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�0.. �.- <br /> 103i/z—WARFi4NTX DEED—Joint Tenancy—Vesting Entire Title In Survivor The Huffman Ceneral SupP1y House, L;ncolr,, Nebr. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Dorothy T. Storjohn, formerly Dorothy <br /> T. Chester, <br /> in consideration of One dollar and other �ood and v�luable ccnsideration ���:���; <br /> in hand paid, do herel�y grant, l�argaiti, scll, coii�-e}• and confirm unto DoT'othy T. StoT�j ohn and <br /> Eugene W. Storjohn, wife and husband, <br /> as JOINT TENA\�TS, and not as tenants in common; the io'tlo���in; descriLed real c�t:ite, �itu;itecl in tl�e Couilty� oi <br /> � Hall �t�d �cate of Nebraska , to-„�t: <br /> Fractional Lot Two (2) in Fractional Block rorty <br /> 2dine (49) in Russel :�lheeler�s Addition to tne City <br /> of Grand Island, :all �our.ty, ";ebraska, <br /> together with all the tenemetits, ��ereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the estate, title, <br /> dower, right of homestead, claim or demand n•hatsoever of the said grantor , ot, in or to tllc saitle, or any t�art <br /> thereof;s��''�'�,("i c.�,c <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTION OF ALL PARTIES H�RETO, THAT IN TH� EV�NT OF 'I'H� DEATII <br /> OF EITHER OF SAID GRANTEES, THF_ ENTIR� FEE SIMPLE TITLE TO THE REAL I'STAT� DE- <br /> SCRIBED HEREIN SHALL VEST IN THE SURVIVING GRANTEE. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aUove described I�remises, with the appurtenances, unto the said grantees as <br /> JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common, and to their assigns, or to tlie heirs and assigns of the survivor <br /> of them, forever, and ghg the grantor named herein for heT'Self and heP heirs, executors, ancl <br /> administrators, do covenant with the grantees named herein and with their assigns and with the heirs and assigns <br /> of the survivor of them, that she 3glawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from incumbrance <br /> except as stated herein, and that sh2 the said grantor have good right and lawful authority to seli the <br /> same, and that She will and heT' heirs, executors and administrators shali warrant and de- <br /> fend the same unto the grantees named herein and unto their assigns and unto the heirs and assigns of the sttr- <br /> vivor of them, forever, against the lawful claims of all persoiis whomsoever, excluding the exceptions named herein. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF she have hereunto set her hand this 1L}.th day of <br /> September , 19 62� <br /> , ,� <br /> . � <br /> ... . . ... .._.�.-�--- -•'�� -- -�------�----�--�----��-------------- <br /> l <br /> .....---�.............................�-�----��------�---------�-�-----------�----..............._.. <br /> Inpresence Yf .....---••-----------------•-------•�-----•-----------•-----�---�-- -�-----------------------�- <br /> •.-----•----...-----••-- <br /> -----•--•-------•------.....-�----------- -------�----�-��--�---------.... <br />