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�'�tnq' f(1{ �° �., g /9�� a �� r.. y �{/39 C(�� bd� �o�� <br /> .�i�„,..,....._..,. - _ . � .:i '° {t I r`;"`'+ AtifcSk1� <br /> 4.1—SURVIVORSNIP WARRANTY DEED Felton b WoIF Company, Lincoln,Nebr. <br /> SURVIVORSNIP WARRANTY DEED <br /> F, I SABELLE McKEEVER, a widow, <br /> . herein called the grantor «•hether one or more, <br /> in consideration of ONE DOLLAR ( $1. 00) and other valuable consideration <br /> recei��ed from grantees, does grant, bargain, seil con�•e}• and confirm unto <br /> J. RAY BRADY and MARIE J. BRADY <br /> as joint tenants with right of suraivorship, and uot as tenants in common, the fo1loR-ing described real <br /> property in HALL ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, �ount�-, �ebraska: <br /> ................................................. <br /> LOT TWO (2) IN BLOCK FORTY-THREE�3) IN C�-?ARLES <br /> WASMER'S SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAI�TD <br /> I SLAI`TD, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> --------------------- <br /> . <br /> \ — <br /> 0"I <br /> . <br /> - � <br /> _ .�.--„�, � <br /> To have and to hold the abo�-e desci•ibed premises t��rethcr «�ith all teiiements, heredita�iie�its <br /> and appurtenances Lhereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assi�us, or to the heirs an�l assigns �� <br /> of the survivor of them £orever. <br /> And grantor does hereby covenant �cith the grantees and t;�ith their assi�ns and with tt�e heirs <br /> and assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is la«�Snll�- seisecl of said premises; that they are free from <br /> encumbrance. <br /> that �rantor has good right and la«-ful authority to co�n�ey tiie same; aiid tliat graiitor �r�arrants an�l «•ill <br /> defend tlie title to said premises against the lawful ciaims of all persons �;�homsoe��er. <br /> It is the inteiition of all parties hereto that in the e�•ent of the deatli oi eitlier of tlie arantees, <br /> the entire fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the �ui•�•i��ing gi•antec. <br /> Dated August 17 19 62 <br /> .................................................................................... .............�:...���.�.....�(�..���-.�.�.�� <br /> �F`. Isabelle McKeever <br /> ................................................................................ .................................................................................... <br /> .................................................................................... .................................................................................... <br /> ................................................................................... .................................................................................... <br /> STATE OF ,,,,,,Nebraska County of .............Hail <br /> ..................................... .............................,........: <br /> K Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, personally came <br /> , F. Isabelle McKeever, a widow, <br /> ' �, !` J i� r<. <br /> � <br /> .. :'c:" ' `s' � <br /> : ]��o�r��t�`�'2��tro �e �h�,-identical person or persons who signed the foregoing instrument and aeknowledged <br /> � <br /> 'c t4}e re�e�lz`tlon�her�'of��ii be his, her or their volunta,ry act a.nd deed. <br /> J�'���r•••:`W�t�e s m�hand and notarial seal on .....Au,gu ,,,,, 7 ,,,, „ ,,,,.. 19.62,,,....,, <br /> , "' <br /> - p F ,.`,� <br /> ,.-:;;;:��,:::,,, ,G:�: <br /> ....................... ... ..... ............................................... Notary Public <br /> My commission expires ....MaY,.31............... , 19 <br /> .......... ....67....... <br />