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� <br /> � <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED � p�t�7NyNC� N0.3849 <br /> ?-t�, , <br /> THIS INDENTURE, vade this � � - day of ��,1,- G" ��,�_, in the year <br /> - n � <br /> one thousand nine hundred and sixt,y two, betwee <br /> Cit.y of Grand Island, a Municipal Corporat.9_on <br /> in Hall Ceunt,y, ?Qebraska, of' the first bart, and <br /> Richard F. N. Janes and Betty Janes, husband and. <br /> wife, of Grand Island, Nebr2sK��., of the second <br /> pa rt. <br /> ,v'IT�VESSETH, that the said ^art,y of the f`_rst b�rt, ;n consideration o£ the sum <br /> of <br /> One Dollar (�l.OQ) and other valuable consideration <br /> to it dul,y z;aid, the receibt whereof is hereb,y acknowl_edged, has remised, re- <br /> leased anu q_uit-claim�d, and 'o,y these nresents does for i.tself, its successors <br /> ;:nd�ns, r�mise, release and forever anr, conve.y unto the said <br /> oarties of the seccnd :�art a_nd to thei.r heirs and ass�gns forever, all their <br /> right, title, int�:rest, estate, claim and demand, both at l_aw and in eq�.?i.t.y, <br /> o'', i:: an.i to all of <br /> A tr�ct of l.and formerly bein� a part of a �latted <br /> ro:;d lying adjacent to and south of Lot Thirty (?0) <br /> in Geer, now an Additior, to the Ci.t.y <br /> of Grand Islar.d, i\�braska, vacated b,y said Cit.y of <br /> Grr nd I,land on the ��nd d�.y� of May, 1962, ;�y Ordi- <br /> nance tio. 380K of said C�t.y, which is more �,;rticu- <br /> larly described as follows: Beninnina a_t the sout�- <br /> e�s� corn�r of said '�ot `l'hirt,y (30) ; t^ence rur,ning <br /> south on a brolonQation oi the east tin� of said <br /> Lot thirt,y (30) for a distanc,� of `1'h:�ri.y �ix and <br /> rive I:undr°ciths (3F.05) feet; thence runnin� north- <br /> westerly on a line for .: distance of Fort,y Fo:r and <br /> r•iine 'i'en±hs (�:4.9) feet to a point on the south <br /> line of sa�d Lot Tnirt.y (3C), 'Tw�nt,y Six and �ixt.y <br /> i�ive �iundredths (26.65) feet w�st from tne south- <br /> easi corner of said Lot Thirty (30) ; thance rur.nin� <br /> �ast on tne lin:� of said Lot 'Thirt�r (30) for <br /> a dis�tance of I'w�nty �ix and Sixty F�ve Hundredths <br /> (26.65) feet to tne point of be�i.nnin�. <br /> (`1��_e City of GrRnd Island sha�l not be reauired to furn�_sh <br /> an r.bstract of 'Iitle) <br /> Together with all and singul:�r th� �ereditaments tnereunto belon�in7. <br /> TO :<�V'� A:��!� TO NOLD the above described nremises unto �he said Ricl,ard <br /> r, �. Janes and t,etty Janes, husb�nd and T.�ife, and to their reirs and assi�ns; <br /> so that r.either the Cit,y of Grand Island, a N.unicinal Ccrnoration, the said <br /> �rantor, nor any person in its name and behalf, shall or will herv�aft�r claim <br /> or demand an.y riPht or title to tne said premises or an,y p�.rt t:hereof, but <br /> the.y and �veryone of them shall b,y these presents be excluded and forever �arred. <br /> ♦ <br />