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<br /> � . - � . , :. , . ��(t, , . z' r � � . 3, -
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<br /> . . . Y"1 � . • �- . ' - _ ... . ;. .. . . � . . . ... . _ .. .z , . G�' -� 4.. 'e
<br /> _ v. . , L; .ysr• , . . (.'� f - . .�r. . ' .�Y .
<br /> ..'` � �r'— � .� •.;., 4_' ' . • ,. . f ' . , . .� .. ^ ; � ' . ' _ _ _ _ —_ y' — . , (� . S � .— G Sr
<br /> ` �'�• � ` }�� � ' t ,��� t t . F ,, .< .t �� . • � ` , x s. `.. . .�....ti� � _ . ., ��._a .. � `.
<br /> a , : -.r
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<br /> , ., .. . ...:�.L��..__.;..s..�..... _.. ..._-_,._ .. .......x._. .... _._, ..... _. _. .__.r-..�, _..: . ' . ""'..___... ...._�.
<br /> J
<br /> . G• +
<br /> • 97�0��� ��, � �.'
<br />.,.` :: . 16.�on+ower's Copy. Botrower shall beg►ven anc wnfomted oopy of the Nate�d of this Seauiry Iastrument '
<br /> r,..;�. 17.'IYens[er ottne P1rop�ty ap a�eneftrlal In3er�t in Borra�er. If ail or aay patt of the Pmperty or any interest in it ic � ` C-. �
<br /> sotd ar u�ansffeued(ar if a hc�eIIcial interest in Bo�wer is s+ol+d ur aansfened and Bos:ower is not a nanuel p�son�wit�out ' • . � '
<br /> -°� ns
<br /> -, ' � Lendes's priar wriu�anasent.I�ader may.at its o�tion.ce4nae immsdiat�paymcat in fdl of all sums secured by tLis Secwiry .
<br /> d
<br />�`S ' . �-a • Instrumwt.However.tLi.c option s�a11 nAt be exeactsed by L�uder�f exacise is pmht�cted by federat law as oi ths date of this .
<br /> -.—=�-- -: Soauin►Instrument - • .
<br /> .T�s.��-� If L�der eac�cises tLiv opaon,Leadra shall give Baaower nouce of aa�eteiation.Thc notisc shail provide a ' of not Iess -
<br /> e cise iv 'ce
<br /> - ' -----_ - thaA 30 days fmm the daL�the nniioe is delivered or maled witAm which Botrow�must pay all sums by tLis Securiry _ _ _ -
<br />_':;� ' Iastrumeai 1f Bmrowea fa�7s ta pay these soms psina to the expBarion of this period,Leader may invoke any re�edies permitted .< :
<br /> by thic Saaaiiy Ins�am�tt w�hout furthet aotice or dea�and oa Boaowcl. .r
<br /> -. � I8.Bon�mEVer's Rtght to Reinstate. If Bomsw� meets oer� aouditians, Bmrawer shall have thc dg6t ro have . . . ,
<br /> , ?:� enfuaoement of this S�mry Insm�eat disom�naied at any dme prinr tn tLe earlier o�(a) S days(ar sncb other pe�io�as _ ,_ �.;•---_
<br /> . � applicable taw may spewfyy for�)6efore sate of the Pcope�ty pmrsuant W�y power of sale coatained'm this Sec�uity . . :;.r_._.�
<br /> � Inst�umc�ar(D)entry of a jndgmeat enfordag this SecAriry rnc�mr�,�'Iiiase condirions are that Botrowrr.(a)pays L,endec all � .
<br />_ �,, - sams whicb thw wonId 6e due autder this Sec�ty Ins�umau and the PTote as ff no acxelesation 6ad aa�med:(b)aues u►Y . . . .<;
<br />-'i`� � defaWt of any othet eovenanis ar�euts:(e)�ayrs all eapeose�iucauned'm eaf�eing�Lis Seeuriry T�stcumeret,ineiicdiag,bot
<br /> �a.• - not limited m,�easonable s�ys'fee�and(�takes such ac�on as Leader may reasomably cequse m assur�d�at dte tieA of this .
<br /> ,s,{°:,. Seauinr Instrameu�E�dds ei�itts �n ths Pmpeny aad Bmmwds o6ligition to�ay the sums seaued by dnc Sec�ity • �?-
<br /> ��i�� " Insaume�t shaIl canmine�ged. Upan rednsCatemeat isy Boaower,this Secari�y vu�umeat and the obii�ons sec� -�`x' -
<br /> �' � _ _ he�by sUari remaiQ tnRy effec6ve as if no a�oc�atinn 6ad occu�red.Howev�r,this rigdt tn r�instate shari noi apgly m ths case of ';';�;.
