�i .:.w.:.<1ac.{ , . � � �''�ii�: ..c .�-� .i4S r r:
<br /> 4 4a.1
<br /> -,rn—,�-€t'. ��,`t , . ,_ - - — , — - -- rl = -�� c��-
<br /> , , b �° - ,�. = +�"'•'-' , _ - F � �r .�
<br /> � . � . _ • :�•S, . � . '7 � :_`,T .J�': ..9.-+, _ tr _,,.
<br /> .S_ _..,t"�"..___.._�� - '�..__ ]r�_.._�.w_.�. .._.,...��_"'.........�_4.iv..� _ 1��_�
<br /> , - !. _^ . . � K��;.•�� � C v^` f� '�M�e�
<br /> . ' Y� pry c�� �- <-Y� �" �
<br /> , , . ' ' �11.F.4�af�G4.The toi[awing ehall conxtimte aa fiveat of IIefault vader thia Beed of Trus� �J s���10�� � ':.
<br /> . • {e)Failnra w gay awy inatallmes�Y of psiacipal or iatesest of any other swa s�ecured heceby whea dae: ` . :r�;•-. .�..c
<br /> . .`�.. (b)A br�sh of a�de�It tutdar eajt provision wataaaed ia ttte Note.this Deed of Ts�st.any of the Loaa Iustrnme�.or , .
<br /> . k ` aay other llea or cecevmbta�se upon the Froperty; • �'
<br /> , . , . (c)A writ of oae�atioa or atffisLment er eay eimilas process shall be eaured agaiast?n�wr arhich shal!becoma e tiea oa c � :..
<br /> � , ; �`� t�e pn�tt7►or eaY portioa thoreof ar interest thesein: °
<br /> � . (�These sLall�a Sled�y os a,gainst Tc�stor ar$orrower an eraon uuder any present or fuau�a te�deiel.smie or attser ,.r
<br /> � • ' �,law or regu�ioa teladag t�6aci�uPtcY.Iu�Wveacy or other nlief for deDtors:ar tF�ero ehaU 6e appoi�e0 my orastee.
<br /> ' . . �elver os liquidawr of T�ar ar 8ort��er ar of ail or any part of tha Properey,os tha�asa.issaes or prafits thereut+or . , -
<br /> � Tru�at ar Botravsret�all�aYs any geaeral assSgnmeat for tAe benefit of crediwrs: of or aay iaGareat in the • . .
<br /> =__..-:�...�: � (ej TEte eaIe,tieasfzr. tease.essiBam�at,coavayease or firMer encumbranse of ell os any patt _-_-_� -_ _
<br /> easf
<br /> � �-'• Ycogerty, ei�er volua�ily ur inminamr�y. without the express written coasent of Lender, pmvided that Tntatnr shaU be <�
<br /> — ��-- �smimed to extxnte s le�of$�e�copeiq�that doea aot caaraia aa aption w ptuchase and the Lerm of�+hirA does aot a�eed
<br /> ' ° - � �(�of the Piuperty�or ;:: : ,. :.
<br /> ' (�if?�is aflt ea iadividu8l,the issuaace•sate,daasfer.assignment.coaveyaace or eacumbtauca of moze tI�n Cif a .
<br /> , ` ,;' co�an)a misl aY ��peroen3 of its issned and m�adiag stoctc,or(f a papmership)a taml of ni� gg� .. �. '' , -
<br /> - � ``- ` of iniet�,ar fif a�liabiliry compa�y)a mtal of aia perceat of tha limited risb�ity camPaaY i� � _ •- _
<br /> . ;r, •����•.
<br /> • - _ � �� +�' g t h e ge t i a d t t t��d o f T e u s i r e m a i n e a t i e a a n t h e P r o P�Y- ;•°:�;•. -
<br /> ti
<br /> . � , .``: (�)Ifi�a at�+oa seeeted hs:ehq is guaree�xd ia arhote or in patt by dte Farmets Home Admia�eatffln.bammwet further �,,•,...`�.
