>_�� .4 ,-e�� < " .l� ,i: �v q
<br /> _�._�ssa.....u.._.'�a��.=� ,-C': t,.< ��_",• �t� �;_fl..� �.5� A. _ �S•
<br /> ---•,{ wt 6 . ' ` Y ' _...�.._' - 'c,. E "'_"'�_ --�
<br /> - -..t�'., c- . 2 °� � k ., , t� °S. ". � � ` . - � . �;..F�, - '�[ _
<br /> .��_ .l. . �..: � ;� .af?- - f� ;..y�...._,�_...._.._..._......_.��._.i--...r�........ �'°^� .._:_���;c�..._.=4,..t1�-,,.,..� �_3.�_` �, f',,_ �� "� Q .
<br /> �` . �c. �✓ ��_ �v � �- ':.}..:i;
<br /> .. . - . �� . _ _ `-�; . ..
<br /> � �':..� paytaests may�o longer be required.at the opdnn of Leudsr.if mongu�e insuranart�uvmage(i�the am�usl and for the pertar� � �
<br /> :� � • `,`'` ` tttat l.endet [equ(ms)pmvided by an insuter appraved by Lwder agaia 6PCOma�avAitabte and ts obtaim�4:Bortoner ahall pay �;
<br /> .,�,°..��� . �.
<br /> ..� t .`,;,`.. the piemiums t�quir�to malatain martgage instuance in effect.or to provide�:tass�sm�ve.unu'�thr�ii�eut for ar�n�tga�e �� ; � . _"t,_'
<br /> `�° �<'• , insnraace eeds ia acoardauce arltL auy�vritten ag�ement h�sveen Bo:rower ami�Amtder.os a�piicable la�. ;
<br /> ., �S
<br /> �'�F��� �• 9.Imp�tlata. Lender or its agent may make r�waab2e eauies upon atid:iuspectiana of t�e Pro.�a�yt.i.cadt.r shall give � .�`
<br /> tr,..::, �:`r � _
<br /> '"`,�' , . ` Barmwer noti�e at the time of or pr�or to an iagp�tion specifyinffi reasonable catua far tke insQectdoa.
<br /> � ` n.'Ihe pruceeds of award � in c�nnuxton �s°
<br /> .4 , `: �:�,-�' 10.Coa�adio aaY or claim for damages. dit+ccs.or c�nsEqt.enaal. ��Y �'. r�
<br /> � . ��c,1 oondemnadon or other taking of aay part of the Fmpeny,ar for c�nveyance in Ilau•of coademautios�.asc htreby ass�8�d an+d � {� : �,. ,
<br /> �•s.�:�'-. �',:�`;�' shall Be paid ca I.eadet. ,
<br /> .. .�� In the event of a totai tatang af the Pmpeny,the pmc�eds shall be applled w iha sums secured by this S�quity Insau�t. � ? . � •:
<br /> �;,_ �e � • ".
<br /> �,.._.
<br /> .:�,-�. �•...-' :a.. w h e t h e r or n�t t h e a d t c e.a r i t h a n y►e x c�s s p a i d t o B fl r r o a e r. I a t h e e veni of a p a t t i a t mkin g of the Pmpe3cy ia�vhich the fair � ,
<br /> .',�. --- market value of the Frogerty�elY before the talang is eqtial to or g�eater�han the amouni of t$e sums secured by dus __ �
<br /> _ — gecmrty In�ameut immediately bsfore t�e ta�ng,natc,�s Bormwer and Lendet othecwtse ag�in us�t�a;.t�e wms s�.r��►3' � ;: � '
<br /> = e „
<br /> : �t � this Seca�risy �nstcnmeat shali bs reduced Dy the ama�t of the proceeds nmlifpltad by the folIncving @acoion: (a) the total ` ' ��-
<br /> . �...' . amo�mt of tt� sams seau�d immediazely befoie the ta?�g,d i v i d e d by(b);t hs f t�ir u�a r k e t v a t t�o f t h e P r a p�t y i�Y . �' .
<br /> �'�`��.�:�:.:` • � t�fos�tte t�g. Aay batance shaU be paid to Barrowes. In the eveat�oP a�part6at talars�of the Proptaty in which We fa3r _ .
