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�n..� � � <br /> +��.,�� �i 9u yr_ � !�,��L ��#d s'9"'i`4�""F�°,p, +� � .�.�'��� d s�.,� } e u`^`�. ;4��'�;rn`'r., ,*�,�.5 g s-'_. <br /> ;< ,:y � „"' ,� <br /> t <br /> y <br /> ,. QUIT CL�IM DEED <br /> T�1S INDE�`dTURE, �iade this 2�� day of �����'4�� , in the year <br /> one tnousand nine hundred sixty two, between <br /> Edward H. G. Rhoda and Josephine A.i Rhoda,' <br /> ' husband and wife, oi' the City of Grand Island, <br /> Neorask�,, and <br /> Henry R. Rhoda and Loretta� r'thoda, husband and <br /> wife, of Cairo, iVebraska, and <br /> , Nia.rtha H. Rhoda,' surviving widow of Henry D. ` <br /> Rhoda, of the City of' Grand Island, NPbraska,' <br /> of the first part, and _ <br /> The City of Grand Tsland, a :�iunicipal Corporation, <br /> in Hall County, Nebraslta, of the second nart, <br /> �niITtiE:SS:�TH, that the said parties of the first,part, in consideration of the <br /> sum of ' <br /> Une Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration <br /> �o tnem duly paid� the r.eceipt whereof is hereby acknowled�ed, have remised, <br /> released, and quit-claimed, and b,y these nresents do for themselves, their heirs, <br /> executo'ra and admiriistrators, remise, release and forever �uit-claim and convey <br /> un�o thc said party of tne second part, and to its successors and assigns for- <br /> ever all t.�eir right, title, interest, estate ar.d clai�,: an�: demand, both at law <br /> and in 'equ3ty, of, in and to all of <br /> `I'hr-: south Sixty (60) feet of Lot Three (3) in <br /> Gc:er aubdivision, now an �ddition to t,he Ci.t.y of <br /> _ ; Gr��;.nd Island, I�T�brask�. <br /> It is underscood arld agreed that �he tract o�: land <br /> her::in ccnvev°d shail be useu' for street nurposes <br /> only b.y tne City cf' Grand I�land, i`�e�rasK�.. <br /> To�etr,er with al1 a::ci singular th° hereditar'ie:�ts thereunto belon�iri�;. <br /> r� i�:`,�1� �� ::1 � :�uL� tpe a'oove described pi'emises unto the sGid Citti� of <br /> Gr::.nd I�l��.^., a municipal cor�oration, its sUCCessors and assi�ns; so that <br /> neit%:er' the said gruntors nor any berson ir. their name and behalf, sha11 or will <br /> hereafter claim or demand_ any right or title to the said bremises or any part <br /> tnereof', Lut tn�y and ever,y one of them sha11 b� these presents be excluded and_ <br /> forever' barred. <br /> ' Iiv WITi�1E�S :�-iERtsOF, the said parties of the first nart'have hereuntc set <br /> their hands and seals the day and year above ritten <br /> � <br /> �' <br /> ' ��Jitness <br /> ��-��- � ��-�- � --�- <br /> ', i�iitness <br /> � ��.�..«.�+�� <br /> Uiitne s s <br /> SZG <br />