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....� �L'��l.�c .' ...�F`�r _ e ���1.y��v.� t .�- . _� ti4r� 4 �� "__'_ _...�..... �,� r_r „ftl.. <br /> yi�,y <br /> 1 )-'� ��} Y. � !Y �.` �RN�;'P .I_ tiill\ �.le.J/. J� 1 4. -�V <br /> QI[�.siGe/�.S'.x' _IJ}�a�✓ s...�uv1�w-.�r2"•��ru.�«+xv <br /> i <br />- _',"� 92,,,,, 11+D�� <br /> ±=� <br /> =:,« <br /> SN��I[� <br /> �xxa� 9'OalilYlf?R WITH all�ix improramenu now on c�mftcr cnr�cA on thz propcny,and all cascmcros,appnttcnanccs, <br />..,,..t:, and(xiurcs now or 6cr�.ifltt a pirt n(Ilw proptny. AI{uplcncnknis:ukt eJJitinns shall also l�:rnscrcil Uy�his Saudry --.- .- --. <br />-;,:� Insuumcnt. All of thc(nrcgotns is rctemd�o in this Scwri�y inswmem as tlic'IYoprny.' <br /> �t,'�-, OORR014TiR COVP.NANTS that Oonu�cer is lawfully sclsnl of�he cs�ate hcrchy mnvc}rA and lian�he dgh�w grant <br /> i ?. and mnvoy tho Pro�cny anJ thai�he FRupcny is unrncum�rcd.csccp�for cncum6nnas of nrnrd. 13nrto�rer wamms aad ��� :_:._ <br /> a,��Y,j� will deRnd genemily the title mihe Pmpe�ry agafmi all claims and demands,su6JM io any encnmtu�nees af nroN. —. <br /> ���-�•?��= TNIS SCCURITY INSTRUMiiNT com6ines nnifomi cavcnams fnr na�lonal inc and nnn•unifomi mrcnants wl�h u, __,, <br /> � , - Yj Ilmiled vidailons byjudsdiction lo eanslluuc a anifomi sccurity ins�n�mcm m��cring mal pmpcnp. E --°----- --�— <br /> r-+-��� UNIFORAiCOVENANTS. Dam��scranAl.cndcrcovcnamandagrccazfollo�vs: �r — <br /> " 1. P� mcnt ot Pdnci al and Inurcsq Pre � menl nnd I.nto Char es. Rnrtmv�r shall rom LL vnc�n duc thc <br /> ;, '' Y P P�Y F P P YWY f :='� <br /> -��'^ry � pflncip�1 of and(NCra�on�hc debt cvidrnecd 6y�I�c Na�e and mry prcpaymcnt anA lam cl�argcs duc un�hr the Notr. .,,�s.-; <br /> s <br /> �f,,y 1; Z, i1mJs Por'ibxes and(nsurnnca Su6Jec�to appiicabte Iaw or�n a wrinen�vaiver 6y Lertder.Bortoxrr shall pay to ,� ;_ <br /> �� $� Lendet on thc day momhiy paymcros arc duc undcr the Nae,uixil the Nnlc is paid in full,a sum 1"Fundi 1 for.(a1}'e�ly �4+�`t: <br /> � tazes and assczsmcros�r0ic6 may nuatn priori�y[hi+Sccuriiy tnqmmcnt as a licn on ihc(kopcuy:(b)year[y leaschotd �"� � _ <br /> �� -.;�A payments �r ground rcnts on �he Ropcny. if any: (c> }eady huard or propeny Insunntt prcmiums; (dl )'early floal tr <br /> ,f,., _3. insurar.m premiums, if any: (cl ycarly mmtgage insurm:n prcmiumc, if any: and (0 any sums pa�a6ic by Borto�rcr to �fr ���` �� <br /> s ^#� -. <br /> „� ,�, 4end.r,in accordance with�he prorisions uf p;ua�raph S,in Iieu of the piymem of mongage imurance pnmiums. l7use •-� a,- � - <br /> - r 3r-� items are calted"Tscro�v Items' Lender nuy,at any tia:e,collea and hold Funds in an amonnt not w exn�d tht mazimum '�- `s,v �.;'- <br /> `T��t <br /> �1,�- amoum a Icndzr for a kvteralfy ic1a�N mongage toan may rtquirc(or 6ortoxer's acrow accuunt undtr thr fedenl }� -�Y�a ,"` -- <br /> �rvss�'�� Estafc SetUemem Proccdives Aa of 197a as amend.d ftom time to lime.12 U.S.C.§2G01 r�seq.1"RESP.