<br /> ,�,_
<br /> ` . . .' mark�va[�e�€the Prop�ty�ediautY 6efaie the aaking is tess thaa�dteamaunt of the sums s�inmms�aSetY h�fo�e the ��:
<br /> �.::;� taking,�tes��omawer aud I,eadar otheiwise agre�in writing ar m�itrss,a�}tItsahte law othe�wise prov�df�.ths pracaeds s�al1 ,_ - �-
<br /> . , •" 6e applied to t3te sanas seca�ed 1+Y this Seauiry Insaument whether cm nut;tHe sums a�then due. ` �_
<br /> „`•, -•,' -_,;:,:.is:,. If the Properry is abaad�aed bY Bouower,ar if.after nouce by�•Ti�d�r to Baanwer that che oo�sman�offers to make an `:
<br /> . ,;�F;: awa�or seule a claim for da�mages.Boaxower fails w nespond w L�eud�s withia 30 days after�h�s d�te t�s aotice is given. --
<br /> � :
<br /> ����� Lead�is antho�d w collecc and apply ihe pioceeds,ac irs option.,eithsr.cu�scmatian or repair of dnt Pt�aperty or to[be sums ,. �::
<br /> `��i:;'� s�d$j/Lb#S SOGlilty rnctmment,WhE3��3 Oi I�Ot thCD dIIC. �: .
<br /> .. �1 WflllII I�qIIQA Off p1�C�8 YD pI111Ct� SbH;� D�I Cx[PA�OT , �.
<br /> Unless Leader and�omawer oth�nvise agoee g. ��aRA � "'
<br /> e �
<br /> . .�<<;-+ . " �stpoae the dne d�e of d�,so�h1Y Payments rcferred to in pasagrqlha L mtQ 2 Qc c6ange the ar�oema of�nrh paym�uts- ;:
<br /> '�'` J - . 1L 8flrtnRer Plot�sed:Forbearance�r�d�Nat a Wi�ti�cr.��n of the tua�e fnr�or mndiScasian ��`. �",
<br /> � �` � � b �tri�auy su�r ia�uf8o�mwa sl�adl ��`::
<br /> ;�;. �.��amarar�ti�ofthesas�st�ae� thisSe�urity �� Y' � �:.
<br /> f ,�?�� .�og;�te rt,�..�lease the '-'�'- of the�riginal Bomaw$r or H��ur�x's sacc�ssais in iat��.T�sr sf�l�ai ba r�qu'sred to __
<br /> `f,��I� . •f";,y, w�¢�L�,c�ings again�c aaY s¢ea�°r in interest or r�fvse t*�e�rend time far paym�e�ca3�envise ma�fY a� _ ----
<br /> �f�'���. ," F�f; ,�g rS��.yeta�re� by ttris Seuutty Im�enx 1ry�soa of z�yc Qem�d made by thc a�ginal Basi+a�et�or Bmm�s�'s -- _
<br /> r
<br /> �;y��?��i� ' ��, ' .. . �ia��.A�7i fos�.bY��in exercising a�`�t w'�I+sha.�a�a:3�e a�vr.af or.p�tade.the P�- —
<br /> i r i f��f1 ttF�f .,y . f�'7'°.o^'ra"{j�"z���j�r j�. . � -_.
<br /> �,�,�; � �•�s;F, � �.�o�s r���aoind�a Saveral TauHiHiy;:C.o�s. �".�e csv�c�anta aa�a�s of t�.s �:!-_ _�,
<br /> ,.�1�5��:,,�?e;,,f.;x F.,,;� Sewrity insor�aaa,as s�a���ar.d b�aeSt the s�a�essors and asd�ne af Lsude��B�rm�ver,snb�to the pravislons of =- —
<br /> �� _.
