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<br /> ; o.y : . .
<br /> o�y
<br /> �� ' 16.8apenwer's Copp Baaow�shali be givea one oonfarm� � • ,`
<br /> � copy of the Nute and of this`5�nit�r Instrum�t ', �
<br /> . . .. ,,� �7.'�ran��o�We Pro pertq ar a BeneRr�al Ingeres3 in Bopruwer. If all or�y part of tbe Pr+ogeny or aay iarrrest in it is j,;, `�.. � _
<br /> a ` `.+ ;.f�:.°,:`,
<br /> ..:�_
<br /> , sotd nr aansfeaed(ar if a beae8clal�t ia Bmrawer is�Id ar o�d and Harmwer is not a aa�l pe�son�without � -
<br /> ° ' ��+ Le1Wer's prior writ�a ooaseaL Lend�may,ai irs��an.requae immediat�FaYm�t ia fall of ali sams sec�red by t6is Seauiry �s
<br /> � � .� ' { Insaumeat However,ttus oprion s4ai1 uot 6e exe�sed by I�eader if exe�cise is probi6ued by federal iaw as of tfie da�of this < -ri ' .�.
<br /> 1 # Seauit�,Instrumeat
<br /> � -�t.��`-
<br /> � 'c"'—n. If Lendcr ex�ibisopdon,I�uder s6all give Bosmwer�uce of aoceteration.'�e notice s6all pmvide apenod of nol tess - .k F �
<br /> 'ce
<br /> `�� ..� then 30 days fmm the date the nati�ce is deTivered or ma�ed wit�n w6idi Sosrower must pay all sums secuced by this Seauity _ `
<br /> < . Iasumnmt If Bmcawer�ails m gay�tt�:,8u�,�r t,o the expi�a�on of t6is paiod,Leuder may wvoke aay nemedies pamiued %`�;:�`.-
<br /> by this Sec�ity Ias�au�s+i��r qz�d on i; . �•`:`: `
<br /> -; ,., ,.� Boaoxr� �.ry�:::, .:� ._
<br /> .: `,`< !S.Bormwer's It�t�-��� meeLs o� cand�icns. Bottowec shaU have the right m bave -
<br /> �1:." ,_.. _�� eafortemeat of this S�I��t di�onmtaetl at any time.priar w the eaciier o� a 5 da s or suth other ad as ''u., .
<br /> e�y () y c � .�:: �-
<br /> . . a applicab2e la�v may speafy fer remstarr�nent)6efare sale af the Pmp�ty pursuant o��y powes of sate con�aed in tfis S� '{n.. '��':�'�•;--�
<br /> ' _; Ins�n�fi or(b)enIIY of alud�i enfo��this Sec�iry Ias�ameut 7twse c��ztions are that Bos�ow�;3�_�ays I.ender all `�s�s',�`:` -_ -
<br /> ... �.�,,� sumq�vhicb th�n wanl3l�e dne und�this Sa.vmy Ins�m�t and the Note as�.�accele�ation 6ad o�(b)aue.c aaY r1� --
<br /> y:
<br /> � � •a defaWt of any adser coveaaaB ar ag�emeat�(c)Fays aII exp�mcmRe�in e�ing thic Sec�ic}r Ins�s,incindin8.6ut � ,_�
<br /> not limired L�.�sonable atnomeys'fee.�and(cn t�es sas6 ac�on as b�may rea�onably requge m assme t�as tl�lieo of this ?�
<br /> ss
<br /> _. <f.: '. � S e�u i ry I a s�. I�e a d e r's ri g h t s in �e R+o p e a t y �Bnaowe� erb l i g a�i on oo p a y the sums seraued by this 5e�auity .
<br /> f;�
<br /> :�. Insrsam�t sdaII condnue nacbanged.Upan rems�:@:� Sc�r•s»�this Seauity Insuumeat aud the ob' s� ` �S � . . .
