r.�<".'i.`�'t-.'St'yS,`:;t' . . . -_....�4:c:..�...���''�.:��.�3.��C-. F,?- �_S. _,�CT:2������.-6'.. �� S� �c f�,fti�_
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<br /> �_ �-�: . � ., q'� ,:r � � ' ..':`� � � t .y- h� t{`'.'�, v < .}
<br /> �_f_ .`�.P- ..._ — � � .� _ .. .� ... . . _.[L - __ bt.�O -1 L . _ 4
<br /> 2 F. .G . �r� . •_ `�._ ._-�..�.Ry._�--�,T .. �_�� ' _ __-� ."
<br /> . ._• T- _ `'Yi . :.0 u � `T
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<br /> <.C.� ~� . 4( f . . . . .� 4 . .��� _" ' ._ ' ,-._ '"' . .�� -
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<br /> - < � .
<br /> . <: p�1' ,aqa���� ac
<br /> � �V�iO�
<br /> , . ` . lb.�arrov�er's Copy. Bomuwer sbaD he givea oae canformed copy of fhe Ielote��ttiis Sec�ity Instrnment ....`7;, _.
<br /> . 17.'I�aasPer otthe�rop mr a Benpftct�l In�t m Barrosa� tf ail or any part of the Ptopedty�aay iatec�ct In it is � . , �
<br /> e �
<br /> - snld ar tr�sfedmd(or if a�iut�u►Boaow�is suW or t�sfenod aad Boimwer is aot a nauualpe�an)w+thout � � .� ,.: `�
<br /> ,d
<br /> • . Lead$r's prior written caasQad,Lcudrr may.aY its a�tian,teqniie immediate PaYme.�t in fnU of all sums secuced b tb�s Secvuity - ,., .,. �
<br /> rio y
<br /> � ` ' _ • Instrmmeat Nawever,this option shall not 6e ezecased by Ira�der if exe�aise is pro6b�ted dy federallaw as of tke dat�of tdis .�t: •<a `
<br /> °�•,`` � �. � Sepu�tq 1nsiNment � '
<br /> .�_
<br /> - , . . If Lertd�r eaercises dtisogiion.L�der sha12 give Bonosver uotice of�ooete�atinn.l�e notice shaI!provide a pe�od of not less �
<br /> ':_<,r�;�; tlran 3d dayS fram the date ths Aotioe is delive�cd or a�ed within wdich�oimwea must pay aU sams seaned by this Seciuity ; _.
<br /> IasOcameai If Bonowe,r fa�7s to pay the�s�ms prinr w the�on of this periad,Lead�may iavoke any iemedie,c pennitted
<br /> IOS L
<br /> _ ::'<-- by�j,q S�Y Tnctmmy^.1 wilh0ui fUi15P�IIOtiCe or de�d C�i BO�[ower.
<br /> � 18.�orr+aw�'s�ig6t to Rein�te. tf Ba�ower �ets cenam ooaditious, Bormwer shall dave We rig�►t tu dave `�
<br /> ... �4 ._.:-��_�:r.� �forvemeat of t�si�Sec�,ritq �+urc�t disoont�ued$t sny tim�priar fo tne�a�(a)5 days(ar sacb ott�a period at .' � ° .
<br /> ' applicxb2e?aw maysp�y reinsCat��t}bef�a sele of the Pmpea[y pnzsvant o�any pa�wea af sa2e contauied in tlus Sec�mty
<br /> - � Imro�m�x or(b)c�u Y of a�a d 8 m g n l�A f o s d n g�is S e q u i h►Ins�m�t�oamdiBnns are Wat Banower:(a)pays Lenda all ,. , _ �-
<br /> '_`.._ , s�s wbieD then wantd 6e due artdet tbis S a c s u i i y Ins�ent and the IQc�e av if an acoele�auan had a o c�e d;(b?c�es�y �� . ;,<,,<.
<br /> � def�h of say otk�cavw�t�or t�greem�(a)F�Ys a1i�inau�d in e�fa�rutg this Seauigr Instnument,inctuding,but �` ,�.