<br /> ��' ` pyc�graph 17_ Bormwer°s aov�and ag�nenia sball be}oiut'a�td�asveia4. An}t Bo�maver w�o�sigag th9s Src�it�► --
<br /> `. Inst�nt bui daes not exoca�e the Nou:(a)is ov-signin$this S�tY'Tnsttnment only to mortgage+S�t and OOnvey that —
<br /> •��..,r�;.,�. r'� -�y—
<br /> , ' . -�i.-A.l�j�';.i'� _— _
<br /> . Bmrawer's imte�e,st ia the Pmperty under the tem�s of this Securtry,-�asttnmemu(6)is not getsonalt3r obl3�ded to pay the sums
<br /> •,.:'�:'`. that Lender�d�a�►,�aWer Homotivar muy agcee w ext�9,madifY•fasbrar os �, ' =
<br /> sec,o�ed Oy this S�ity insuument:and(c)agrees = �-
<br /> � :`. :`.'��' �'� mafte any accomm�dattona with te�atd to the terms of this Seauity:G�ttomeut or the Nate wlthout that Bsirovret's oons�. y
<br /> _. .. �`•�' 13.Los3a�Ct�siges.If the toau secu�d by Wi�Security Instnunum�is subJect w a taw ahich sers maxlmnm tosa charges, ---
<br /> ; � �
<br /> • aad tbai law ia fiaaally intetptrxed so that the lnterest or other losa etlmga collectQd or ta De ooUected in oolmeodon with tdie ��1_
<br /> a
<br /> � ' toaa eaoeed�xhe permiued llmits.ehea:(a)azry such Eoaa ch�ge stinil;h��ced by the amouns necessaiY to iednce the chatge � -
<br /> c� g
<br />-'`, ' � . � w t�e Qermiue�limit:ar�N)�Y��Y wllected fmm�Boriotiv8r�vhich exceeded permitted limits will be reflmded to ��
<br /> � :..=,—. -
<br />��'� � . ' Bonowet. Leader may c�oose to make this refua�by redttaIb$.tho p�inaipal otved wuter th�Nose oT by makiag a d 1�c t ��•'�
<br /> � . ;f " payment w Bauo�ver. If a refan� reduces principali,thu n�duction�zvill tie er�►ted ag a panial p�s.yment without �y m�.';:-,�—
<br /> �.: pse➢ayment cbazge uu�er the Note.
<br /> 14.Ido�fines.AnY natioe w Bmrower pmvIdeA�ftm iu�this S�vriry Insaameut shall he gtven by dsdh�rin$it ai by mailia8 _ _
<br /> � it by aist class ma�unless appllrabte law reqaires�uso of1 anmLcv methad.'t�not�ce abaU be d3rected to fast cl�ass msaoi w
<br /> - ' , or�y ot�eer aAdress Borcawer desigaates bY aotioa to�Leaden Any notice to Leader s6aU be g�v�en bgr• : �.-^^„
<br /> � r
<br /> - .. � .. '.';�_`.; 1.EndePs add�ss stated hereit�or�y other addmss:.L�n�er desiga�tes by nott�to Bossawer. Any aoa#�pzovFdsd for in this ,-._-�:-
<br /> � gecuriry Iastmmeat sball be deemed to have been gii�to�Bomo�v�r or Lendea a+hen givea as provid�ad in ihis gaaag�epL. '.,i��: �
<br /> - .. 15.C�vemin$ Law; SeveresbilItty. 'Ihis SeutuitY. Ia�ttnm�ut shnU be gave�ned by fedt�a] Ia�v ans th: la�v of the :;.. --'�;�r:
<br /> . ' juiisdicaam rn which the Ptoperty ls lor tod.tn the e��ent�ittn arsy proviaion ar cJuuse of t�is Soauity lnsuumznt or t�Note ,�,
<br /> : conAias wit�applicab2e iaw.sucD eoa�'ida shall n�at�bct other provisions of tlils Secuziry lagtcameai or ahe Nase Nhicb can be A::
<br /> f'li
<br /> �. � g i ven effea withaut t�aunfliWng provision.To tttis and�tdo provlaions of tbie Se�auity Inscn�ni an0 a�e Noce are�ared ::�,
<br /> ` ' to be SCVelable. i
<br /> - � `�� i6.13asnowea's Co�y.Bornnwer s�aU be giv�anu camfotmod eopy of the Note and of this Seanity�t.
<br />--� . ' ' imm 8�18 9f80 ;:
<br /> � ��.t:;�:.' : � • '�t`
<br /> - •'` ., ��AtIJEi c9it�.Ot onao�scee o,n�s_�_ ,
<br />_—_'t„ .'i ` `l�
<br />-_•.�, , .' � .
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