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� <br /> .` <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED � OR�Y2vf�TCi; N0. 3�5U <br /> c� <br /> TriiS INDEi'TURE, Made this 1,� day of (,�,,�G6;��� , in the year one <br /> thousand nine hundred and sixty-two, between <br /> Cit�; of Grand Island, a Niunicipal Gorporation <br /> in Hall County, :vebraska, of the first part, and <br /> Gladys 'tyalter, single, of Omaha, Nebraska; <br /> ' Alvin Walter and Laura M. Walter, husband and <br /> wife, of Grand Island, Nebraska; Irene Lichty <br /> and Gerald Lichty, wife and husband, of <br /> Omaha, Nebraska, and Avis Louise "vlalter, <br /> single, formerly Avis Louise Villalobos, of <br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, of the second part. <br /> WITidESSF"I'H, that the said party of the- first oart, in consideration of the sum <br /> of <br /> One (�y1.00) Dollar and other valuable consideration <br /> to it duly p�id, the rec2ipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has remised, re- <br /> leased and quit-claimed, and by tnese presents does for itself, its successors <br /> and assigns, re:nise, release anc forever quit-claim and convey unto the said <br /> parties of the second TJaT't and to their heirs and assigns forever, all t'r.eir <br /> right, title, interest, estate, claim and demand, both at la:� and in equit�r, <br /> of; in and to all of <br /> A tract of land formerly being a part of a platted <br /> road lying adjacent to and south of Lot �renty <br /> Eight (28) in Geer Subdivision, now an Addition to <br /> the City of GrandIsland, Nebraska, vacated by said <br /> City of Grand Island on the 2nd day of May, 1962, <br /> by Ordinance No. 3805 of said City, whic:� is more <br /> particularly described as follows: Beginning at <br /> the southeast corner of said Lot �renty Eight (28); <br /> thznce running south on a prolongation of the east <br /> line of said Lot Twenty Eight (28) for a distance <br /> of Forty (40) feet to the north line of Lot Thirty <br /> Four (34) in said Geer Subdivision; thence running <br /> west on the north line of said Lot `�:irty Four (34) <br /> for a distance of Sixty Six (66) feet; thence run- <br /> ning north on a prolongation of the west line of <br /> said Lot Twenty Fight (28) for a distance of Forty <br /> (40) feet to the southwest corner of said Lot <br /> Trrenty Eight (28); thence running east on the south <br /> line of said Lot Twenty Eight (28) for a distance <br /> of Sixt,y Six (66) feet to the point of beginning. <br /> (The City of Grand Island shall not be required to furnish <br /> an Abstract of Title.) <br /> Together with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said Gladys <br /> ` Walter, single; Alein Walter and Laura M. Walter, husband and Wife; Irene Lichty <br /> and Gerald Lichty, wife and husband, and Avis Louise Walter, single, formerly <br /> Avis Louise Villalobos, and to their heirs and assigns; so that neither the <br /> . . � L� �;�..- <br />