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- SURVIVORSHIP DEED - <br /> WILLI� WILHELMI (also known as VJilliam H. �Vilhelmi) and <br /> P-ZARTHA UJILHELMI, h��band and wife, herein called the Grantors, in <br /> consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and sufficient <br /> consideration received from Grantees, do quitclaim, grant, bargain, <br /> se11, convey and confirm unto WILLIAN H. WILHELMI and NIARTHA WILHEL�I, <br /> husband and wi£e, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and <br /> not as tenants in common, the following described real property in <br /> Hall County, Nebraska: <br /> The North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N2NE4) of <br /> Section Twenty-eight (2$) , Township Twelve (12) North, <br /> Ran�e Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M.; and <br /> The Northwest Quarter of the Northeast .�.uarter (NWwNE4) <br /> and th.e Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter <br /> (St���-NE4) of Section Twent y-seven (27) , Township Twe�re <br /> (12) North, Ran�e Ten (10) ��Test of the 6th P.M. ; and <br /> The North Half of the Southwest �uarter of the Northwest <br /> auarter (N2SUv�NW,i-,) and the North Half of the Southeast <br /> �uarter of the Northwest ��uarter (N2SE,�-�,Nti�T,�-�) in Section <br /> Fifteen (15) , Township Twelve (12) North, Range Ten (10) <br /> ir;'est of the 6th P.Ni. , Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> TO HAVE Ai'1D TO HOLD the above described premises together <br /> with a11 tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belon�ing <br /> unto the Grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assi�;ns <br /> c' the survivor of them forever. It is the intention of all <br /> ��er�to that in the event o_f the death of either of the Grantees, <br /> tr:e entire fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the <br /> surv�vi_n� Grantee. <br /> Dated September ��� , 1�62. <br /> � ����'��'t���V,�� <br /> �`� 0 J -/ /1� � <br /> STtiTE OF NEBRtiSKti, COUNTY OF HALL: <br /> Before me, a Ivotary Public <br /> qualified for said County, personally <br /> came �°�'illiarr Vlilhelmi (also known <br /> as 6�Tilliam H. Viilhelmi) and I�iartha <br /> Vdilhelmi, husband and wife, known to <br /> me to be the identical persons who <br /> signed the foregoin� instrurrient and <br /> acknowledged the execution thereof <br /> to be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> �^�'itness my hand and Notarial <br /> , �0��� Seal on September �, 19���;,�g.�a,� ', <br /> %'� z�`,.1� , ... !�n <br /> 7ti r,h e ••e'A,� 1 '+���'; <br /> Stmte �f l�i��s��3�ts:� � ' ` ,.- A\ <br /> s» o ary ublir� �; 'd••�,.°trd "= <br /> �Q!!S?�Y O� t t� . r �:"� „t��,1� �' �q� X'. <br /> �:�,t,xt��;� c ; . �� f f� � �.tx;€ijed - , �oi�v : <br /> f�z r�cr� Y ,isc�r �# �"��,y �M �;� <br /> f <br /> ��'e<:s r�;i t �e: ..;a,"26t+�'t._-- c$�y �� T�ltf COTC1TI11SS1011 expires cJU�� '�},,� ��.�L)�,I. �� ;�t�" <br /> x s, <br /> ---Se�tember . 3 62.. ; . .9..__,. �"�f. � �' <br /> �, ��:.<:.,.,. <br /> �°<-s,�.'. a:,=� _ 50. �; _ ;�c __A•_;�s. '� <br /> ����.� �-�::_� : n� � ---�9---- a� <br /> _,...D��c�s----.. ~ �.��,..._ _� - <br /> _y__. ���_���---- <br /> •-,.�ti.:�"'w�:.'Y �.^.� 5.�t,-�Y& <br /> �37.....�.,..�_._ ----------_...,.�'_-_'. <br /> 2.25 ^�'��3e�� <br /> �ePe �-- .__., <br />