�"�.u�leas ano�hcr .F i�,�'<s ��- <br /> �""q;f��4? lau that applics ro thc FnnSs x�s a Icner amo¢nt. 1(w.Lcndcr may.a�any Umc,collcc�anJ hold fvr.ds in an amount noi�n ,_r`��+,ly,_tt��.,,�f.-�- <br /> z-� exeeed ihe I.YSCr amount. Lender ma esiimate the xmounl of�undc due on Ow basic of cu�rm data and rcamwble - -� <br /> '`���j 3 estimztesoteapendiwrcsotfumreC:GCru.�➢�.msoro�hen�iseinaccordancewiihapplicab:ela�s- ,,„�f rs�y 1 ' <br /> �A�i�r� 'fhe Fund�shall be held in :m iromunun �rhosc d.posits.r.c insured 6y n (cdenl agcncy,imtrunxm;Ji�y, or emi�y ����s���� �__-_.� <br /> r.}�''-��� iinciuding f..<ks:r,if l.ender i�sncli an in.iitntionl or ia any('Y�kn111ome Loan 8:m\. I.ender ah.ill appty�h.EuaS.lo}��) ��.t❑ .*,r�4 = <br /> .,;, ,�r the Lscmn kznas. tc�.t r:a�y no�ct�.ugc Ilortoo<r tix Ealding and applying ttr. Funds,ammally analyru�g ttu.scrm� j, ,�� � � <br />_„-,T.%�l�� aaounl,�r�erif}ing th E�..�ow I�ems. mdess Lenkr pe��s 6ortower imcresl on �hc �vnds and .�pplicaKc txK �+m�its ;� �u ; . - <br /> �tr}, Lendtr ev m�;e s�Kh u chargt. Ho���ecrr.Lender m.ry r.quin&xna�cer to pay�one-�ime charge for an indepndem ma! �1 ,- r. •"{'�� �- <br /> �t A::Y .} i -�.r ' <br /> _ ���fff7�;� es�ate ta�ce�oning service used by l.eixt��acunr.�Yii:m�a�h this loxa.uniexs applicable law pro�ides o�henvisa Unless an - , ;� <br /> � �t., ng�eemco:is madc or applicabic law requ�c,i in�cns��n h paid.Lerxler shall no�bc n�uircd a p:�6oROwer any imeres�or ,,�,��'a�i.r�, , <br /> °.--.Ylar�.�;� camings on ihe Funds. Rovaecr nnd Ixr.der mn a mc in�vriiin ,hm��eccr.Oial intercs�shall lx �id on�hc�unds. Lcndcr ,.:n�E"�.•,,:.�. <br /> Su�r Y F 8 A �..-6 `�.��>,_ <br /> A7/��{ shall gire to Oorro�rer,ei�P.+iwt charge,an annu:d amuuming of Ihe Rmds,xhowing crcdils nnd de6ils Io the�unds and Ihe _ a;� ��a� z_�., <br /> ,r�� st�;S� pufpur Ior n�hieh each d:bi�to�he Rmds a�as made. 7Le�unds art pledged as addiiional sec�ri�y for all sums seeurcd by �\ - �rv;,.y ,. <br /> (j�2� �hisSeeurin�InsWmenL � 1 ei;/`£^t�:_� <br /> mn lr��� If Ihc Fnnds held b Lender exeeed �he amouNS (mined w Ix hcid b a licablc fxw.Cender shall accoum 10 ��� rs}1 � <br /> �Y�E- Bartower for ihe exmss Fur.ds in accordance wl�h�he rcyuiremenu of xpplicabic law If�he amwm of�he Punds held by �'1 j l��r.k �`-� <br /> - ��;�` �ender at any�ime is nnc sutficiem to p.ry the Escrow Items when Jue,Lender may so no�ify Rotto�cer in wriiing,and,in a,��,{ {s r - <br /> - a�),£€_� such ease OoROwe�sh�[f pay lo Lendcr ihc amomm �eccssary to makc up the d:Cxicncy. Rortmecr shall nvkc up thc �� � {yl, r "�n <br /> - "'J ' deficiency tn no more ihan:oelre momhly paymems,et Lender4 mle discm�ion. ������,,i�f.f� fl� <br /> -- J�- � Upon paymem in full uf all sums securcd 6y thts Security fnxuumem,Lender sMll prompd} rcfund to£sotto�cer any � „ ,,_�j�, �;- <br /> � {`��' : Funds hcld by Lender. If,undrr paragnph 21.Lcnder shall ncquirc or ull the I'ropcny.LcnAcr.fvior to�hc acyuisiiion or - - �:,gr fai <br /> r� "' sale of�he Ropcny,shall apply miy PonJs held by Lcnder nt �he�imc af nequisi�ion or snic aa a crNit against We sums 4Fty�f�'j��C•jf�r"�� <br /> E�•(� sccurcdb �hisSecurii Insuumcm. ift:;,'I'�* � <br /> - '•'��;?