<br /> . agress t�et 8se[sr�¢�s)seca�l bY tLis"' •^�''�"•�iil be ia defauIt shoutA any loan proceeds be n�ed f¢z a purpase thaf arll . _
<br /> „ co�iDoie to ox�i�re eraosoa cxf bighiy es�e"t== laatt or to the coavession of wedaad to produe�cs ta make pasa3�$ie . , .�°.-=-
<br /> ' � ��: . g3adection of aa agia�dtusate��tY.as�'�ex�'a�ed ic►7 CFR Part 1940,Sub�art G,Exhibit M. �,;"�.��_,
<br /> • u,ge�¢d�e�Aapele�o�U(Qm�II�efs�`2. Ra *t.�e��i ck`a�g Eveat of Detautc Lendes�ay,withovt notico sxce�t a3 cequimd .'•F��, t•:'.����.
<br /> < • `.� : by Iaw�deelate all indeLtedness sec�ed hete68 w b$��.payable and the sams�aa3 t,..*er�n teoome dus a�d payabIa =, �`
<br /> � z� •
<br /> , .t. :-ti= �• witBaW�y p�eat.demaud,Pmtest ar n�t��a�ey I�.:�. Tl�ereaRer I�a�+er may:
<br /> (a)Demaad that Trastes exetcise tLa FOVYI£QF OF St��4ed heteim.aud Tmst�suaD thenea8xa cause Tn�stor's inDerest
<br /> r'�t� � ' : �the ptapertjr to ba sold eud the p:nceeds to 6a distn'bnt�s3I Q the manaer provided:ir t�e Ne6raska Tmst Deeds� , ;
<br /> 3
<br /> '#,�'�� ;t •t (b)Bxer�aay aad ull rig�ts provided for in any of *s..e I�an Instrumenta or G��T,�r npon axarrence of��ent of .�c
<br /> '.�:�,.r bs�r..:�.e�
<br /> �'�;� �� . '`�.y ,�`f •
<br /> ``. ` (c)Commeace an scdoa w forecla�thts Deed of Tr�st as a mart8age.aPPamt a receiver,or specificall9 enforce t�ay of�a � F
<br /> . , ,� . t
<br /> � ¢ovenaa�IIsreflf. -` �f`: �.
<br /> i No cemedy tiereia conferRd uPon o:reserved to Tiustee or L.ender i�inteaded to 6e exclusive of any ather remedy hereia,��s s .
<br /> '..,:.._ L�:a�or by Iaw psov�ed or pesmiued,but each shall be cumulau�s6a11 be in addition to every other c�medy givea .. ._��' .
<br /> . . --_ .... ==.-;z.� he�ades.in�e Loan Inatroments ar now or hereafter e�asting at law or in e��.y ot by�atute.and may De eset�ised ooacurreal1y ^. .!.'`�,�;_`.,
<br /> _ . � md�tiy or sacces'svely. _ '-x_�.�;�;•
<br /> ' � ��' ` • l3.'ileaste� ?he Troslee may resign ai auy time witho�t causo,and I�:cr may at aay time and wit8out ceaw epgat�a _ , ,. .
<br /> ':'�; �or saDstiouoo'tinstes.T�usoee s6xl3 uaa be Iiable w aay party.inciading wiWont rimitatioa Lender,Bnrraarer.Trusmr�; � '�:;
<br /> �:, di� . "�%� ' "..,�.,.
