<br /> _-� : �. �< < t � -: �r__-1- ' n i J�1�_, ._ �: �, _ 7•� �; � _
<br /> � . t t ���%,1 t� i't --.'1� - �. ' k� , ,' ��� +4, rt.._•,,,,_i n
<br /> J1 .
<br /> w.� . � ..ua.,.:F.u..�Iw�..�Gu...�..u...i.t.ia�✓.��M.�..��:c.v�l<�1Nti.H�Y1:.lYiS::Ya'rEtS .._..____«_�_._.,. s . " -
<br />-=�- 92..� �.it��s
<br />^-.�
<br />`-�•� pedals thai I.endtt rtquires. The insurancc cnrcicr providinp thc Insur,mco shall bc almscn 6y Dorcnwcr sn6Jec��o I.cnderk �,_
<br />-�=�� approeal�vhich shall not bo unnasonnbiy wlthheld. If Oonower(all.to maimain covonge descAixd allove.Lender may,nt = _
<br /> _ -.� I.cndcr4 op�ion,obiain coverago W yrot�:t Landarl dgh�s In�he Pmpcdy In a�iontaua wf�h par,gr,ph 7. -_--
<br /> ,�� All insunnce policies and n:ne�vais shall be acceptable to Lendcr and shail includc n smnAard mongago clmise. I.ender
<br /> shall 6nve tl:e dght to holA the polictes and rcnewals, tf i.ender rtqntres,Bortox�er shall prompily give ro I.coder all reccipts
<br />_'-t;;•,'KQ� of paid promiums and mnewal notlees. In ihe evem of loss, 6ortower shall give prompl no�ice m�he inmr,nce carticr nnd �;- .!
<br /> -�e Lendcr. 4ender mny mako prootof loss if not madc promp�ly by 6ortower. �:_
<br /> ?�5� Unlas i.cndcr anA Rorro�ver mhe�wise agr�in wriung,insur,+nce prucads shall lx applicd to rcstontion or rcpair o( ��,,,_.
<br /> _ -� ihc Pro�ny damageJ, if�he res�oraiiai ar r�yai+ is economtcally fcas@Ic and Ler:dcrh sccurity is noi lesscneA. If�hc .
<br /> reston�on or repatr is not economically[easi6[e ar L:r.der4 security w�ould be Iessoned,the insunnce praceds shall Ue
<br /> �¢`3� appltcd to thc zums secun:d by this Sttvriq [nswmen0.whethcr or not then duc,nith any exmss paid m Dortox�cr. If � -
<br /> t-� Ilottowcr abandons�he Propcny,or Coes not araw�er wi�hin 3U da��s a noticc from Lcnder�4.0 ttie msunnce carricr hu
<br /> _ ��� offemd to setLLe a ctaiai,then Lender nuy col[ect ihx inwrance Prom'ds- Eer.der may use the p�acceds w repafr or rcsrorc �
<br /> �he Peopctly or to pay wms v.rured by Uus Securtty Insnumeet,whe�:er oc r.a tW:n c�ue. '[te 30-day period wil I Ucgin wMen ��f ;
<br /> the r.atice is gi�en.
<br /> ',:, Untcss Lec.Q.r ar.d [iaeox�er othe�+is:agrcz in a�riting,anY application of p.'ocer.^ds ro Frir,cipal sh�ll r.ot excer.�cr �
<br /> _:f'r� poupe�:the due date of N.e monthiy pa?nxnts rrferted ro iu p�rap�phc L and 2 ur ch;myt tEr.amaunt of tl:e psymenu_ [f �` '�
<br /> -- �u und:r paragr�ph 21 �a Propeny is xqaintl by Lecd�r.Bonux�erS rirht ro any inwranro poEcies aLd pmca�ds resu[ting � --'
<br /> M� f�n.;�damagc eo thr Pnq+erty pdoc ro fCe uquisuioa s[vill pass to Lendcr lo thc exu:r.t of�Ix sums sraxed 6y�tis Sccumy ; ,
<br />..� "��'.�1 lhsnvmcm immediu.ly priarwdr:r.quisuiort_ irf' -
<br /> ;F 6. Oaupancy, Fr¢��c+atlon, 43tlrtt.m:a:rr.a sr,rY .Vrolecllon of the Fre�Mg; IIorro�rY �:r�rm Apntication; i
<br /> � P..�,:�hoids. dortower shnll occupy,es�abtish,and use n`ae f'ropeny az f3orto�rer4 priccy{r.!n�:wL•u:c wiU�in sixly days afler G t ,.
