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.�'/ <br /> , � �� ' � ,-�. � 'G� <br /> _ r . . . : ,. __-_ <br /> f 105—WARIiANTY DEED—Corporation �"Vr': ? - " ' ' o �t ' <br /> ��. <br /> . � �. .. � �m my <br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made this 21st day of �� September A. D., 19/{ 62 between '; <br /> ROBERTS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, a Corporation � <br /> j �, <br /> � � <br /> � i i i .�i : <br /> a cor�or¢tion organi�ed and existing s��:der a�id b�� virtue of the laws of the State of NEBRASKA J <br /> ¢arty of the fcrst part, asad F--IOWARD R. RAINFORTH and IVA P. RAINFORTH as joint <br /> tenants and not as tenants in common <br /> , ( <br /> ! <br /> , of the County of Ha11 , and State of Nebraska , Qarties of the seco:id part, <br /> WITNESSETH. That the said party of the first Qart for and i�a co�ssideration of the susn of <br /> One Dollar ($1. 00) and other consideration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS <br /> in laand ¢aid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has sold a�td by these ¢resents does grant, convey and confirm <br /> unto the said part ies of the second part, the following described premises, situated in <br /> Ha11 County, and State of Nebraska , to-urit: <br /> i <br /> All o <br /> j; <br /> Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Seven (7) in 'I <br /> i <br /> Township Nine (9), Range Eleven (11), West of the 6th p. m. in Hall County, Nebraska 1� <br /> more particularly described as follows: ;i <br /> � Beginning at the North�vest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast fI <br /> � <br /> Quarter of said Section Seven (7); thence easterly on the North line of said Northeast ;; <br /> Quarter of the Southeast Quarter a distance of 449. 8 feet; thence to the right an angle �i <br /> � of 144°17' in a southwesterly direction a distance of 554. 1 feet to a point on the West ' <br /> i line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence Northerly on said West �� <br /> iline a distance of 323. 5 feet to the point of beginning; containing 1. 7 acres more or less. � <br /> i AND � <br /> i� <br /> Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Seven (7) in � <br /> Township Nine (9), Range Eleven (11), West of the 6th p. m. in Ha11 County, Nebraska <br /> more particularly described as foliows: �� <br /> Referring to the South Quarter Corner of said Section Seven (7); thence north- <br /> erly on the East line of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section i <br /> Seven (7)a distance of 1157. 7 feet to the point of beginning; thence Southwesterly on a j <br /> 17, 338. 7 foot radius curve to the left (initial tangent of which forms an angle of 113 de- ;� <br /> grees 02 minutes left with the last described course produced) a distance of l, 501. 1 feet � <br /> to a point on the West line of said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence j <br /> northerly on said West line to the Northwest Corner of said Southeast Quarter of the <br /> Southwest Quarter; thence easterly on the North line of said Southeast Quarter of the <br /> Southwest a distance of 1320 feet to the Northeast Corner of said Sflutheast Quarter <br /> of the Southwest Quarter; thence south on the East line of said Southeast Quarter of the <br /> Southwest Quarter a distance of 162. 3 feet to the point of beginning; containing 13. 8 acres � <br /> more orless. <br /> It being the intention of all parties hereto, that in the event of the death of either� <br /> of said grantees, the entire fee simple title to the real estate described herein shall vest� <br /> in the surviving grantee. <br /> TO HAT�E AND TO HOLD t/ie ¢yemises above described, togetlaer with all the Tenements, Hered%t¢ments and <br /> A�ipurte�zances tlaereunto belongi�zg unto the said Howard R. Rainforth and Iva P. Rainforth as <br /> joint tenants and not as tenants in common � <br /> Ayad the said Roberts Construction Company, a Corporation � <br /> ` for itself or its successors, doeshereby covenaszt and agree to¢�zd with the s¢id payt ies of the second part a�adtheir <br /> laeirs and assigns, that at the time of the execution and delivery of tlzese presents it is lawfully seized of said prenzises; � <br /> that it has good yight and lawful authority to con.vey the same; tkat they aye free from encumbranee no r <br /> ' exception. F <br /> � �� <br /> does hereby covenant to waryant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of all peysons whomsoever. ' <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Roberts Construction Company, a Corporation �� <br /> ;, <br /> ' has heyeunto cause�d its corpo�•ate sead to ve a�'ixed ayad these presents to be signed by its VlCE PRESIOENT � <br /> i tlae dtt����,�e�;�'w'st a�"ove wyitten. �� <br /> � �'. ;�f. .; _ <br /> � � � ♦ �. ::.R � � <br /> 1 <br /> \� S%g� ed ��i rlel�veyed in presence o f F� <br /> ��"'° ����`e � � ROBERTS CON TRUCi"ION C0. ;' <br /> �,�,� � - - <br /> , : <br /> �-.• ... -----------------------------�---------------- ------------------------�--- --�- - -----------------------�----------------.... <br /> �" -� �a '� �,� �r � <br /> ---- -- <br /> , <br /> �°° �y�'" �. ,.` �1...-- <br /> „•w ..--._,_ _„�.�� >---------- ---- -----•--• --•--•• ----•---• B1' - -•- -------- -----�-- <br /> I ,. < <br /> •� *�, <br /> .� .o �P�Pf�y_�•'��'� ..__ __::_. ��E RESeDENT � <br /> __. _._ :_._::.��_ _ � . _ _ . <br /> _ _,_.� _ __�..___�._..___.-�_�__ ��_W:.�..._ . ..� <br /> # • V1C � <br /> I <br />