<br /> :�
<br /> - �. � ,. � hereby shall cemam faIIy effecxive as if ao acceleratinn Irs�r,�a�l��sver,this right w mmstate shaII not y m the c�of . ,1... ��--
<br /> accelcsatinnuuderpata�aph 17. ,r
<br /> :.? . ..__-
<br />_ - `•i L9 Sai�of l►�ot�C6ange of Laan�.s�r_ 'iTte N� � s �ctiai iateae.st m the Nus� (wg�r with thiq Sec�uit}r ;�. _ --
<br /> � _ Instmm�t)mag bc snld oae or more du�s wirhont priar notice to Bo�oarer.A sale mayr�IS a�a cdaag�in the e�itjr(tmown �.:•, .,,�-
<br /> � � ^ as tLe°i�aa Servise�t�sa�tilects uronthly payments dc�uuder the Note and this 5�ry InsOrura�s�t.'I�ere a l s o may b e one ar ky v��-
<br /> `_� ��� maie cJ�anges of the L�i '�rsicer u�uctated tn a saIe�rtfie Not�.1f there is a c�ge af the I.oan Servicer.Bomnwar w�71 be ,;` �` --
<br /> givea arnmen notice of t�e.dJ�ge ia accozdaace with g�h 14 above and applitable taw.l7ie nodce aU state�e aame an d `� ;t ___
<br /> :: � address of tTM�cew Laan Servicer and the addre.ss to a2ich paymeats shoutd be ma�.Tf�e aotice w�71 aLso cantain any other :;� _,�s
<br /> • mfatmation n��by applicable 1aw. �F �-
<br /> � ?A.8arar.r�as Snbstauce9. Bormw�sda11 not cxvse or pesmit the p�escuce. ase, di�posal. sWia$e. or relr�se of�} ,` �s°� �R
<br /> •� Har�sdous Sabsta�tces an or ia the property.Boimwea srail aot do,nar allow anyone eise to do,anythiag affe�uS���9 - • -��'�''
<br /> - I�rai is in vioIaHon of aay Eaviconmenffi1 Law.The p�ang two sententes s 6 a II n o iapp iy t o t h e pnseace,use.o r s�ordge o a t D e <<�'�s_:
<br /> � of s�aaU dd�s of Hardrdous Substancas slhas�e rero w be w nom�al resideatial oses '`'`
<br /> . �m "�a.�ce o�f the Property. S��Y S�� �P�� r �
<br /> ' Bmrowea.�31 pmmptly g�ve Lendea��u.Quti�of any iavestigation,claim.demaad. tawsuit or other acdon by mty ` �;
<br /> � '.. _, �- �cncmment�t'i�r regWatarY SSea�Y or pm'�p�p is�Lving the F�opeity aad aay Haz�dous Sabsqnce os Envaa�ental Law �- .!�
<br /> z y
<br /> �af whicL Barrow�has acWal Imowledge.If Hmstsa�ti�cas,or is noffied by aay gavet�ental ar regnl�tosy►aut6nriry.tLat anY �.,
<br /> ,�•..` a�val or other�ef any Aaza�dons 5�affectiag the Angeaty is�ecessa�yr.Hanowes sha�,�cr�tly take all ` -_`�'f ,
<br /> �y remedial acaons�as�rdance with Enviroa,..^�aI Iaw. � �.,�- , :'"
<br /> . S,�ased�tiris par�.20,"Ha�acdous Substances°are thoss sabstances ciaf"med as toxic or h�: •�s;utanoes by � y: -,�-� �s �::-
<br /> � E�auieu�Lav: and the foIIowing substance� g�soliue, lcerosea�e, other ttammab?e or coxic peaoIeam pr�ducts, a� "-�-9„�y �-_-
<br /> ° pestnddes aac��bicide�s,volaa�e soIv�ts,m a r e n a l s contai�mg a s b e s w s ot fasmaldehy Q e,�d iadiaacdve mate�aLs.As as�ira . H,1�, ?s,.`.. _„
<br /> . �P�Db 1A,"Envlr�nmental Law"means fedeaal laws and laws of the jiaLcdictinn wh�re the Property is lacatod that e� - �`'�;;:�� :
<br /> � � • tn heatth.safety or eavironmental protearon. . � ��" �`�`""`
<br /> ,.� 7�'.