<br /> ` ��,"'. �r�ai,,,T�im,�i�rsd to►�easonable atmmeys'fec��d•(�ta�such acdon as lE��r may reasonably requae to as�ue tbat @ie�of this ��a �.,:
<br /> �: ?xt�i "+^'�'7 � �II�'S Il�l{$III �!B p[O�/ 8IId �GEIO QS'S O��IOII T11 �l �'. SIICIS SCCQIf� b}/ �11S .S� E�y •{ p }��' �
<br /> �. � .�� j I�ent s'hall oontinae unshanged.��n��eat by Baam�,this S Ins�eat aQd tl�e ob' socr..�-eil �x . _
<br /> �• ` fF���. ' �by shatt t�am fnTIy effecdve as if nu�ation had acc��.IELovrever,this n�t' tn*Pms�.si�L!ani app�the ca�of }�� Y=� -
<br /> _ ' , . :�;� �n under paragrapb 17. ,. �."�s.-:;,.�
<br /> 1�Sate aYAloLa;ChangeotLuan 3srvic�. 1h$ Norc os a paimal intaest m the T�tote (togei�er w►a� dus �acusity ���: .�':
<br /> , = � .` �eat)may be so2d one or muie rimas wimflut prior notice to Aarrowea A sate may nsatt in a chaage�m t��emiry(�aown > - =
<br /> ti •n ':; av the"I.oan S�vic�tLat coIIectis mu�hl}► emts dne undea t1�e Note aad this Sequityr Ia�trumen�'I�ea+e aCso maq I��ar � Me .
<br /> '', "��: moce changes of t�e Lo�Se�vioer�aeT�i�saIe of tke Nata If there is a ct�an of the Loaa Savic�r,Bomnwer v�t be •-.-.��.;'
<br /> vi ge
<br />-� '� :.. ':" • '•.�i givea w�tea untice of the change m�ce with pa�h I4 a6ove aa0 2irable 1aw.1Le notice a�71 sttatt the na�$and .,��.°:� :'
<br /> a� a
<br /> . ;�, .!: addr�s�of thc near Lnan Savio�and thp addr�s�o whirh �ts shantd be made.'Ihe na6ce ar�aL90 contain other
<br /> `-"�----��- •# mfarmatian b le lau►. PaYm a�►
<br /> �t..,�_o
<br /> ;w� ?A.Ha�r�S��o�es. Boma�wa shari nut� mpe�t the p�sence.ns�drs�o�1. sOmag���ed�se of any r �'�
<br /> �duos Snbsances an ar m the Prapr,ny.8anoc�r shaU nat od .nor aIIaw mryane else to do.anyd�ing affecung me P�eFerty
<br /> 1 . • �.��:, tbat is iu c�aladon of aa}r Envi�amm�ami&aw.TLe g�g taro seateuces s6a11 aot appty to the p�euc�nse,ar sto�age�ca the � �� r ,;,
<br /> ` � p�p�y of saratl qaaatares of Haaadu¢a Snbs�es d►at are gemerally recaogaized w be appropriate w aom�al read��ses 'H' �
<br /> �. '.. ., �dto-n�oe of the Rap�ty. � ` `� �.��_
<br /> ,�� Barrawer ahaII P�DUY @�'o Lentter writ��of any invesriptaon.c�im,d�d.lacvsirit ar c�tr 2sdnn by aay �� .,
<br /> gavemffie�ntat ar re�laa�ryryagfficy arr private party i��iuing the P�+npeity anA aay Ha7ardaas Sa6staace os�LOam�B taw ��� '
<br /> • vin
<br />_'` . of v��mranrer has a�ml immvt�dga 1f Bosraar�t's�s.ar is nobSeA bY saY governmeutal or regulaw:y amhmity,t�any .�:'�
<br /> — �r,s,��.� removs�2Y ou�remedi�tion of a�y Ama�dons Substanoe affeamg the Frape�ty is neces�y,Bormw��aD pmsnptly�all .. ���'�`�`
<br /> �.�,: �:. neoessar��al acti�v m�aa w�b Envaanmental Iaw. l�
<br /> �'��i. ' ��
<br /> + Aa as�m this para�gcapb Z0."�T�rdoas Substanoes"a�e ti3�wbstano�c dcfined as mxic ar Lazar'�s subslances by ,
<br /> �•� Favuonmeatal Iaw aad the follaNin sabstaaoe� icero.se� other llammable or w�dc a wxcc ����,,;Y`.,��`
<br /> '`�� �dcidBS 8rtd f�erb vo1ffii10 solv S �°�°e. e. ' m�tu+nd as. t ;''. , - -:
<br /> ::�.;' F icides. aats.maierial.s contairung asbestos or fo�waldehyde.and radioactiveu�ials.As�tsed in a r� ''�;f .
<br /> �jr������� thfa pa�a�apb 20.°FAVfrmm�ea�s�f La�'means fedeaal Iaws and laws of tke jun�icdon wher+e tDe Pr+n�g�BOCaied that relate t��tk;�``r'�1"'.
