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103-A—WARRANTY DEED (Revised 1961) The Huffman General Supply House, Lincoln,Nebr. <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT I or We, Theresa Mullen Lane, a widow, and Mary E. Mullen�� a single person, <br /> ,herein called the grantor whether one or more, <br /> inconsiderationof One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration <br /> received from grantee, do hereby grant, bargai,n, sell, convey and confirm unto MiChael P. Hannon and <br /> James Howard Hannon, as Tenants in Common, <br /> herein called the ;rantee whether one or more, the following described real property in <br /> Hall County � Nebraska • <br /> The Southwest Quarter (SVY�) of the Southwest <br /> Quarter (SW�) of Section Nine (9)� Township <br /> Nine (9) North, Range Twelve (12} West of <br /> the 6th P. M. with the exception of a right- <br /> of-way previously deeded by Warranty Deed <br /> recorded in Book 34 of Deeds, Page 573 <br /> thereof <br /> IT BEING THE INTENTIOYd GF ALL PARTIE5 HERETC <br /> THtiT EACH UF �AID GRANTEES HEREBY BECOME THE <br /> OV�N6R OF AN UNDIdIIIED ONE_HALF (1�2) INTEREST <br /> IN AND TO THE AFOHE DE5CRIBED REAL ESTATE� <br /> To h�ve and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments and appur- <br /> tenances thereto beloriein� unto the grantee and to brantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br /> _�iid the hrt�utor does ]tereby eo�-eiia�it �aith the �rautee and �vith arantee's heirs and assians tl�at grantor <br /> is la�vfu115- seised of said premises; that the�- are free from eucumbrance <br /> that nrantor has good right and lawful authorittir to couve5- tl�e same; and that grantor warrants and will defend <br /> the title to said premises aeainst the lawful claims of all ��ersons «�homsoever. <br /> / . <br /> llated September ?� 19 62 � �' � <br /> � ),� � , <br /> . .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ... ..�. .��Z-C,t1�Ci`� ..�;���c��-c Q.�,�..C'/ <br /> I . ..�.�. . �.. . .iv�..�.:..�C_Q.�...,,....�. .... . <br /> .. . .. ...... .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . .. . ... . .. . . . . . .. .. . ........ .. ... . <br /> STATE OF.. . .NEBRASKq, ,, ,, ,., , ., Coiinty of. . . Hal l. . . .. . .. . .. . ... . : <br /> I3efore me, a notary public qualified for said co�tut��, personallv came TheT25a MUllen Lane� a <br /> � widow, and-�e��r �.,; Mullen, a single person, <br /> . '�.'. <br /> ,, �, <br /> 1� ° <br /> . ' p,,, -,, ;. <br /> kno�vn ,tQ mer"to�bk,t���entieal person or persous ���ho sirned the fore�oine instrument and ackno�vledged tbe <br /> e�.e¢utiqh�ereof to'�e°ohis,�lier or their voluntar}- act and cleed. <br /> e �' I�., h ° I�/'�� <br /> �:�4'1tt?ess b,��Nafic'l'�.nd iiotarial seal oii. . . . . . . . . . SeptettlheT. .. � ., 19,�?2.. .. <br /> ��. _�� � , ��� � • <br /> �„'•. ., �3:�, �,:� . .. .. . . ... . . . . . ...�Z��•�7.. .. ... .Notary Public <br /> � •, ,,. , . '; . . <br /> J,�i� ,'�,,:, <br /> � , � `` bI}- commission espires. ... .N18y 4�. . . . ...... .. . ... .. 19 67.., . <br /> ST�TE OF. .. . . .. .�ska... . . . . . .:1 � � � [.! <br /> H al] <br /> ('ounty . .. ... ... .. . .. .. .. .. . .... . .. . . . iss. <br /> Entered on iiumerical indea and filed for record in the Register of Deeds Office of said County the <br /> . .. .. . .?�'.. .day of, . . September,. ,. „ ,, 19. .F'�. . ., at.. .. 1 . . . ..o'clock and.-'--......minutes ..., <br /> and recorded in Book... .�39....... . .... .of.. ..,.needs...... . ..atpage. .. .�0.�`�...... <br /> � a ., � . .... .... .. .........�.�.,-.��'-�r....... <br /> ��������f,,y,�_� � Reg. of Deeds <br /> � <br /> 'r �i�1'� >�-�. By ............. ... .. ....... .. .. .... .... ..Deputy <br /> , � <br />