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<br />, THI� INBENT�E�, l�faaie t� is,: d. . d�y of ' , in� t�e year
<br /> ��� .'�""
<br /> one thousand''mine ,hraradr'ed ands;��ixty-two, betx �
<br /> ,
<br /> ,Cit�: of Qrand Isla�d, ;a Ma�i,'�ipal �arporatioa in
<br /> "Hal'l Cotu�t�r,� Nelira:s3�a,`;:af.%t�ie f3rst par�, and
<br />! Ann L, Howell ai�d Be� F. Howell, wif.e and hus-
<br />' band, of the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br /> of'�,he seeond part.
<br /> WITNE�3ETF3, that,the said party of the first part in consideratior� of the
<br /> I : sum of
<br />! O�e ($1.00) Dollar and other naluable eonsideration
<br /> I :
<br />' to it duly paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,., has remised, re-
<br /> leased and quit-claimed, and by these presents`does for itself, it suecessors
<br /> and assigns, remise, release and forever quit-elaim and convey unto th� said
<br /> parties of the second part and to their heirs and assigns forener, all its
<br /> . right, title, interest, estate, ¢Taim and demand, both at law and in equity,
<br /> � of, in and to all of
<br /> A tract of land foxnaerly being a part of a platted
<br /> road lying adjacer�t to and'south of. I�ots Sixteen
<br /> (16) and Serenteen (17) ir�'Geer Subdivi.sion, an
<br /> Addition to the City of (�rand island, Nebraska,
<br /> vacated by $aid City'of; Grand Island on the 2nd .
<br /> day of �3�: , 1962, by Ordinance No.
<br /> 380 < of said City, Which is nore particu-
<br /> larly described as follovs`: Beginning at the sovth-
<br /> east corner of said Lot Sixteen (16); thence running
<br /> south on a prolongation of the east line of said Lot
<br /> Sixteen (16) for a di:stance of Forty (40) feet to
<br /> the north-line of Lot Thirtq Four (34) in said Geer
<br /> Subdivision; ,thenee running west on the north line
<br /> of said Lot Thirty k'o�zr (34) for a distance of One
<br /> �iundred Tlzirt�r 1'wo (132) feet; thence running north
<br /> on a prolongation of the.'west line of said Lot•
<br /> Seventeen (17) for a distance. of Forty (�+0) feet to
<br /> the southTxest eorner of said Lot Seventeen (17); •
<br /> thence running, east on the south line of said Lots
<br /> Seventeen �.17)" and Sixteen (16) for a distance of
<br /> One Hnndred Thirty Two (132) feet to the point of
<br /> beginning.
<br /> (The City of Gra�d I�laAd shall:not b� required to fnrnish
<br /> an Abstract`of Title.)`
<br /> � Together with all and singular the �i�redita.ments therenato belonging.
<br /> TO HAYE AND TO HOLD th� above described premises unto the said Ann L.
<br /> 4' � � . �� . � � .. ..
<br /> � ; Howell and Ben F. Horaell, wife .and husband,, and to their heirs and assigns;
<br /> � ; so that neither the City -of Grand Island, a municipal corpora;tion, the �aid
<br /> grantor, nor any person in its"name arid behalf, sl�all or will hereafter
<br /> claim or demand any right�,or �ti�le<to'the :,said premises or any part thereof,
<br /> , ,:
<br /> �� � ,: .
<br /> . a33
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