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<br /> �!�.+�!_.::Y.:'S ' �::MA3�... ' i� '�.,C�.. .s�x�.�..:.:�=.44�Sc.�'.C.k:__.R. tit _ .
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<br /> . ._ ,ti _ t �, - , . _ ��� t . - �� � - ' . ,� '-.
<br /> � ' ..L��r . ' . .. L _4 . Y F_ � .
<br /> Z� . < �'�. h "� � _ .� / "u� a � _,«..r. .
<br /> -t r _ c zr3.K, 3' t _ ' _ "' . . -. J . _ � " t '_ ' .. _ .
<br /> _.y �t.t` - ' v� s� i�,A..�a?�t-� . �. , .c.>_. � _ c �'a ',i7`s� L� '�r`Y -.
<br /> . �L .;Y�N��.lt . � .. - � C .. �. f ' S '- < ' _ , rnT �� -
<br /> —- t s '-Z��' — - - < _�-_r�3'^ c. � . � `�y'
<br /> : . -.` f-, - .�;s: �,h s � < - r. - f, - — ':y ,.— -- -- _. - .4,, . �T , �cr`i'� •` � x`
<br /> 4' . . . . a::]. �.t17. ' L � ' _ . .S. . . _ - 'L `, a ` ' ;c � ' ' . . ' - <rt Jh � Y -fr,�� .
<br />-^ • " ( ��'_��s_:b'.e,f � C !� __r<'. .r . . . � . . t � `4 .. � � .
<br /> o . . `.�t�'�' .'_�..a....__... - ., 1� r _ r -
<br /> , , 1�.�
<br /> . - -.j� - .r); � .
<br /> .. . ,` � q7���� ^ ., k . ,. �.`,
<br /> ��i F• 1.
<br /> • �: �WITH aI!t�e im�sov�enu uow or ke�eafter erect�on the pmpe:ty.and all eas mpnts.a�puiteaances.and ,
<br /> � ' � 6xnaxs_aaw nr 6rleaftei a patt oS ths psaaperty.A!1 replacer�aeats amd addirioas s�all al�o be oovered by this SEauiry Ins�ment . •
<br /> . .' , . . All of tha faregoing is ref�ed t�sn this Sec�aray Inst�u��t ac the"Pmprsty." .. �
<br />_ _' BOItROWF.Et COVFNANfS t�3 B�rowa is lawftally seised of tira�heieby oanveyed aad has the right w gtant aed .
<br /> . •.. ,.,� •
<br /> _ . •. . . ounvay dte RogErty and thai the Prmpeny is un�heretl.excepi far encumbtances of record.Borrower aaaants and wt7I .
<br /> � :',�=� dofand gonaally the utie w the Pro�ty a�aU claans and dermmsds.subjea tn any encumbrances of reoord. � . �
<br /> ��; .'`` THI3 SF.C[JR1TY INS7RU'�FI'oombines �mifoim covenants far national use and nau-nniform caveaantc with l�ited
<br /> _��—'G1 L -" -
<br /> . .. .. � vtuintians by,j�isd�c�op to consS�tute a uuiffa:m seauity m�sntiaaent coveriag real pmperty. . .
<br /> UI�i�ORM COVIIVANTS.Bt�roRet sud Leader wveaant aad agree as foIIows ,�,°
<br /> • - ! L Faqment o�datiadpaf an�d Iateres�P'tePaS�ere3 affid t.ats Cdarges. Boaawcz shall Pm�P�S+ PaY w6e.� due the ;. -` . ; :
<br />'�'��:...::_,:_: .�: .; Princs�l of and intaese oa t2ie�i��ured by the None�d at►y gie�aymmt and late cl�arg�s dne imder the Note. �`' :�- . "�,`.�`
<br /> �:;. : ' � ZE�undsfarTax�au�Ins�ran� Sn6�ecx ro app}fpble law�w a wriueA araives by I.�der.Bmsowez shaII pay to .. , ` �_: :,r��°
<br /> '"::�: ' ` L�der an thc mo r
<br /> �3+ �S►PaYa�►s�are due undes the Note.a�n7 the Noie is paid in full.a som�"Fimds'for_(a)Yem3Y taxes
<br /> �;� • ' _ . mtd��ts which may att��Si�tuiay over t4as Seca�ity Iasun�t as a_lie�on the RoDertY.(b)yeaaly I�ald paymeats ``�
<br /> , �$�QU1IQ IBAiS Oil IZlC P[B�tQ'[�T+1��IIY�����IP�Ij�/�pt�p�y�p����-�y��yy�y QOOd IILSIlY�1CC� �nmm jf � -
<br /> '�= �►Y�:.te)Y�Y m���s.d anY:and(�anY sums PaYsbie bS►Harrower ro Leader,in aacoidanc;e wi�the ' `�`�
<br /> '�� Amvisiaas af garagrapb 8, m li�ef the paymeat of aaongage n�ce premiums'ibese�ems ar�caIIe�"Fsaaw It�• ��
