> lien to this Security lnsliuu�enC. IP Lender determines ChaC any part of the Property ie subject to a]ien whieh
<br /> cao attain priority over this Security InsTrument, Lender may give Borrower e notice identifying the lien,
<br /> V�itliin 10 days of the date on which thaf notic;e is given, Eorrower shall sacisfy the lien or Cake one oe more
<br /> of tl�e letians seC fordi nbove in this Seelion 4.
<br /> Lender may requixe Borrowec to pay a one-time charge for a real csta[e tax verifieaCion aud/or reporti¢g
<br /> service used U,y Lender in connection with this Loan.
<br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereaPter erected ou the
<br /> Property insured agains[loss by fire, hazards included wichin the term "excended eovex2ge," and any oChor
<br /> l�azards i�ioluding, but not IimiCCd fo, earthquakea and floods, for which Lender requires insura�ice. 'fhis
<br /> insurance shal]be maintained in the amounCS (iucluding deductilale levels) aiid Yor fhc periods that Leoder
<br /> requires, What Lender requires pursunnt to tha precediiig sentences can cha�ige during the Cerm of the Loan.
<br /> The insurance c2rrier providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's right to
<br /> disapprov�Boxrower's ehoicc, which right shall not be exercised unTeasonably. Lender may require
<br /> Borrower to pny, in conneotion with this Lo2n, either: (a) a onGtime charge for flood zone determination,
<br /> certificfition.md trackiiig eervices; or (b) a ono-lime charge for Ylood zoue deYermination 2nd certitication
<br /> services and subscqacnt charges aach lime rema��pings or simillr chnnges occur wh3ch reasonably might
<br /> affccC such de[ermination ar certification, Borrowec shall nlso be respoiisible for tl�c payinenC of any fees
<br /> imposed by the Federal Emergency Managenient Agency in connection wiCh Ihe review nf any Plood zone
<br /> detecmination resulting from an objection by Borrowee.
<br /> If Borrower fails to maivt2in ai�y of the coveiages described above, Lcnder may obCain insurance cover2ge,
<br /> at Lender's option and Borrower's expense. Lender is uncler no obligation to pureliase 2ny particulaz tqpe or
<br /> unonn[of coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall cover Lender, but migliE or might not 13ratect Borrower,
<br /> Borrower's equity in Che ProperCy, or the contenCS of the Property, ngainst auy rislc, hazard ox liability and
<br /> mighC provide greater or lesser coverage than was �reviouely i�i effect. Boirower acknowledgee Uiat llie cost
<br /> of Che insurv�ee coverage sa obtained might significantly excecd Ihe cos[of 3nsuranee Cl�at Borrower could
<br /> have obtaived. Any nmouuts disUursed by Lendcr under Chis Section 5 shall become additionai] debt of
<br /> Borrower secured by this Security InsCrumenC. 'Ch�.se amounCs shall bear interest at the Note ratc from the
<br /> data of disburscmenC and shall be paqable, wikh such interest, u�on notiee from Lender Co Borrower
<br /> requesting payment,
<br /> za000ao�
<br /> NEBHASKA-Single Famlly-Fannlo Mao/FrodAio Mac UNIFORM INSTRUM[NT Funn 3028 1lUt
<br /> VMP� VMP6WE�U'106)
<br /> Woltera I(luwa�finzncial Eanlcas Pwga 6 of�1]
<br />