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� > <br /> 78H50-QUIT CLAIDI DEED <br /> 51962-THEAVGUSTINECO.GRANpiSI�ND.NEBR. <br /> THlS ItVDEi\'TURE.Mnde�h� of..........................atlguS.t........_......--- .. . . . _. ., in the yenr one thousanc� <br /> nine hundred and.........._.......S�Xttiy-t.WO............. _, between <br /> Oren Ellis Cunningham, single, of Grand Island, Nebraska <br /> of the(irst pnrt, nnd <br /> Urah J. Cunningham, single, of (}rand Isiand, Nebraska � <br /> � � of the secon�part. <br /> �' '� <br /> �'��IT/1'ESSETII, thnt the snic�part.Y....o)tFie�irst pnrt, in consitlerntion of the sum of �' <br /> Ij One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration ������� �I <br /> i �'11IT1.... _ ... _ ___ . ..__._ _._.... fl ....... . . ...._......_ .. .. rentice�]. r��easerf. nnt� ii <br /> I� to._. _tlu�p pnicl, t���� rec�ip! �i��i�raof is �iere��v nc�Znou�let� e[� . .. _ <br /> f <br /> I ryuit-clnimec/. nn</ 1��� these prasrnts c1�.ES...._ �or ...__.._.....r11211 sel..f.................... .........._.__.....}11S.................._{i�irs. o.recutors, nn�l ad �� <br /> ntinistrators, remise, relrnse nnd �ornrer quit-claim nncl concey unto the said part.....1!..._ of Ilir s�cond part,and �o................her__......, ii <br /> i� heirs and assi�ns forercr. nll......_h1.S........ riglit. fitle, interest, estnte................. _clairn and cic�mnnd. botli at Inw nnd in '' <br /> ' equity.o(. in and to nll ......... �� <br /> � li <br /> I An undivided one-half (1/2) interest in and to the followin�: ;; <br /> I Lots Nine (9), Eleven (11), Twelve (12) and T'hirtAen (13), Block One (1), Dill & Huston's � <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. ; <br /> Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10), Block Two (2), Dill & Huston's Addition to ±he Cit,y of Grand �I <br /> li Island, Hall County, Nebraska i! <br /> � Lots Two (2), �hree (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), EiPht (8), Nine (9), �j <br /> i Ten (10), Eleven (11) and Twelve {12), Block Five (5), Cunningham's Subdivision, an Ad- I� <br /> dition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. 'I <br /> Lots Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), Eight (8), Nlne (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11) and Twelve � <br /> � (12), Biock Three (3), Cunningham's Subdivision, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> Hall County, Nebraska. I <br /> ' Lots Five (5), Six (6), Seven (7), F:jght (8), Nine (9), Ten (10) and Eleven (11), Block i <br /> One (1), Cunningham's Subdivision, a Addition to the C.ty of Grand Island, Hall County, � <br /> Nebraska, and <br /> Lot 'I`welve (12), Block One (1), Cunningham's Subdivision, an Addition to the Cit,y of <br /> Grand Island, Hall'County, Nebraska. <br /> �� �, <br /> � � <br /> : <br /> -.� <br /> ,� -,: <br /> II m /, <br /> Together with all and sinc�ular the hereditaments thereunto belongin�. � <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the satd....._....Urah J. Cunnin�ham <br /> _.________.______her h • d • . Oren Ellis Cunnin ham <br /> _..- - --..... --- - -�---- - - ears an assigns; so thai neather- ._...------- --- -�--- ---�----�--- - the said <br /> grantor , nor any person in.................._.._.his. ......__..... .. _ and behalf,shalT or will hereaJter claim or demand <br /> any right or title to tlee sai�I premises or any pnrt thereof, but they and every one of tTiem shall by these presents be excluded and for- <br /> ever barred. <br /> IN`VITN�SS WHEREOF, tT�e saicl part__.Y.._.._.. o{the first part has_..__.._._ hereunto set.......................h1S_.._______._.__._.___._._._._.hand <br /> nnd seal_.__.._.._.the day and year above written. ` y � <br /> Sic�ned,sealed and delit�ered in presence of � <br /> •-------••------•-------- •--- -----� -- -•--------------------------• <br /> ---------------••----•••-----...-•---•------....._.__.._--------•------••-----------...---•-----..... <br /> �-------•----C�O......�-�........-.�..-'---_•c�-:---'-=�---------- -- -- •-•---•---•---•--• -•-•-----------••--•----•••-•----•--�•--•---...----•----•----•-------•---•-----•-----...---•-------••--°--- <br /> ---....-----��----��-------�------------------�----�-�-----------�------------------.------.------------ -......------�-�--------._.._..-�-�--------...--------�---.--------,.-----......-------------._..------�---- <br />