<br /> . ' _ . . ;>'�4;: ea9 gnr��asar of th�Pnaperiy.fas e�y ta�as d�age nnless dne to reckiess or w�itUl misconduct.and shall not be reqnired � , ; �.,;
<br /> ,` y eug ecttaa ia connsctioa with 0a cafasvement of this Deed of Tn�st untesa indemaified.in writiag,fot aIl casta.com� ;
<br /> , ' eipeasea�ch�maq bs associate��witb. Ia eddition.Trustee may b e c o me a pu�hases ai aay sata o4�a F r o g e t t s►((�"cral ot T�,:t. .:
<br /> . oader�o pawes af sale grauted�xr�iv):Pa�Poua tho sale of aU os any portioa of the F�operty,as provided by taw;ar aaU�e . .;,
<br /> Prageitq as a whole.or in�e�rcels ar tots at T�assea's discreHon. � '�"
<br /> . `, % , 14.Fees�!�. Ia�e eve�Trustea seUa the Praperty by e�cercisa of power of eaIe,Tn�stee shaU Qs eatitie�t4 apply ��''
<br /> ,x �
<br /> - • ;; anq sato pmceed�fust tn paymeat of all oosts and e:pensea of exere�sing power of sate.Itulading all Tmstee's fi�ea.uad Leader'e �:
<br /> . . � ;'.; aufl Ttn�ea's a6torrtay'fs feea.acmallY incarced to extent permiued bY$PPlicabla taw. Ia the eveqtB�ay T�teP�tses .-,�.�14,k
<br /> .<..>�
<br /> an r1 t mvided b isw w wre aa Event of Default,I.ender sLall be entitled w reca�ics�m•�all�r�•mn�]�anses .,s`,e,�.,
<br /> . ' . � a�t�uatJy�iacp urnd eg e � of Traswr's defaalt, incladiag withant Gmitatioa al# Tros�e°•�P9gA���5►°8 fe��tq dte e�Rent '�,,-;�-
<br /> E • �,,t+:!;yi6 �, _,. �^.'�,
<br /> . permitted by spplicable taar. L°.:� " . ' , .•.. --
<br /> IS.� Advsaces. Upoa request of Bo:rawer. Leader may. at its optioa, �e`edditiona9 aad ti�ue advaa¢es aad
<br /> ' . 1�i��'�;•. , ; zeadvansea to Boms�er. Sncb advances aad readvaeces,wifh ia*erest thareon,shaU be secnred by this Oeed of Tmst. At�o tima
<br /> �:•j.i��1;,;° . .r`.,, � sLeD 0e prlaclpal amauat¢t�t�c�i�lebtedness secured by this Dee�of Tnist.not iaciuding suma advaaced w protect�e suarity of _ . �;
<br />- � .,,}`�,A. � • ";;`° �tmyis��Dl-e�a}�f?�st.e�+ceeQ�uxg�regate of�e origina] principal au►ouuts stateA herein.ar S 68.o0�.0i1 . • . _•__-
<br /> . WLl{i4GVEt io�r� • - -.h ..: "��
<br /> � ' 16.�ro�P�v��. _•�"� ��-•.y
<br />- .•,••�; (a)����e3e�e0. Sxtension af tha tima for paymeai or modificetion of amortlmtton of tIIa wme�dY� , .� ,
<br /> • • • • .':->�. ; De�oY Tiust�aaLed bY Le�der w aay sur�essor iu interest of Borrower shall uat ayerate w release.ia any manaer,�a ,:::,:•.,,-.a•._
<br /> . Y
<br /> ' ]isbilitq of tno origi�al Bamc�es•ead Bortower's saccesson in in u r e s t. L e n d e r s h a l l m t b e r e q u u�e d to cammenrs p m c e r�d i t� •�•; '.,:�.�;�:
<br /> -. .I ': ' ugainst sucL s�oces9or os�Cu�to extend tima for payr�e�t or otheswiss madify ainortizetion of�a sams�by th�s DeeA - -•:- , .
<br /> ' • olT�Ay teason oieay Ceusu�ds mada by the original IIcrrawet and BotmwePa succe�ora In interest. } r __
<br /> a,., �: �, � (b)L�u�'s��re�s. �ir'affio�affectisag tbe liability of any other�erson liable for�e payment oY aay obli�Ion henin - -�
<br /> . e
<br /> .. ` � ma�Ion�. e�9 wi�Dont affe�ting tae lien.or cDarge of tbis lked a�Z'awst upoa any portion of tLa Pmgeriy aat lhen at .' �
<br />- � . � , .. u ; tneretaEore reIeases as ses�r''s�+for the iLll amount o f a l l ueDai d o b l i�a s i n a 3,L e n d e r m a y.f m m t i m e W time aad winthmrt a�tice ..
<br /> ;.. .. ,. ..
<br /> _ ,::i;;t;.•� . �: ;;.: (�relea�e at►y persan e�Ga�. ('u�eatead the matoticy or aIter any af the terms of any susD obligatioas. (iii)graat othar �
<br />--_ ..�'�;r�.�' : �; Iadolgeaces.(iv)re2ea�m r..�onvey,os cause w be re f e a.�or r e c o n v e y e d a t a y d m e�l e n d e r•s o p ti o a s a y p a r c el.p ortion ar . '.