<br /> �';.i . I�nder maY,az auy ame.colte�ct a�ti ha!d Fnnds m an amomu nat tm rxceerl the m�im�un ammmt a Ieadcr foa a fede�aIly ielated `,'•a�,... y.� �
<br /> t. ,- matt�ge Inan may�uue far BtamR�'s escrow arw�ni uftd��federal.Itea1 E�sie SeGl�neau Ptaoe�u�s Atx of 1974 as ` � .•`.,Y-.°
<br /> • u . .• >;•�r;;;
<br /> � � � :�. mnand�fmm time ta time.l2 US�.Secrion 2601 as�. C'RFSPA"y,aatess anot�a 1aw thai ' �
<br /> `- ,�-, ammwt If�,Lender aPPlies ta d�L�uads sets a less� .'i:��•
<br /> , _ �aY,at aay ti�.oollect aad hold Fimds m an amaunt�not to exceed tl��ssa a��nsr.Le�der may •' . `,:�
<br /> �, . t � �e th��aaimt of Ftutds due an d�$h3sds oP aaarmt dat�and reamr�able e�aaDes of expeadiimes of famz�Escsow Ttems� '•�t�°-. . �•"`-
<br />=F.�___. _ - __ ..�C _ �. . -[
<br /> . . .• Ui�l��'FY15l:JU?�CC Wlib 2jTA��$jBW. �3�=
<br /> •,.:.. . .°� +�: 1�e�shaD 6e hedd in an no�an whase degosi�aee is�.�aed by 8 fedaal a�eacy,�saameAtality,ar ea�iry('mdu� .r;� �......�
<br /> t , .. Lcadcr.if Leuder is sacb an ms�m�)or in mry FedeTal H�I.aan Bank.Lea�der sf�all apply the Funds ta�+tke Esauw
<br /> F. � �
<br />____. . =., Jtems.I:cuder may nat charge Bouoa�r for tcotdmg au��piy�q ths Fands.aaauaRY aaa�yan8 die esaaw aa�mt,or veiifying -. �:.f--+��
<br /> •;; tbe Es�ro�v Items.tmtess I�ender pays Ba�mwei�en the Funds and appi�ble Taw pe�mits Leuder w�3�stEC6 a d�ge.
<br /> . �oCtraver,Lendcs may zequse Basrto��r to gay a�-�*+s cba�ge fo:aa lndegendant mal esnre t�repamng servicoe a�by ':' .�'�_
<br /> ��� : +:;. .� = Leudt�r fi cuuuecdon witb this 1aan.a�s app�E.taw pmvides otheavvise.Unless aa a�eat is ma�,a aa apptipbie law '� •���s�
<br /> .'.:.;�• • ,-=--
<br />.'��' . . • --- r�ites.�nte�est tu he paid.Lead�s�all nat 6e�6y pay Bamuw�aay inta�st ar eamimgs on the Fu�.�uaawer and � ` � - -
<br /> �;`:`� • - I�md�r au►Y a�c�m wribn8,howevQr.that mt�st�t�paid on the Fnnds.L�ender s1�aU give to Borrowez,�ut c�arge.an . '.' ��d°-
<br /> 9 s;. . ��e1'acca�mting of the Fimds,sbowing aedica an��to the Fimds and tbe p�upe�se for whicL each debit to the Fimds was . ,..-��
<br /> � mOdu.l7ta Ftauds ane gledged�s ad�aa�al secarity for afl sams�.hy this Secmity Insuament ' _'-_'.�
<br /> ; :;- . . ,�-�,�=--�=
<br />.,,:�.; . • If the�taeW by Lertder e,��d the amounts pacmiffed oo�.hdd Isy applicable law,Le�der shari accam�t to Boma�i'cr : ;: ;: . `�'"�`.�
<br /> .. ��..
<br />{�:;" . . . tdo ez�a�iu aess�rda�ce wisb tb�reqnIIemeats of applicable La�.If the muoant of the Funds deld by Ir�der at any�is . ` -..: •�
<br />�:i:` . ;4 �. nai�sufi�cimn w pay the E�rraw Items wbeA due.lcnder may so notdy Bmmwer�writmg,and in sucb case H�raower shaU�ay � ,.�`_��,��
<br /> .:�. , � , r _ w.L�dar We amouat necessary to m$ke ap t�e de�icienry. Borraw�shall malce ap the deScieacy in no�sae d��a+elve �,�-
<br /> , manthiy.pt�nncnts.at Lender's sole di�csret�un. .. . �,.�_ �:,
<br /> : . .. �! tl�ongayment ia fWl�f all�¢n�secwed by this Set�idyr Instrumeait,Lender shall m �d to Baapwer � `" -a �-
<br /> � . .:" � .
<br /> ' t� Pro P�F aay A�tds �..,�.�. ,_,-_
<br /> ,,,,7.: - heltl�by,Landta If.under parag�D 2l,Lendes s1�aaI1 acquire ar seal We �I.ender.