<br /> � ����s`' ♦ L068�ls S3fCiy Ot�tYQ�031�eAt31 pI'OLSC�A. •��.�.�� �
<br /> ,�.f���r, . ' --
<br /> ,ai _.. . .au.�� - —-
<br />:.; .. N�N•UNII�RM�OV8NAN1'S.Hasmwer aad lt,�dca fazther ooveaani and�ee as foltacts � �=�' �`a�
<br /> . �z;._
<br /> .. , Zl.A�tdon:R¢t�ne�Y.c�er sLnD give�to Bor�uwer prtor to acoeterattnn foIIawtng�'rmm�v�r's 6reat6 0� : -.,`��...;,;
<br /> • . any caveaant or age�aw�t in t6ls Se�3ty��rum�t (D� no! prtur to sooete�at�n �d� �h 17 �Iess -- .-�
<br /> =.> BppUatbte(�w provld¢s otb�ise)..T�e notire shaD sDeci4��:(a)the defanIh,@)�e actton r�qa��A to em�ell�e defaal�(c) . ��"--��'e.,
<br />__ . , a dutG eot��s 4ban 30 deya f�Oan tUe date tlee aatice is givea to Bor�ovPer,by ivhic8 ttt�delaWt m�st De cared;�d(� . '���;'�:ti...a,L:
<br />._ � . , t6nt faIInre to wre the def�unit on on 6Pfore the date spe�t'iied in We noYice may rpsWt in aaoeteration a!the sums secared :.`::�,.��='-
<br /> by tDta Serueity�soeameat an�sr�Ie of the P�errt�y.T6e natice shaD�asthes inform Bormwer ot the rdglit 4o rdasmte .,� `.. '�--
<br /> � � afder acoei�r��a and t�e e�gLt W�6ring$ooar�u�on to a�rd We non�oe of a detantt os any othee dcfease ot )' �` ;.,'_-
<br /> �ornawer W acoeleretioa ansl sat�Yf tP�e d�PauIt�uot cared on or 6efore the date sped�r,ed in the aotioe,l.ender,at us � `��,�`..
<br />_ ' • optlon,mAy rey�e i�medk�te pAyJaeat in P�a1!of aD sums secared 6y t6L�Sewrity I�ent wI4hoat ftuth�demaad ',�,`'�"��,�;�-'
<br /> . . � and may Invo�e t�e powe�of�sni�and a�ot6er remedHea perr�ttted by apyIlrabte law l.ender s6si!6e entitkd to ooi[ect � _';7„` - -
<br /> -- . � . . '•� 1 � aII esgent,ea ineurred In p��tng the remedtes pmvtdeal in th�Dara�aPb Zl,inctading,bnt uol,�dCed to,reasoaabie ;'}'';',
<br /> . attorneys'P2ps ead costs attitle e�aMeao� • �,` '��
<br />=_ - � I9 tl�e Qower ot sale is inv�eQl,TeosieP shaR rc�cord a notiee o!d�faatt in eacb oonntq in vrhirb any part oY We . � . .
<br /> : . �. ..: . �. .. ...
<br /> __:.. ..
<br /> -- � ... .
<br />_. . : .... .., Prapertq i�totated aad sbuD mnil aopits of sach notice in the mnnner presciIDed by applicabte�aw to Borrower aad to the .,;_�:� .-
<br /> _- � , ai�er pers�ns pres�ed b9 BPP�te�ble law.After 4he time reqaire�by apalleable taw,Trnstee shaD gtve pnblit ao�oe of ' . . ..
<br /> =-- . �ai2 to tQa aersons attt9 in t6a m�mn�r prescr�bed by appHcaDle taw.Tr�nste��cit6m,t demand on�omawer,sbaU sell the • ;
<br />_'-_ . �� II�toAm�►at publte suc�iun to tira tilghest bfdder aII 1�e t�me aad ptace a�A ander tDe tenrms destgnat�d dn the aottoe o!sate � .
<br />-__ ..'��,�;~; , ' r:vrf:#`�:.;.. .
<br /> - • ,li :;C�•� . r.,.;et�t.,.
<br /> _� . . .r,: :.�y, ..
<br /> �;?,��;;:;':` Form3m23 0180 �'x::�i'• '�''� . '
<br /> -=- �s:'���;i� ��R(NE�te2tz).o� PaDe6ofe �nnms: `'...
<br /> '�''� � � ' � ,
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<br /> �r. . t r�',4``f, , . . . _
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