<br /> • �����.i ii. ' t� f 4
<br /> � . �� r �;Jf ell of t�e pmpetty.(vj talce os reIea�ia eoy olner or a.6ditional secariry for any oDligarioa�erein mentioned, or(�n7 meka . . .
<br /> � •'. , r��. compasitions a�r at�er arseage�euts wiW ddccara in reTatiou thereto.
<br /> ,•...•;,..; �
<br />_- � . : ty:� (o)Forb�w by LenBes Not o���Vhistr r. My fotbearause by Ieuder ia eaercising any right or temedy herenadet.or
<br />�'�;_ ;:.;,rr • ` a�gmlae a�os�+ d by applicable iaw. �'talf not be a weiver of or preclude the exercise of my su¢h rigbt ot remedy. 'iDe �
<br /> . ., . ..
<br />-� . ;:.��,. . procurement ot iusuraace vr tite paymeat c€tao�es or ott.er Gens or aharges by Lender s8a11 not be a waiver of LeaEer's right tu
<br /> _,',�y�.`::St;,?:�` ,�.. : ascelerate the mamslty o'8 tCa iz�ebtcdaess secured by tLis Q�eed of Trust. . .
<br />_ � . ��S�arB snd�Bo�nnd,.�aost aad Severgf Id�b�ityi�Ptlot�. The oovenaats emA agreements heceia contalued .
<br />-�:� � ` ` sbaU 0�.aad H�e rlg�ts nercroffiet d:z11•tau�do.the�+espective sucoessors aad essigns of Lender and Teuitor. A11 covea3nm �
<br />`"t" ,. � aa��teemeam of Tnist�t cIlall be joins afld�ceveral. 7'he captinas aad headjngs of the paragtaphs of tLis Dee�of 7east ate fbr . .
<br /> -� ' wnvenisacs cnly sad are not tn ba used W interpret or define the provisions hereof. .
<br /> u .� (e)�e�a�io�Nu�. 1'0a parties hereby request Nat a capy of aay nadoo of defavtt�ereunder ead a copy of eay netlee -.
<br /> ' of eale tiereandor ba maile�t to eacd party w thta Deed of Tnut at the address set fortD ebove in tha maaaet presen'bed Dy
<br />_ ,,. . • . . � . • ., appliaabte taw. E�apt for eay other notice required under applicabie!aw tn be giveo in saother manaer,any notice pr�nvided : .
<br /> ''`'.:: . tor ia this Qced of Tn�t EhaU be given by mailing sueL notice by certified mail8ddressed w the otner paitiea.at the addrea set
<br /> _`'' • " � fo:tn above. Any ao6oe provided for in this Deed of Trust sha11 ba effecdve upon mailing in the maaasr desigaated Detiein. If . . •
<br /> _ : . Tttutor ia more tLan oae permn,notica sent to tbe addres�set foflh a6ave shall be noriae w all suc6 Qersans. � ,,. ..
<br />_ . - (��a�a. Lender may maka or cause to be aiade reasonabte enuies upon and iuspectioas of the Property►provided _ .
<br /> - � � � �ai t�ndet�ai1 gire Ttusror nattce pdor tn eny auc�inapeoflon apec}fying rcasonabte cauaa thero�r ntateA tn Len4er A y: .� . .
<br /> ' - inierest in the Pmperty. �
<br /> (�IIeoomreya�e. UPon payment af eU svms aecured by this Ueed of Trust.Leader shall cequest Ttusoea w recunvey tha :
<br /> �.��,� �., pteeQEtty nnd 6ha11 cuneader tLis Deed of?tust and aU notes evidencing iadebtednesa secured by thia Deed of Ttust to Ttustea. .
<br /> . .
<br />:..''•-: - .''.`._.___....._-:- Trastee sLall tcxdnvey tLe Froperty wiffiaut warranty aad without charge ro the pttsoa or persons tegalty entitled theteto.
<br /> _ --— . Ttustor shaU pny all cos�of recoMatioa,if aay. = . — —
<br /> ..'s - • .
<br /> ' . �aurnu�xsu�admra+�s
<br /> , • D�vraa�meec.o.mnomsrv�.m�su�.weem _..�___
<br /> ,...�._.-.._. �,, . _. . . . _ . ,.... . . .,. . _ .,. ..:, ... . . . •. .., r.., ., . . :�. _ '. .. �., - : - -•--
<br />