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<br /> , � t - .. - ( ..__"` - _. _ ` . .. . : --�-_.- - J
<br /> _ . < �y_ �; r _ ` �4 G .
<br /> •i:- r-t,: _ - r� .�,. - - °-'` u�-...:?�•-.b:' .. -
<br /> � - .� ::"-_-- .:.::;:.�.y..�.-..--..- i :r
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<br /> =`�1 . " ������ r�..._ _.,.�
<br /> �
<br /> m �� � �o .::
<br /> : �` iOtiE'�HB,R WITH a11 tLe impmvemeats naw or�erected on the property,and all � �y;_ .
<br /> flxt[ues aow or �ereafter A part of the QmPertY• AIl re'Pl�oe�ents and addittons sttall also be coeei�ed by ttis S�ity
<br /> . .` , �=` �'�, ` tast�ument.All of the fnregain�is c�ferzed w iu tLLv Secauity Insavment ag tAe°PcaP�rcY-. ^�<':.
<br /> . aa�has the right to gra�and ;;�
<br /> n
<br /> , � F•. ; 80RRflWER COVENAIV'1S that Bonower is lawfully seLsed t fot ena�mbra¢oes af�ecard- Boaoarer warrants and will - ,'R;,
<br /> is unencumbered.cxcep `�.. r:' .
<br /> � �' ` . . , , ` defe d geaeralI�y tL�e tifle co the�FroDe 88ains�aU claicvs and demaads.sabjecc w aay encumhraaces of record. : •'.. .
<br /> . � . ' THIS SECUR1T1�INSTItUMENT aombiaes unifuim cavenaats for nati�nal use aad non-unifotm wvenants arith timited 'r,:•:��L,. ;
<br /> inst�nmect wvecing real progectY• `....
<br /> � vaiiatioas by jntis�iiction w aonsdmte a uaifonn se�uity as follows: �
<br /> UMFORI►11 COVENANTS.Bonoc+rer and l�ender wvenant aud agcce v�rheo dne t6e :
<br /> - . `,`.`�., 1.P�ymmt �1PtiadDa!am�Iatere� �3��an� Lete Chargea. Barmwer�due under the Note. �'� �c
<br /> � J and l�e charg • .�
<br />-; ,`,;,,.�. prIndpal of and interest oa the deDt evid�aoed hY the Note and aaY P�P�� � .
<br /> t t�� = Z.Ft�n!��or Taxeg nnd Ia�uraaoe• Slibjeet to appiicable law or to a wriaen waiver by Leader,Bosmwer sha91 PaY�o �` c- -
<br /> �-� l,eader on the day manthtY Payments are dne under the Note,und!the Note is pazd iu fuii,a�m i'F�s')for.(a)Y�1Y� �
<br /> � ,'�. .. ` . at�n priority over tLis Sesauiry ins�nt as a iiea on the Prog�xtY:(b)Yearll+teasehotd payments �.,�
<br /> �d ass�ts which maY or �p�i�(d)YearlY Q�d insurance Preauums. .,,{.; : ,'`
<br /> ` , • 'v:,� or g[ound tents an the ProgestY.if any;(c)Y�Y�� p�� ' �.-
<br /> ents if .aad(�at+p sums PaY��b3►�onuwer to Leuder.in accordaaoe with
<br /> �f mry;tg)Y�IY��F��Pr�miun�s. �Y' lhese ite�ate calIed'Fsrauav Items-' �£� .�f•:-�
<br /> . "� .`' the pmvisions of paragraph 8.in li�oF the ptrym�t of n�ertgag�insarenoe Rsemiuu►s- a tender fos a fed�alty
<br /> ` '-r. . ;. ���nay,si aay time.col�ert and hold�nads in an amnuat uat to excu�the��a� `.. . :::;�
<br /> �,� . for Bormwer's escraw accaunl nndar the fedeial Rea1 Estaoe Setttem�t Pcvoeduces A�of �,:� .,,,
<br /> � related nnortgage Wan may � �RESPA').uatess aaother law that applies co the Funds t ,��.;ti<_
<br /> � � 19T4 as amffid�l ftom tims w pme•12 U.S.C.Seaion Z601 d feq. (
<br /> tim .
