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r <br /> .• <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEID �'41�TD OE'DYNANCE N0, 3848 <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED <br /> THIS INDEVTURE, Made this '� day of �.c.aZ� , in the year one <br /> tho sand nin h n - __-_-�� <br /> e u dred and sixty two, between <br /> City of Grand Island, a Municipal Corporation <br /> in Hall County, Nebraska, of the first part, and <br /> Lawrence V. Anderson and Maxine R. Anderson, <br /> husband and wife, of the City of Grand Island, <br /> Nebrasl:a, of the second part. <br /> WIT�IESSETH, that the s�id party of the first part, in consideration of the <br /> sum of <br /> One ($1.00) Dollar and other valuable consideration <br /> to it duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has remised, re- <br /> leased and quit-claimed, and by these presents does for itself, its successors �, <br /> and assigns, remise, release and forever quit-claim and convey unto the said , <br /> �I <br /> parties of tne second oart and to their heirs and assigns forever, all their ! <br /> right, title, interest, estate, claim and demand, both at law and in equity, ', <br /> of, in and to all of <br /> � tract of land formerly bein� a oart of a platted <br /> road lyin� adjacent to and soutn of Lots Fourteen <br /> (14) and Fifteen (15) in Geer Subdivision, now an <br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br /> vacated by said Cit,y of Grand Island �n the 2nd <br /> day of May, 1962, by Ordinance No. 3805 of said <br /> City, which is more particularly described as fol- ' <br /> lows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said <br /> Lot Fourteen (14) ; thence runnin� south on a pro- <br /> longaticn of the east line of said Lot Fourteen <br /> (14) for a distance of Forty (40) feet to the north <br /> line of Lot Thirty Four (34) in said Geer Sub- <br /> division; thence running west on the north line of <br /> said Lot Thirty Four (34) for a distance of One , <br /> Hundred Thirty Two (132) feet; thence running , <br /> north on a prolongation of the west line of said <br /> Lot Fifteen (15) for a distance of Forty (40) feet <br /> to the southwest corner of said Lot Fifteen (15); <br /> thence running east on the south line of said Lots <br /> Fifteen (15) and Fourteen (14) for a distance of <br /> One Hundred lhirty Two (132) feet to the point of <br /> beginning. <br /> (�1'he City of Grand Island shall not be required to furnish <br /> an Abstract of Title.) <br /> Together with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said Lawrence <br /> V. Anderson and Maxine R. Anderson, husband and wife, and to their heirs and <br /> assigns; so that neither the City of Grand Island, a Municipal Corporation, the <br /> said grantor, nor any person in its name and behalf, shall or will hereafter <br /> r. <br /> claim or dema.nd any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof� <br /> but they and everyone of them 5hall by these presents be excluded and forener <br /> � barred. <br /> �, I <br />