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E%ECUTOR�S DFED <br /> This Deed, made this lst daq of August, 1962, by and between JOHN F. <br /> McCARTHY, of Grand Island, in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, Executor <br /> of the Last Will and Testament of Mary Katherine Liebsack, deceased, late o£ <br /> Grand Island, in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, party of the first <br /> part; and EDWAR D C. JOHNSON, of Grand Island, in the Countp of Hall, State <br /> of Nebraska, party of the second part; <br /> WITNESSETH, that the said partq of the first part, the duly appointed, <br /> qualified and acting Executor of said Mary Katherine Liebsack, deceased, <br /> under her Last Will and Testament which is of record in the Office of <br /> the Probate Court of Hall County, Nebraska, by virtue of the power and <br /> authority, granted and conferred upon him, under said Will, and in considera- <br /> tion of the sum of Seventy-Five Hundred Dollars (�7500.00) to him paid by <br /> the party of the second part, the receipt whereof is herebq confessed and <br /> acknowledged, does by these presents grant, bargain, sell, remise, release, <br /> alien, convey and confir^n unto the said party of the second part, and to <br /> his heirs and assigns forever, all the following described tract, piece <br /> and parcel of land situate, lping and being in the County of Hall and State <br /> of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> Lot Five ( 5), in Block Two (2), of "Koehler Place," an Addition in <br /> the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurte- <br /> nances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining; and also al.l the <br /> estate, right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand <br /> whatsoever, which the said testator had in her lifetime, and at the time <br /> of her decease, and which the said party of the first part has, by virtue <br /> of the said Last Will and Testament, or otherwise, of, in, or to the above <br /> granted premises, and every part and parcel thereof, with the appurtenances. <br /> To have and to hold the said premises, the tract of land aforesaid, with <br /> the hereditaments and appurtenances thereof, unto the said party of the <br /> second part, his heirs and assigns, forever. <br /> And the said party of the first part, for himself, his heirs, executors <br /> and administrators, does covenant, promise, and undertake to and with <br /> the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, that he is law- <br /> fully the Executor of the Last Will and Testament of said Mary Katherine <br /> Liebsack, and has power to convey as aforesaid, and has in all respects <br /> acted in making this conveyance in pursuance of the authority granted in <br /> and by the said Las� Will and Testament; and that he has not made, done <br /> or suffered any act�, matter or thing whatsoever, since he was Executor <br /> as aforesaid, wherebp the above granted premises, or anp part thereof, are, <br /> shall� or may be impeached, charged or incumbered, in anq manner whatsoever. <br /> And the grantor does hereby covenant with the grantee and with grantee�s <br /> heirs and assigns that grantor is lawfullq seized of said premises; that <br /> thep are free from encumbrance. No exceptions; that grantor has good <br /> right and lawful authority to convep the same; and that grantor warrants <br /> and will defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of <br /> all persons whomsoever. �� � <br /> Dated August 31, 1962. '" ° ' <br /> :� <br /> � <br /> : � � � <br /> - , � � _ . <br /> �� � <br /> ` a ' � J F. McCARTHY, EXEC R OF HE ESTATE <br /> � 7�} OF MARY KATHERINE LIEBSACK, DECEASED., ,, •• <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA � � � � <br /> :ss. Before me, a Notary Public, qualified for <br /> COUNTY OF HAZL j said County, personally came JOHN F. McCARTHY, <br /> EXECtT'�OR OF' �HE ESTA`TE OF MAftY KATHERINE I,TEBSACK, <br /> DECE,A� S�,,:.k�,own to me to be the identical person who signed the foregoing <br /> �.r�s �'�:�,�,�i�. acknowledged the exec�t3.on thereof to be his voluntary act <br /> ��� ' ., � .F� <br /> y�'���'�$����d and I�otarial Seal on August 31, 196�. �- <br /> ,��y, {; � _ <br /> �� <br /> .. ��1P4v���OV91Q'�` � � . <br /> , �;•�' T��,. ��€��s�,.y.. � l�otary ublic. <br /> yf� .,tc,:�, � <br /> ���3k'i{'��''C'3Gi{Ai�(` he . � � . . � . <br /> �i/'� �. �••.4w�•'� . �� �.` . � . . <br /> ;°y//r����,,.�Fw�'�xp�.res Aug. 12, 1967. s-,f <br /> , p�: <br /> filed for reeor� .6z. ,,at�P�, ir �ac�/„�' of�-��'��E�°z <br /> Regist�r of �e��s, ��1i C�ui��y, �#c�'as�a. <br />