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i <br /> F'f�e� �u� C�rni� d7i..�.��'.t�� '�`��� 1" Ao^�'�39 !:ffl�d�,� �.,����;� <br /> . _... ..�.�iar�� .v��..l� :{..� �1� _i. t) kil���^JY�'.^ <br /> 4.1—SURVIVORSNIP WARRA�D Felton �WoIF Company, Lincoln�Nebr. <br /> SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br /> c <br /> VeT'lOr L. rOOSiC �ri� &r�Orie �:. �oo� herein called the grantor «-hether one or more, <br /> in consideratiou of Cr2 _ O���.7' �._, O`�"3_ V£�i'�� 1° CO2":til'_`°' ` �lOri r'OIZ,A:S <br /> received from grantees, does grant, bargain, se11 con�-ey and confirm unto ':'II_LI�_'° J. �6`.CO?`� <br /> ar_d -i:' �� _ . -:�_�'r' <br /> as joint tenants with right of survi�-orship, and uot as tenants in common, the fo11oR-ing described real <br /> property in .....................�:�.�.1................................ Count��, \ebraska: <br /> Lot One ::unc._ „ :elve ( 11?) _�.ercvis`� tiuori�•is_or_ t�o t:�e <br /> Gitv of �rFnd Isl�n:' , :;� 11 ''oa^-+�, '_ e'�r'as'..-�: . <br /> �:� _ - �--- -- — <br /> � � ., <br /> - �; ,� — - <br /> To have and to hold the abo��e described premises toaether ���ith all tenement�, hereditaments <br /> and appur�enances thereto belonging unto tlie nrautees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigiis <br /> of the sttrvivor of them forever. <br /> And grantor does hereby covenant «�ith the grantees and with tlieir assigns and «•ith tl�e heirs <br /> and assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is la«-filll.- Seised of said prernises; that tliey are free from <br /> encumbrance the *:aOrt�-;a^;e of recorc: `n f�:v^1 oi ��on J. r'c��iz�'r�,y Co��an', <br /> that grantor has good right and lawful authority to conve,y the s�me; and that granYor «arrants and «•ill <br /> defend the title to said preinises against the lawful claims of all persons «-hoiusoe�-er. <br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in tlie e��ent of the death oi cirhei• of tlie grantees, <br /> the entire fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in tlie siir�-i��ing grantee. <br /> , -r <br /> Dated Au,,u s t I.5� 1962 �' '° <br /> , - ' '\ <br /> ��� �--� ��--���, <br /> . . .......... ................ ................................................ . . ..�. �.�...... . <br /> . . . .... . . . <br /> Ve�lon L. Toosic <br /> //L�:�: .��.���'.....��.......�".`.c..�._ <br /> ;�. <br /> .................................................................................... ............ '� <br /> ....... <br /> jorie .��. ^oosic <br /> .................................................................................... .................................................................................... <br /> ................................................................................... ...............................................................................�.... <br /> STATEOF ....��'.�1��.�.5�{�............................... County of ...........H'sl.�..�..............................,......... <br /> Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, personally came Verlon L. <br /> Goosic and. T�'arjorie A. Goosic, k�is wife <br /> .,:,,�.,:��:���-,,,, <br /> , , * � . <br /> �' �,"L-�pv,cp,;�G�ri�,to be the identical person or persons who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged <br /> '�,��•'�tk� ��k�'iaa� thereof to be his, her or their voluntary act and deed. <br /> -nia,<•```� "'��`� ��•• � ............ U U9t', <br /> _ � ��� � � �itn�es§ my hand and notarial seal on ...�r..�............��s............../......, 1s.�2......... <br /> �-- ,.. , �� ,� , <br /> � .r„ �,� : x .• . / / � <br /> � '�ir�5;.>� `: . ^ �Z� �..�.���`��.:�......... <br /> , �j`� P.,. ...L.:�.�7�� :. ...... . Notary Publie <br /> ,� . .> / <br /> •�. ?r. •••.....::•• �_ /� <br /> ; � l�/�'�t°�a'',�� ..,��„ <br /> "' ` ' '' � My commission expirea ... . .. :.: .:... . , 19 �'' <br /> �,. . . ................... .......... .. <br />