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�'�12� �� 3/ /9-c�,'��,P,�: In Rook /39�n,� ���n��Sa.� <br /> .5�..�..�.r....��. _ .!�t . � /�, � . , , <br /> t�=. i•Frri�'i�� '!1 I�.t��, ; � I f .�h. �� <br /> �� �i(,_''cy8. <br /> SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br />� <br /> I� Magdalena Schlueter, a �tido�r� . herein called the gr,�ntor ��hether one or more, <br /> in cons�derat.ion of Cne Dollar �d other Valuable Consider ation <br /> recei��ed from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell con��e�� ancl confirm unto <br /> Virgil W. Heimbuch, Sr., ar� Janice J. Heimbuch, husband a:,d wife, <br /> as joint tenants �citli right of sur��i�°orship, and not as tenants in coinmon, the foiloming described real <br /> pi•operty in .......F•�311............................................... C'oun�y, \ebraska: <br /> Lot Four (1�), in Block One Hundred Twenty—four (121�), in <br /> Union Pacific Railway Coiripany�s Second Addition to the <br /> City of Grand Island� Nebraska; <br /> —, ---.__ .. _ . <br /> II �' , <br /> � � � <br /> To have and to hold the abo��e descrit�.e�l i�rrniis�r> t��,ethcr n�it1� al1 t��ne�nent�. li�•reditauients <br /> and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantces and to their assigns, or to the heii, an�l a.sinns <br /> of the survivor of them fore��er. <br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grautees and with their assigns and «-ith t1�e heirs <br /> and assi�ns of the survivor of them that grantor'is lan�fnll�- seised of said premises; that tliey are free From <br /> encumbrance <br /> that grantor has good right and lawful authority to eonvey tlie same; and that grantor �i�arrants an�l �t�ill <br /> defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons «�hoiusoe�•er. <br /> It is the intention of all parties h ereto that in tlie event of the death of eitl�er of the graiitees, <br /> the entire fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the sur�-i��ing grantee. <br /> Dated May 25 19 fi2 • � � <br /> ., , <br /> ` a <br /> .................................................................................... .,l.G.��I. .CI.Y_.l�:7.7.�/.:�...C��j!:1./,.,'� !'.� <br /> M dalena Schlueter <br /> .................................................................................... .................................................................................... <br /> .................................................................................... .................................................................................... <br /> ................................................................................... .................................................................................... <br /> STATEOF ..................Neb�+&sd4a.......................� County of I��.1;,.............................._. <br /> Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, personally came <br /> Magdalena Schlueter, a r�idow� <br /> .•�'�knc�.t�v�a,'�o�arie.,to be the identical person or persons who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged <br /> '` ,'t1�'��'�a�t�ereof to be his, her or their volunt�ry act and deed. <br /> �- �:��<_� .e �'• � <br /> _ •'��r� ': : <br /> P. � ° <br /> � ;, `� �:��taess`�ny hand and notarial seal on ......I�ay...2�.. .... .. .... , 19...�2......... <br /> - � � ' .. ��� _ � ..�� ..i. <br /> i ,� t;, o, - ........ ... ..11.. . .�.�....��........... c <br /> `,��. ?i �� ,�. ....... ........ .. ...... Nota.ry Publi <br /> �,,".� i t '`'^ My commiseion expires .....��5:�..��....................... 19.�i2.......... <br /> ��,�„�� <br />