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` <br /> URDIt3A?'ZCE :dC. 3$�$ <br /> An Ord3nance d._reeting �nd authorizing the sal� of certain re�l es- <br /> tate belonging to the City of Grand Island, i�ebr�sk.�, to La�rrence tl. �':ndersan <br /> a:�d �'.axine :�. ::nderson, husband and wife, oi the Cit� of Gr::,nd Tsland, id�- , <br /> brusic�, descrioed �>s � tr�+ct o#' lanc? for:n�rly b�:i��; P v��rt of a plutted <br /> road lying �<:j�cent t.� un^ sout'.� of Lots �'curtEe�� (1►�) ..nd Fi�en (1�) in <br /> Geer Subc?ivision� noz� an Kdditi�,n t,o the Cit�� of Gr. :�d island, r�ebras-:•,, <br /> vacated 'cy said Cit;� oi Gr_.nd Island on the ?nd d y of i`,ay, 19�2, by Or::inance <br /> �o. 3?05 i said Gity, whicn is mnr� p�:-rticularly describeo as follows: <br /> �e�i�nin.; at th�� . cutheast co��er of said Lot Fourtee:i (14j; thence �annin� <br /> south on r; E�r�lon�ation of' the e:::st line of s-,�d 1:.�it F'ourteen (1'�) for a <br /> di:;tance of r"orty (4��) feet to the north lin:° of Lot rnirt,y- Four (3'�) in <br /> sai:a G er �uodivision; tnence run.:ing west on the north line of s:id I,�t <br /> �r�.irty r"our (34) for a dist:nce of Jne i�undred `L°nirty T�ro (13?) feet; thence <br /> run�in7 north on a orolon�ation oi the west line of sai^ Lot Fiftee^ (15) <br /> for � dist`�nce of corty (+�0) feet ta thQ sout::�est corner o° sai� Lot i�iftsen <br /> (i5); chence runnin� eas, on the south line of s:_id Lots �ifteen (l�j ;nc <br /> ro»rteen (14j for a cistance of One �iundred lliirty iwo (lj2) teet to the <br /> poznt o? be innin;^� providin�* for the �iving of notice of S��id sale and <br /> giviag the terms tnereof, and �rovi.din�; for th-� rignt to file :: re:r.onstr��nce <br /> ag�inst Such sale. <br /> b I: vR;�.-,Ii•. L BY Tii�: ;�'i'':YvR =.'ii COU:�CI: UF' 7 ;' .:.Tj � �;.;; G ,;;i ISI.�.,?i:?� <br /> t�i i.�.::.::_. <br /> :;`CZI°.::� 1. Th�.t tae sa2e oi the real estat� descriLed a� a tr�ct of <br /> land fornierly being a pa.rt of a platted road lyin� ad,iscer.t ta •�.nd south of <br /> Lots �'ourt�e� (1'�) and Fiftee� (i5) iri Geer Subdivision, now an ���c�dition to <br /> the City of Grand Island, Nebr=�:sk�a, vacated by City of Gr�nd I�,land on <br /> c'rae 2nci da,y of hiay, 1962, hy Grc+inance lVfl. 3805 of said City, which is more <br /> p�:rticulwrly descrits�d as follows: Beg;innina �t the southe��t c�rngr ot' said <br /> Lot Faur�een (l�); thenee� run:�ing south on s prolongation o�' the ea�t ].ine of <br /> s.�id Lot Fo�.:.rt�en (14) for a distance o�' Fort�r (44) feet to 'he nor.t�^ line of <br /> Lot Thirty Four (34) in s�ai�i (�eer Subdivision; thence runnin� ta�est on thp <br /> north llne of � Lot ���hirt;,3 r"our (34) for a di�tancP of OnP �undrPd 11�irty <br /> Two (132)feet; thence runrbin� north nn a proion�ation of the �est line� of <br /> :i'��l '7 <br />