<br /> �'�-,,,=�
<br /> NON-UNffORM COVIIVANfS.Boirower and L,a►der fiuther cove,aant aad a�ee as foiiovrs: - f��� ��vr
<br /> ' .� Zl.Acceleratlon;Itemedies.Lender sbaD give�otice to Borrower prtos to aaxtert�tioa foiEuv�ing Botrower's 6reach ot
<br /> ..�.f2
<br /> . aay eovenant or agreement in t6is Security Iostrumwt N� not p�or to sccetsratitr� cousler ParagraPh 17 anles9 7�'�.li1 � __.
<br /> � appQcable faw pmvides o9$�ennse).'ibe nottce s4aU spedfy:(a)tIIe defaalt;(D)tti¢actTron rcqnir¢d to care the detaWt;(c) �� _—
<br /> '. . . , m�fat�nat ies�than 30�ffrum th�date tIIe no�ce is gFven to Bormvrer,6�'w�I¢b IL�dPfanit must�e�ed:sad(d) �� "'�'?'S._
<br /> � �Pailare tv care the det'as�tt on or 6etare the da3e cciPced ia tLe notice �. ,�''��'.`:�_
<br /> SP IDFIf`�R ID StC�IItIOD QY�57�LS S� _�j fF
<br /> � 4y Ebis S�Iasdvment and sa[e of the Prayertp.'The notEee s�l fuather info�Barravrep ot the rtght to reiasG� ':�`i' �'�.
<br /> :ii�fr 3�, F �,;�.:..
<br /> a�t�r aa�el�a aaA the rig6R to bring a eoart acttan to a�6�e noa�dstence at a dtf�nl2 or any offier defect�atf .
<br /> � �osv�to aaxlerattan aad sal�IP the deYaWt fi4�ca�red a��before t6e date sp�cif�2d in tQe aotice.l.ender;a4 its . " ;:�=��::_:..
<br />= ' ;� u�i(�aa,may r¢qnire imffietllate gayffiwt in faD o�a�2�s scaued 6q t�ig S¢aulty Instr�en!witltout[urWer dewand �. _::;',�i;��t4r,...,
<br /> � ± a�a9 may iavo�e the pawer of ssie and any ol8er remed�es permitEed by appfImbd¢law.i.endYr shaD 6e entitIed to aoIIed .; ','��"1.`-
<br /> ..,�;,;,.. aU espens�s iacarred in purevtng the re�tedies provlded in thi4 P�S�Db Zf,dndadivg,bnt n9t ttmi!¢d to.rw.�sona6te •'r,,i�s� a.'r,
<br />_ ,�'�.;�t}?': : attameys'[ees and oasts of titie evideas�. �! ` '
<br /> . .''.. U the po�vmr ot sate is fnvo�ed,Tc�st¢e sha0 record a Qoa'ee of deiauit t�eacb ca�ntq im afiisd any part ot tbe 1 ��.'';
<br /> :,,. :.���:..�.,r .
<br /> ,..�,..:
<br /> ' . � �D�9 is tatated and s�m2�1 oop�of sucL na�in t6e manaer prescri6ms9 by applicabi�faw to Bosrower and to the �°�;i.!;;:. `
<br /> . . . �r persoas presrn'Der9 bp appllea62e law Aft�t�e time reqaired�p appl�bbe Iaw•Trnstee shall give pnbl�r aoftce of � �',',':'' " �
<br />- . :� '!.;`' s�r to the a�sssoas aad fn the manner prescrtbed bq a�plicable faw.Truste�without de�mmnd on Borro�ver,sbail seil the . - �=;Y'�_:.:.:,.
<br /> N�operty a4�r�1ie aacNoa to the highes2 b9dder at t6e time aad p4ase and ander the terms dlcstgaated in t6e no8o2 nPsate •:. r�;•.�`'�"
<br />-� . :1,.: .
<br />__ .. . :<.
<br /> � . Gorm 8028 9/80 , �r,"' ', . ',
<br /> _ . • �-8R(NB1tYats).ot Canosoie :.� ' IntNat�:__�_ ��,,�,<[:;j'::..
<br /> y . 1'.
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