<br /> ��'f°� �he ezecmion aC this Security(nstrumrn�and ahall mn�inue to occupy ihe Property as 6ortox�er�prmcipal residence for a� �i,v„�.=;
<br /> �i 'x Iwsi one year af�er �he daie ot occupancy, unless Lender ahenvise agrces in writing, a�hidi conunt shall no� be ,;
<br /> ,...�;�'r! unrcason�bly wiihheld,or unleu ex�enua�ing circums�ances exist which arc beyond Oorro�cer�s comrol. Oonower shall not �� � •,-
<br /> --�`"{� destm dama e nr im air tlic Pro n allow�he I'ro n �o dctedorate,or commi��vastt on�he Propeny. Oorto�ecr shall � � =
<br /> ra: X S P P� Y• a Y -.
<br /> ,,,,r� be in defaul�if any lodei�ure ac�ion or proucding,ahether eivil or criminel,is begcn chal in Lenderi goad faith judgmem h ' „
<br /> � could nsul� in forkiture of the Properly or athenvise materially impair �he lien creared by this Securi�y Instrument or ��t �
<br /> ?.�h,7� Lender§sccumy imerest. Dorzower may cum xuch a de(ault and rcins�a�e,as p:ovidcd in paragmph 18,by cansing ihe action �.�v�-
<br /> +! ' or prateding�o be dismissed wi0�a rulfng thn6(n Lender4 good fai�h demmiination,prccludes foffcimre of�he�orrower4 �+ :_
<br /> - interesi in�he Propeny or mher malerial impairmem of�he lien crea�ed 6y�his Secumy Inswmem or Lender4 xcumy �y '�, -
<br /> t,�� intercst. Oorton�cr sha�l also Ix in defmil� if Oortowet, during �he ban appllcatlon proecss, gavc ma�erially (alse ar d�
<br /> y-,}� r. inaccura�e infomiatioa or s�a�emems io Lender(or failed to provide LenAcr wi�h nny maieriai infomiaiioN in connection with �� '
<br /> �, *'�T Ihe loan evidrnced by the Aote, including, 6u1 no1 limited �o, rcpreseNe�ions conceming Ootto���erk occupancy of the � Y_-
<br />�_�,�;�f Pmpeny ac a prindpil nrtsidence. 1(O�ix Secarity Instmment is on a leaschold,Oortmcer shall comply wi�h all ihe provisions y�_ �,�
<br /> ,� fi of�h Ic;sc. If Co;ro::.r acq�!res kc!?.^.r t^!?!�P^�;!'ny,[he leazchn!d emd the fce litic shall noi merec unless Lendcr nCrces ns ^'as��
<br /> � � 1�Ihc mcrgcr in wri�ing. r `
<br /> 7. Proicclion af Lcnder's 8ights tn Ihe Proper�y. I( OoRa�rcr fails ro perCorm the covcnams and ngrcements ��d� ••.�
<br /> '{.l•,i conwined in �his Stturity Instmmen6 or �hem is a Icgal procecding ihM may sigmficamly affec� Lenderk rights in dm ys��+-:
<br /> Pmpeny(such as n praceedins in hankmp�cy,proba�e,for condemnaiion or fodaim�e or[o enfarce laws or rcgula�ions),d�en �.;_:;;:.
<br />_:-�:����j;� Lender may do nnd pay for wharever is nece.ssary�o proteei�he vniue ot thr Proprny and Lenderi righ�s in ihe Pmpeny. 4c;i:;°�-
<br /> - Lendert,c�ions may incluAe paying mq�sums securcd by a lirn xhich hxc prioriry orer�his Security Insuumen4 appearing `
<br />��=`i^�'!� in coun.paying masonable auomeyi fecs anA entering an the Prapny�o make re{�irs.Ahhough I.ender may�ake ac�ion '°!'�`-�--
<br /> fi ,ti <..
