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G � ! <br />_ . <br />' STATE OF..Nebr.aska �----..._ � On this.....5th------�---day of-------- - March-�------�-�--�-�-...., 19---6� before <br /> ss. <br /> Hdll .Countp ) me, the undersigned a I�TOtary Public, duly commissioned and qualified for <br /> said County, personally came....Harry D. Turner and Permelia Hays <br /> Turner <br /> -------------�--.......-------....----------------------�------------------��-�---------------------------�---��--...-� �---�---....... <br /> -------------�-��--�---------------�-----------------------------------�-------�---------------------------------��---........-- � -- <br /> , p ;'��,, to me known to be the identical person or persons whose name is or names are <br /> � ,', <br /> ;,._ ,� ^ subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and ackno�vledged the execution thereof to <br /> , _ , <br /> ,. ," µ be, his, her or their voluntary act and deed. <br /> : ;;, , - <br /> -�'•.�F,.,. , �. _-' \��itness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above written. <br /> •,' �� ; �/ �-- <br /> ; .r - , <br /> �f ,+� ' x ' ' ,�LT�`�'° ..� �.-��:'��i°'�---Notary Public. <br /> . . .... . <br /> �, i. .. ,��. �.r. <br /> .._.-.....:_,'.:.,.1...:.k---.,..� . . . I <br /> _._ \fy� comnussion exp�res the.....29t1'kiay of-----....January.....-------.-..----, 19---f?4_ <br /> ST.ATr OF.__ __ C>n this. . ... __ ___. .__day of. _.. _._.. ___ . ......... . ........ ..__...... 19......., Uefore <br /> ___ _ _ �ss. <br /> __ _ _ _ __..._ _. _Cvunt�� J me, the undersigned a L�o*.ary Public, diily commissioned and qualified for <br /> said Cot:r:t}� personall}• ca�ne. _ _ . ...........__-___. ._. ........._.__. . __ ._____. _ <br /> __ . _._ . __ _ _ __ _ <br /> _ _ ___...._ .._. .__..___. ........._...__...._..._...._._..._..._. <br /> _ _ _ _ <br /> __ __ _ . ...._.._.... . .:___.....-- <br /> tu me kno���n to be the identi�:al person or persons ��•hose name is or names are <br /> stibscribed to the foregoing instrtiment, and acl.nowledged the execution tliereof to <br /> be, his, her or their �•oluntary act and deed. � <br /> �Vitness my hand and \otarial Seal the day and year last above �r•ritten. <br /> _ _ - _.. .. ......._.. .. ....... -- --- -_......_....Notary Public. <br /> .liv commission expires the _ of_..._..._. .._......._...._._..........._ ..., 19.. _ ..... <br /> R; o ;c� : -� � .v <br /> w � � � i � <br /> - a <br /> Q o � �° o � � � 'Q v <br /> � `— � „ aa ir � 'o � ` z <br /> W A p.,' i u ,.a �k a� s� �. a°'i <br /> Q W � � y � � � ; (-� N � f�, ° <br /> O W � °1�; � o a� : � � o <br /> � � �n 4. � ° �a~�o C7 a <br /> �� v <br /> W A '-' a�� ' o�f: U °�' ro [] � '�' ..; � <br /> � (� C: f-i ' � Q ; �4 "� � ' , <br /> � � a �,: a� �; ; � , � �, x <br /> � <br /> ..-, Q , E-� �i � a�: ,�y.; o o ,� � � <br /> W E"'� � (--�; f-E Q: v�; i � ' c+'�j °a <br /> ;.'".'^� Q Z F' ; � �� cd, r-J � H D' a <br /> :'� W •• E-t N� Fi: r-�; y � 'U � � �� <br /> w N <br /> i—�i p � �' Q; cN x� ,-{; �; '�74': �-�� bA ; OJ ; ; u <br /> .�i � � f"i �"' �` '' �: F-a �i L� � , : U C� <br /> E..� � z f-i! �a (,7; C1.? i r-f ; O ; <br /> Q'" W Ni � � �: � C � ; ; p� � p r� <br /> W (�, � �s: ' ?.i a�: �; o .,_, ,; o b <br /> > � c3 �? � N,!yx; o b � � � .� � -0 7 ^v <br /> '¢�" r-Zi ; •-i, u�: t0 i W v b >; ^ � ..: � ,.d �" �` ;,y <br /> F� N; f-7; f-I i E-� � o � N � _i � a a, � c�t <br /> � o � '�: d w � � a o 'm � o � n'3 <br /> E <br /> � w � Ei cCO; c�n . f�, Cg °` H . , � • Z V p-+ E-� <br /> a cn <br />