<br /> � sets a lesser amouat- If so. Ixndea maY• at�►Y time•collea�.d hold Fuads in an amolumt�of expendi�of� � ��•a °
<br /> ; ., , �der may estim�e the amouat of Fnnds dne on the 6asis of cuneat data and reasoffib T;, ��
<br /> - :,:''�'. Fscmw�Items or otheiwise ia aocorda�o���PP�2e law. ��b a fedezal aSencY• �nsu���3►• or entuy ;,:,u:
<br /> the wis r anoe - , Y
<br /> � � �•���°_ 'Ihe Fuasts stiaall be�eld in aa�nstitation whose deposits y the Fm�s w pa7t� _:� `'
<br /> �- . , + `��f?'t �,e¢dter if Lender is s�tt�h an imstitm�n)or m�yr Fedemi Pi�e Loaa Bank.Iender shall aPP the escmw a000unt.or ` �,' -
<br /> ,': •..;'.ry�t..; gl,ea 'h -���r .`:
<br /> . t:,� ;,,' � ' e BouuA�r far holding and���F��y�'�� �f,�``�;�s�_:
<br /> ' .:<. :4rr. Esctoaa lfems.Lreade[maY nat char8 lic�b2e Tz�y��er to u�ake s�s;. '•..�.�, �.�
<br /> -�. ,,°, ce•�`. s the Esc[ow Items,unIess 1.ender Fay�Bormw�'?�E�est'a�d�L'i�„�'�ds and app , .. � -
<br /> < F�,, ��1p;� �� 1. ���de� x esz��Sa�-c�'s.�g set�'i� sr'�,`f,�
<br /> �,����-p �"� a�a3i�srge.Hawever,LRndec maY ze4uire Bostavver to�.��a^�e-pn�e'� in mad� or 'r .,. �.
<br /> Leader ia a with this loas. nnle��?+�2e� ���. Unless aa agte� ,
<br /> '?�t��•�,.•. .,� '� ';s�ts�63► °0nn�0 � B.^.arn�c�aay interest ar�m.�'s���se Funds. �,+�,, .
<br />:�%"�;� �.:'..,� .::;;:;�,• mterest to be Paid,Lender shali�t�e c�i� FdY . �,.,�:'�. :
<br /> �icable taw re�nises' oa t3e F�ds.L�der shalt��rt3 Borrower, 6.-
<br /> , ,. � in wiiffi8.hOwevet,t�inteceqt s�i�p� �
<br /> f 1 S �• , „��:� �a�Lender maY ag� S�a cvhich -
<br /> "r� ��;<<,- an anmial aswp.ntia8 of t6.e Fuuds. st�ar�n8��°=��r all��PCOied by�t9i,s S ��• �.�:'�,:;
<br /> �'�''��� , t�;:�: �0��• a,s�isional se�it]I
<br /> *,:���.�,}>�;. ,�j+'a c�t to tbe Fands was made.'f�e Fuaats�ue p2edged w be hcld by a�P���aw,I�s�at1 a�t t�Boaower �:�y
<br /> by�r�ce�d the amo�rs� of the Fuads hetd b�L�idec at•mtY ���;s.�
<br /> �,4;�k ,F,���,f;.,.���:���, �. � If the F�mds held ����of applicable law.If thx�s �_..,.r�.. -
<br /> t.,-,<< ,,�f.�� , �'r�ahe exoess F�ds in�w items�n�e.I.ender maY so no�►B°rm��ia writir�8��f.ia sac�pse Bosrow� c:�„`.� _
<br /> � � - .;s�1;:,`•� �isaat s�aeat m Pa3► to make up the deficie�cy.Borcower sball make ap d�e dtficieacy ia nn�re thsa ���+�,�; =
<br /> , .. � ,,,r;, s'�:3 gay to L�the amnunt nec�► �?►.
<br /> � � :;1�•:�`� tw�ve monfhiY Paymeats•at Lender's sole disccedon. � d refund to Boirower any► *�►4�; . -
<br /> �'''.� �"' su�secured by thLs Security InsUrumenb I.eader shaU p mP Y �.:���--'
<br /> VPon F��t�fi�ll of all rior to the acquisition or salc .°.�°
<br /> � ���'��; . h 21,Leader shaU accluiie ur sell the PropertY•LEader.P acquia r,"
<br /> . FwWs hsld by I.ender.If.ander paragrap che sums socu�ed bY �'��
<br /> Funds held by LeaQer at the drae of acqadsitinn or sa2e as a ce�dit against Y _M��.