<br /> - � i undcr�his pamgmph7,Lrndcrdces noi hm�c to Jo so.
<br /> fS
<br />,_:,�.�,i�� Any amoums disbuReJ by LenAer under ihis pa�agmph 7 sUail hecome nAditional debt o(6arroaer seeured by lhis
<br /> � Securiy InzlrumeN. Unlexs Uorro�cer nnd Lender agn•c�a olher tertns of pnyment,ihese amounts stmll benr intemsl from�he _
<br /> q�, due uf disburscmem a� thc Rom mtc and sh;dl Ik payable, a•iih imere+�, upoa no�itt from Lendcr to Oortmver reques�tns �-
<br /> - � paymcm. �.:.
<br /> ;t,J-,+, R. Morlgnge Insnrnnce. If I.ender required mongage incur,mce as a condition o!making�he luan secur<d by ihis �� ,__
<br />-^'_,YS.` Secnriy Ins�nunem,6orrow�er shall pay the prcmiums rcqufrcd �o maintain ihe mortgage inmrance in effeci. (f,for any s'r:..::..�
<br /> rr.00n. ihe mon a e insurance corerz e rc uircd b� Lender la ues nr ccaaes ro 6e in effen. Dorroacr shal( a the - `"'�
<br />..��Cf.tif:i. 6 F F 4 S 1 F Y [ih,�,:::
<br /> ,Fy�, Prcmiums rcquirtd to oMain m�'emge subsian�ially equivalent �o �he mongage inurantt prtviausly in effecL m a cos� F,,r."�L'.
<br />�.:`�+,.,`: subs�antially.yuivalcm m the cos��o Dorto�rer of�he mongage inscnnce p�eviou�ly in.ffccL Gom an ahemaie mongage [�`� :°.
<br /> ` +"1 insumr appmrcd 6y Lendee If subs�amially equivalent mongage insumnce coverage is not available,Ourtow�cr shall pay�o `� ��_
<br /> _+'":;� Lendcr cxh monlh a sum eyual lo mie-Wtlflh af Ihc ycarly mortgagc inuuantt pnmium Ixing paiJ by 6orroucr���lien Ihc }
<br /> � - inwrance corerege Ixpxed or ceaud�o tx in effttl. Lender wiil accept.ux anJ neluin th.��e paymenn ac a bss rcserve in lieu
<br />__.�;iR�, of mangage inwrance. Laxs reserve paymems may�no long.•r be nquircd.:n ihe opeion uf Lcnder,if mongage insurance �
<br />:�:.�;:�;ex� eocerage(in ihe amount and(or the period�ha�Lender rcyuirc.)pmviJeJ ly�an irourcr apprnetd hy I.enJer agnin Mcomes =-=ti?�' .
<br /> - 's'. arailablc and i+obfained.Oorto��'.r shail pay'Ihc pr.miums rcquircd to mainl�im m�ngage insur..r.ct m rffccl.or tu pro��id:a °j ;:
<br />-�V r'��,� loss reserce.nntil ihe rcquircment for mottFage incurance ends in,cmrdance��ilh any��riucn azce:m:nt hiur;n 8ixrourr „�,��-.
<br /> � • and Lendcr ur appli�able Imr. T';-.
<br /> �� 9. hapectlon. LcnAcr or its agcnt may n+akc rca.nnable emrict upnn and ie�{+���i:er..of�he Ropert)_ Lrndrr�hall � ' �-
<br /> '-y.�y,;',. girc 6omnrcr nmic<al�he timt of or prinr m:m in.pcclion.�n(��ing rr.�.onaFlc<.._.-:F•nhc impr.tion.
<br /> 10. Condcmnx�im¢. '[he procced.of any:ncarJ nr claim for Jamagt},drta�r.:;�mcqurnual.in runnatiioa urth am � '.�;..�.
<br />� �s',,�i� S�.skFa��h-}3avieVaeFrtdEie\taeC5lFOk\1C�>TY.l1]F.�'(. lmL.m�Cn.rr..u�. 990 1 N+r•• � .
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