<br /> _ ,��. Il .....,b.xr:..�_
<br /> �P�Y Priar ca;ite arq�asiaoa or sale of We -� _ -_
<br /> �
<br /> .��...:' „ . ' ProP�atq.shall apply m�y FunQs het4 by Leude�at d�e time of acqmsiaan or sate as a credit against We s��ured Iry this � - -
<br />_;s;, • , Sasanity.Insaumtmt . 'r- - ..._
<br /> �..kppfirnttan oYPaymenta Unitss appHcable laa+ :" .;i`="::
<br /> �; .-, ,..� ; R piovides ot4etads�„aU:Paymarts recesved by lrender undea pza�i�g . ;� �_��-
<br /> . 1 aad�2�s�'C he apglIed:fcst.w aay p�epayment charges dae ander rbe Note;second,w amomus payab2e under P�t�; � � �.
<br /> �.. , .` d r �-=��
<br /> . �.to in�dua fnurth,to prinapal dn�and 1a�i.tn any late cha�s dae under the Note. - -
<br /> ,� . . . � . 4..Char��;Ydena Bmrawer st�l1 pay all taxes,asses�nea�ts. ct�ar8es.fines and imyosmans attri'bata6ls.to the Property . . . .
<br /> .• W31ich�may,et�in priority over tLis Sewrity Ins�utneat arad leasebold � �:;,�
<br /> payme�nts ar grotmd reats.if any.Ban�a�s4a11 Day these .. .'�_.
<br /> �� � � obll�tuid'ns in.lhe manner psovided in peragragb Z,or if aat Daid 3n thai mmmPa,Borrower shall gay them a�r�e direWy to the `. . . , , .
<br /> � � pe�san�aw�d�Aaymcn� Bomawer st�all pmo-mptty fumis6 to Leader all natices of amounts w L� d em�er ehi,
<br /> ,. ; . ..,: 1� P�Dh.If
<br /> � �"i'ri: ; - , Barc�tvar mnkes tttace payments direaty,��rowa sa2R psomptly fturrish to L�ender recelpts evi��:cing We Fa3�eats, - • � : .
<br /> n� ` Ba7mtvgr Sl18ll PromgalY dlschar8m 2ny liPat wt�6�s ytiority oved this ScarriEg£nstrument lmless BQmuv� a a • ., � � .
<br /> -}:+-� ' _ . .uo () �s in �.` .
<br />.�,w,�: .., writiag w�ttle payment e[drr obllgario�secnred by Qfle li�a in a manna aoce.ptable rrs I.ender;(b)contests��ad faith the lien .�:',` '
<br /> : • bY.or defaads against ��remea�i o! the lie,n in. Ieg� Pmoeedin8s which in tiis l,ender's opinion ope�a� tn prevent the ' � -
<br /> �� � ;,:�iF<�.. " . �fo:cament co��e Ilen:or(c)sec�ues fmm the holder of the lien m�agm�anent sa�ssfactory tn Leada subosd'ma�g the liea rm � . � -
<br />''�s� . .:':,;r,, fbi.4$Raudty��OISirUmettL If I.e.nded d2tescnilr,rs the!an art of the � .
<br /> �., Y D �D�Y is subject w a liean atrir�.may at�in priority oves�is .
<br />�."�'.. : • ' S�r,A�s4�tuaaht,Lend�may give Barmwe�a aot�;e ideatifyutg the lien.Bom¢a�er shall sa�y tha lie�or p.ke one or more • � • . � •
<br /> ��i� •�'. of t1Je�ctions sct fanh atro�e withi�10 cl3ys of tha giv�g�f notioe.
<br /> ��` • �o�m 8028 9/80 , . . �
<br /> �'.;�' � . �$D����If�1�.01 PapeYOfA InIQIItO• . .. •� . � � .
<br /> t. . ---- ' - �
<br /> �:� •
<br /> �: . � .. .
<br /> ,.` �,r(
<br /> �17�
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<br /> �`�.. • . . ,� � • . - ..� I �', � � , ..� • , � � _� ' . . ' . � ' , i� , . . - ..
<br /> �+ � - .� - ' . . - • _ �� • ,- ' ' _. -
<br /> Fw.t:� _ ., . . . .. _, . - . .. . . : ... .. . . ' . . � ' _ .. . . ' .
<br /> ��� . � . . . . - ...' . � .. ' - . .; .. . , - . . ' . , �� .. -. .
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<br /> � , _ .. _ • ��f. " ,. . � � - . . . . , . ' � . .. , .'
<br />� ,f� . , . . . • ' - ,. � - . ' � , '
<br />. *' . . _ . - ' . . . ' ' ' . � - . . : ' ' , - ' .
<br /> , • . ' �'1'�� � ' I �'�� . ' .
<br /> ,. . . � .'d " , . - - � .�+�e—. �rr-'.. � �.�..,._•-^---..�.-s. -y.._.
<br /> . _ � . . . .. ... . . .. . . . . : . .. . .:�<<a•�SI"�'�.�'"•`:�. . . .s ., .�..: .. •' � � . . �;- '�� . • . . .. -� .. .a::`°�-. ...i� Y- _7, ,ia
<br />