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20120114J <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />A tract of iand Comprising a part of the NEl/4 af the SW1/4 of <br />Section 20, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as foll.ows : <br />Beginning at a point 33 feet north of the south line af said <br />NE1/4 of the SWl/4 and 108.45 feet west of the east line of <br />said NEl/4 of the SW1/4 and also being the southeast corner of <br />the property formerly owned by the American Crystal Sugar <br />Company and the west and north right. of way lines of public <br />roads situated east and south of said property; thence North <br />89°05' West (assumed bearing) along and upon said public <br />road right of way line, a distance of 333.19 feet; thence North <br />00°54'24" East, a distance of 40.0 feet, thence North 89°05'36" <br />West, a distance of 25.0 feet; thence South 00°54'24" West a <br />distance of 40.0 feet to a point on said public road right of <br />way line; thence North 89°05'36" West along and upon said <br />public road right of way line a distance of 618.61 feet to its <br />intersection with tYr��. north right of way line of the Burlington <br />Northern Railroad Belt'� �. ne; thez�ce North 87°16'S5° West, along <br />and upon said railroad r3�ght of way line, a distance of 2.51 � <br />feet to the southeast corner of Kiewit Subdivision thence North <br />00°00'00" East along and upon the east line of said Kiewit <br />St�bdivision, a distance of 663.9 feet; thence South 89°05'36" <br />East a distan.ce of 978.72 feet to a poin.t on the west right of <br />way line of said public xoad; thence South 00°03'04" East along <br />and upon said right of way a distance of 664.0 feet to the <br />point of beginning and containing 14.898 acre�, more or less. <br />