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��� <br /> 103—WARRANTY DEED J The Huffman General Supply I�Iouse, Lincola, Nebr. - <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br /> THAT I or We, Albee Printing Company, A Partnership, consisting of Harold Clifton <br /> Albee, and Bob Ray Albee, by Harold Clifton Albee, Partner and Bob Ray Rlbee, <br /> Partner; and Harold Albee and Helen A. Albee, Husband and Wife, and Bob Ray Albee <br /> and Betty R. Albee, Husband and Wife, and each in his or her own right, <br /> of the County of Hall ,State of Nebraska for and in consi.deration of the <br /> sasr�L of One and no/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, <br /> and other good and valuable consideration, <br /> in hand paid do heyeby gyant, bargain, seld, convey and con firna unto <br /> Albee Printing Co. , Inc. , a Nebraska Corporation, <br /> of t)ze County of Hall ,State of Nebraska , the following described real estate <br /> siti�ated in ,in Hall County, State of Nebraska , to-wit: <br /> A part of the South half (S1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NEl/4) and a part of the South- <br /> east Quarter (SE1/4) of Section Twenty-Four (24) , in Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br /> Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M. , lying North of the Union Pacific Railroad Company land; <br /> more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North Right-of-Way <br /> line of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, which point is 866. 0 feet Southwesterly <br /> from the intersection of the East line of the South Half (S1/2) of the Northeast Quarter <br /> (NEl/4) of Section Twenty-Four (24) , i n Township Eleven (11) , North, Range Ten (10) , <br /> West of the 6th P.M. , and the North right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad i <br /> Company; running thence Southwesterly upon and along the North right-of-way line of <br /> the Union Pacific Railroad Company, 100.0 Feet; deflecting thence right 90�00' and <br /> running Northwesterly for a distance of 200.0 Feet; deflecting thence right 90°00' and <br /> running Northeasterly parallel to the North right-of-way line of the Union Pacific <br /> Railroad Company, 100.0 Feet; deflecting thence right 90�00' and running Southeasterly <br /> for a distance of 200.0 Feet, to the actual point of beginning. <br /> i <br /> ,i <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prerraises above described, together �itFa all N�e Te�iements, Hereditaments and <br /> appurtetitiances thereunto belongisag, unto the said Albee Printing Co. , Inc. , a Nebraska Corporation, <br /> and to its Feeirs and assigns forever. <br /> A�ad I or We. herebv cove�iant zerith the said Grnntee or grantees ¢nd �z�ith his, her or their h.eirs and assigns, thnt 1 <br /> ana or bVe are lazvfzilly seised of said premises; that they nre free frozn encicrvabrorice except encumbranees <br /> of record. <br /> thcit I or LVe have good right and lawful authority to sell tlee sarrce; and I or LVe lezreby covenant to warrant and <br /> defend the title to sc�id premises against the lawful clnims of all persons whomsoever. <br /> An,� tl2e said gr3ntors 'hereby relinquishes all <br /> I <br /> in asid to the above described ¢reniises. <br /> Signed this 24th day of August ALBEE R�N(1 COMPANY � PARTNERSHIP <br /> `, � <br /> Iyti Presence of .... .-------�--- -..... ... ...... ------�----------- --___... ----�-��--- <br /> --- ?��r�c.�?1.......�-(..- l -- - -------�---- -�- .....-� --�---� <br /> , <br /> - - -...----�-- - --.....--�-�- -- ----�---�--------�--------------��---�-------- <br /> -����_�.'�-� - �C,���:..e.-�:�:-- - --------- <br /> -; ' ��' /��� <br /> __.. - -- �-- ..-�---�-- - ....-----�- ------- - ��---------- ---��---- . �----�.� ...-�1_ _- - -� �----. .._..- --�-----.... <br /> � <br /> � - -- ----�- -- - -----...----�---�-------- ------------�---�------ <br /> -�- .... .... � -....._---- --- - ------------------�--�-------�----�----- <br /> --... ---� �-�- ------------�---�-�--� --------�------------�----�---......-�-- <br /> .. - - - �--�---�--- -....--�--------------�----------�-----------------------� <br /> _ �. - <br />