<br /> � � of the Pc+opert3►,shaA aPPYS'�►Y Lea
<br /> � .. �� „ this SeruiitY Inst�ument- t�eiv�by i.eader undet paragrephs '*--�
<br /> " . ' .. � 3.Appltea4ion oY 1Pbymen�.Untcs9 appDtcable laa p d tmder�te;seoond.to amou�s pal+ab2e undee Daiag�'aph Zt . "'��l-'
<br /> . . �• '. 1 a n d 2 sha11 be a p plled:fitst,to anY preP�� es due uader the Nots. ��"" -
<br /> � : . tLitd.w interest dae:foaith,ts pr�D�due;and la�t,to aaY Iate cha�S ° r�4=%�:
<br /> ith
<br /> �•.•�`. �'«�� all taxes.assessments.c�6ar8es,fiaea an�1�Dositions ann'bmaDle to the FropEtsY �,,,,�.,. �
<br />_'_.-.t..,,"� � ' .:,.yj��:'� 4•C1�arpe9�Idc�9.8onowe[sball paY �leas�told paym�ts or 8mund t'ents.�f aay.BOttiOwe[shall p3y �,__.�-
<br /> rlori aver tLis S�urtry Ipsanmea�, them on cime diteQtY s..�.���.,�-
<br /> - . '�:`:`�,:, ��►�3►�p ty ded in fl 2.or�t nat paid ia that maansr,Boimwec sha11 paY =
<br /> .. . • .:�r,�i;` �ob�ns in the maaner Provt p�E�P _
<br /> � � � . .�:,�• pi the pe�son owod payment.Bomower sba11 piamptiY fi�mish w Ia�des a11 no�dees of amouars�e�g��P�ph' -_
<br /> `:�,�� I�tdotrower makes these paymeats directiY,Bo�ower sLaU PramPUS►Pomist�to Lender roceip :- --
<br /> :�?t:�.`;.'� Bormv�►er shail pmmptlY disc�asge aaY liea ahich has prio�ity over this SeWrity Tnsm�m�s uatesa Bonawer:(a)agrees ia _ °
<br /> � ��{r� of the obli secuted bY the lie,n in a manner soceptable m LerWer;(b)contests in good faith the 1t� �; <,
<br /> _. ;>..; .�.�.... :: ,,��Y� wtitmg w ttte payment �°D whicL in the l.ender's opiaioa operate to prevent th� . � -
<br /> � ea�,. :y, 0y� or defeads agatnst enfotoemeat of the lien in,legal Prnc�dinp ��ry���subo�ung the lien w � s
<br /> Y `;���` ... .. mforcement of the lIe�:�(�)s�from the holder of the tiea aa agmRment := '-
<br /> `��i,.. .+.:` tSis Sec�icY Iasnument. �Lender dete�iaes that aaY Pan of the�roperty►is sub-;oct w a lien which may�aia priorily over
<br /> ''�`��{`�:, . the lien.�ortower sball satisfY the Ilen or take oae or _--
<br /> `7"� , ,° � th�a Seaaity Insuume�t,1�ader maY�ive Boimaer a aotice identifymS .
<br /> � .�'�' moie of the a�lons set fonh above wIthia 10 days of the giving of nodae.
<br /> -- :, , . Fasm8028 9!� �
<br /> _ `'�r,4'`��i�� ' Pege 7 of a ��.�
<br /> _v 'I�if�j�,.� . ��6RQ1�p3121.01 "
<br />-°- . '. , . !1 '.
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<br /> . . . . . . � - i.
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<br /> , �- ,� i,
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<br /> � , -:^� -CT""?.-,'-a�w.�+�e--�,^„'�'�--'t�.--revc�.-r-c ..�. -"-rt.�7 a - .t�..
<br /> , . .;"*""^. . . . . . .. •- ahl.1.�: . . .. . �� 'LfS1��. i . r. ��....��7.t.� � . i .. . �"c: . , .S�..a..x „`.ti�rp° . .:4 .. `�•:::-'t;,..y: .�'.cth..�.��� .y.ai�
<br />