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i� i. - <br /> ,�. __. , -__ <br /> ---- _ _ -- - ___ ---- ---- - ------- . _ <br /> -- - -- - ------ __ _ _ <br /> ,; -- _ _ ---- -- --- _ <br /> �; 701---WARRANTY DEED 4,583-�.,.,..��-�,.d-,.�...-.. <br /> �� <br /> �i �.CC�tuu� ,�1� �rn � c� �e�� �r��rn��: <br /> ,, � � <br /> �, <br /> ,� THAT JA�S H. AjTRETT and �dAXINE C. AVRETT , each in Y:i� or her <br /> j' own ri�Yiti a5 ti'tie a�ouse oi ea.c:ti ol;lier <br /> of St. Joseph County, and State of Indiana <br /> in consideration of the sum of Otner va.luable consiaeration Une anci No�lUU--DOLLARS, <br /> in hand paid by BEL AIR CORPORAT ION <br /> of Hall � County, and State of rle brr�sl:a do hereby grant, bargain, <br /> sell, convey, and confirm unto the said 13�;L AI H C URP 013AT I UN the following <br /> !i <br /> described premises, situated in the County of HALL and State ofNEBRASKA to wit: <br /> LOTS �;LEVEN (11) and THIRTF�;N (13) , IIr' BLOCK SEVEN ( 7) , <br /> li UNIVERSITY PLAC�� an Addition to the City of Gr�,nd Isl�+.nd, <br /> Nall County, Nebrasxa, as surveyed �,nd p1�tLed. Subject <br /> to Protective Covenants recorded in trie Re�;ister of Deeds <br /> �! Office of Hall County, i�tebrasxa. <br /> � � <br /> i' ` I� <br /> � ' I �� <br /> � <br /> � � <br /> Togethex with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the Estate, <br /> Ri�nt, Title, Interest, Claim or Demand whatsoever includ�ng Dower, Curtesy and Homestead Rights of the <br /> sa,id Ja.cnes H. Avrett and 1U�axine L'. Avrett , in YiiN or her ovan rigr�t <br /> anct as cr�e ��o use oi each other of,in,or to the same,or any part thereof. ' <br /> !�� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said <br /> B�;L I�tI R C ORP ORAT I ON and to i t s heirs and assigns forever. <br /> �, And we hereby covenant with the said �EL t�IR CORPOI�1i�'ION <br /> ,, <br /> that yve hold said premises by good and perfect title; that we have good right and lawful <br /> '; authority to sell and convey same; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever. <br /> i� <br /> '� And we covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of all <br /> c � <br /> , <br /> �i persons whomsoever. <br /> � Signed this � day S ept embe r � 19 62 <br /> �� <br /> �; <br /> �I X ��� <br /> ;; In presence of ..... .:......`.................._........ ..........:...... ._._............. ... . <br /> ;i .. ... . ..... . ............. <br /> .. . ... <br /> ...... <br /> ;: <br /> . X ,', <br /> ,, <br /> ! � ---�.................................... <br /> , .........��'.�-.O.v..�.u..��.�....... .............. .. - <br /> � -- --- <br /> �; <br /> ---••..................--�--�-�- <br /> „ .............. .--.......... ................. . -r - <br /> ;, _�.. .--•-�--...-� � , ........................................-�-----------................................---.........................-•--------.........---... ;:, <br /> 'i <br /> �� �:� <br /> , . ................................-��---------...................-----�-----•--...............-•---------------................................ �; <br /> ; • .... :.......... ; <br /> . . . . .... .. ..�........ .. ............` ........_�°..... �. <br /> � ;i <br /> �i <br /> � f <br /> �I °� <br /> -- -----------__ _� <br /> _ -- - -- - --------- �, <br />