�i�' 3. A Ilcalion of Pa ments. Unless a licablc law rosiAcs oihencin. :dl a mems rccci��ed b [�r.der unJcr � � �� - <br /> PP � rr P P-Y 1 !j- T���i�t `� . <br /> -�- ;' paragraphs I and 2 shall 6e applieJ:fin6 m any prcpaymxnt charges due under the No�e:second.m amoums pa,v.�bte under ��l�t�.�;y_,4�+��� . <br /> 'tt r % ara ra h 2;�hir4�o intcrc.�Jua rinci al du.:and lau.m an•late char a duc undcr�he ho�e. <br /> - -�.-'tt� P S4.P Ch�rges: Uens. 6oRO��rr�t+r.11Ppay ail�a�e�.�ssexmcros�charges,fnc. and in�go;nlons anribmablc m �he +rq �i�!'�5p ' �� <br /> f !-- Propeny which may anain priority over chi>Securm�nstmment.anJ Iea.ehold or grcxir i rcms.if any. Uorrowrr �.�� ' �i��� ;: <br /> � ?' { sh;dl pay Wese obliga��ha mvitnr provfdeA in�c�agraph:.or i(nn1 paiJ in th��m�nntr.Ua�mrer cFxtd ray�hem un rrq�,, ,: <br /> r }��,': �ime dircctly�o the penon ouzd paymem. 6ortowec�fi:�f�romp�ly fumi�h lo Lend.r all no�ic.c oi amo�mu to b.paid undrr � 1� ; ts � _ <br /> o ��%, this pamgraph. If 6orto.�nv inike.�hne paymem�dr.c�il�•.f2urto�cer shall prompily fumi+h eo LenA.r receip�s eviJencin£ f# � `:� t� � <br /> �i i�: �hc paymems. '"r,{' ' 'r �x : <br /> � � ` 6ortowcr shall promplly Jischargt any licn�rhieh ha�priarily mrr Ihi�Securily Inarunx�N�1nku Oortow'cr.l:U agrec-� - i{ 3 ' <br /> ' rr; in�eriiing�o the paymrnt of�he ohligaiion>rrured by�he L•en in a manneraccepiable m Lendar.�F�:onte.�s in g�wd fai�h�he y , _ <br /> .�.u:;,�� lien by,or defends againsl enforcemrm uf�he lirn i��Egal proce.ding.�d�ich in�he Lender's opimon opcnte lo prerem�he r� i'�c i".- <br /> rnfortemeN of�he lien;w Ic)securcs from thc ho�i�of�he lien an agrccmem�a�i.facwry•Io Lender sulwrdinaling lhc lien - n_�;�' " <br /> nr:" to�his Securiiy Inswment. If Lendu detemiines�ha�any pan of�he 1'rnpeny u wbj.a to:+I�en which may auain priority (,� . :�f y�}��..- <br /> ` 1 -�x m•cr this Securily Ins�mmeN.Lender may gire Oortuw.r a nouir id:mi(�ing�hc lirn. Onno=r<.4a11 sa�i.(���he licn or iakc - <br /> - ? onc or morc o(�hc ae�ion.�c�fonh aMn���ithin In ihe gnmg of nmicc. :i � ,�,�_�h,e <br /> _ '?- 5. Haz�rd or Properq�Insunnca 6orro�rer shall kecp iC�•�mprovemcmi nmc ev�tr.� nr hereafler crecled on Ihe -�-. �_ - `��,S��t,���_. <br /> -� ':?:.r.. Propny insured again.i los:b��firc.hvards indudrd���!hin IF.c I.mi'cVCnJcd n^.:ngd"ar.d any oihcr harard..including )"•,,..�'-. . <br /> r-j.;=:",,_s floods or Ilooding. fnr uh�:h Lender rrquire> imnr., "71�i+inwnr:ce�h�lt }e mafr.laineJ in �he amoanls and for the 7:�_ �yj'v,`'.. <br /> i :. , � . <br /> -- .:t i. . _� �,_ <br /> ' �il.S �i.', -. <br />- :�� �' e�.���na+ evo .�.,c�..d�r.:<�:- <br /> .s�-;,S ri.i'�lif.i,�:.. <br /> _ �. n : <br /> _ ±,r <br /> t <br />- - .::arr,•�':a.i:..,::.- - - - - - . .. . . _ <br />� '_:r:.:. - . <br /> ._ .��'-i:' . <br /> i <br /> +� <br /> %;i.S <br /> :`i <br />..a;:� . . .. <br /> �'-�,- <br /> ; � <br /> =.... .3 .. '�-� ..':��._.. <br />