<br /> ,-�%�,�; ... s�ceic�aiionaader�h 17. � ��". �:'�;`�� -
<br /> ,Vp�:`, • '�.__ i�. . �.. ;.{as>�.tv`�5"
<br /> ` ; ; fl9�ale otNo2e;Change ap 4..oan S�v� 7he Note or a pa�Uat mt�est m We Note (tnget2�er wirh d�s Seauity ,�,u�:�`���
<br /> ,•�:v�:.,..; tU �';;�:� . .,;.
<br /> f•o,,{�;::,.;',. ` Inst�mneut)may be sold one vr m�are 6mes withoat ptiar�sicx w Bonoure,r A sate resWa in a ehan e in t�e � <s�srs�"•',�~� �`
<br /> r,�,..�.,: . . �5► � �Y� t�`%.'' ,=
<br /> ,�,.��.�F : , . ; ,i�,i� ..;`�`� '=;:
<br /> .},�.�. as t,.*e"I.oaa Senric�that o¢i.P�ts manthIy paqmeuts d�m�der the Note and thi4 Sec�uiiy Iasnumea6lbae also m�y be oae or �' ' J`Y �::
<br />-- :..,,. .. r�;-� m�e c h a a g e s o f t h e L a a�S���o a a s a 2 c a f t d e N o t e.I f t t�e a e i s a c d a A B e o f t h e L o a n S e�v i ce r.B o r m w a r w�7 1 b e :.:,,,.,: ::., ,�,; „
<br /> --�` ;;Y:: < .:°�: gtvea writ�a notice of dte cl�nge m�a�e witb p�a�ph 14 abave a�d applirable 1aw.'ii�e naace will s�the name aud .- - ' :�r,�...
<br /> .; ,
<br /> -;:�: � �'�� add�ess of th�new Loaa 5eivicer and the a�ss w wh�ch paym�shaal�ise�de.'Ihe nodce w�l also oontam aay other .
<br /> = = ;;` . f��''� iu€otma6nn required by agplisxble t3w. Ce i�: , ".':4�`
<br /> •�z: � �r ?A.8a�dous Sa6slanoes Boaowea shaU not c�use or peamit the p�o�.�se,disPosa�,stw'a8e.or nele�se of any � ,,:��.,J.�
<br /> �' �:� Ha�ardons Sabst�ces an ar m the A�uperty.Brnmwer shari not d0.aor a11ow anyone eLse tn do.anYthing affe�ung the propeity `� �
<br /> , � ..`��.. thai a�ia violatian of an}r Eavimame�ial Iaw.'tiie preced'mg two senteaar.es shaU notappty tu the presenc�.�se.ur sto�age on the ~-�;�:, ,�� `
<br /> . = Ptopeaty of smaU qnanttties of Har�rdous Substances th�t are geae�ally cesogaized tn be appmpriate tn normal resideatial ases � ��
<br /> �� � �' �d w mamteaance of the Propeaty. , � �' �
<br /> � �� B�mwes sLall D��fi�Y 8n'e Leadea wrItten aotice oi aay inv�on,claim,dem��,lawsuit ar oth�asdon bS►m►y ,..,. .s�. =��
<br /> e
<br /> ;, .. s ��a1��B�Y�►��D�Y mvolv�g the P�a�ty�d any HaTandons Snbstauce or Envisa�s.meurdi Law ;;�.�� :;
<br /> �
<br /> 5� �:• �,� of v�5ic6 Bmrmvue�Las acwaD P�¢a++iedg�1f Bottower le�cr is aau'�d by aAy govemrnea�l os regutatu�►�,Qiai mry ,�;�.
<br /> a
<br /> ,;;.�.: ' �' ranaval or oth�r remediatioa c�E�y F�ardoas Sn6s�an��g t�ce Pr�peaty is ae�ssary,Bmmwer sdall P�P�Y�� � . -,rr .
<br /> :_,.t .
<br /> �'� � �rlWt4JY��
<br /> j ` � II0pCS53Ty ICIIICd381 Eix10DS II18CCOTi�IICC Hrtt�t E¢SVITONIICQt3�LSW. t �,Nr_
<br /> ,, �. ,����, As nsed in th�s pa�a�aph 20,"Har�dr�Snbs�tces"are those�ces de�'med a9 w��S�acdons subs�uo�by ��-.
<br /> st r � .� �,<< EavLvnmeatal Law �d the fo�o�mg s� �e, kaus�e. athe� �b2e os m��Olwm pmdu�. w�ic v-�s�. '!�"s
<br /> �, � � � :;�'• y�d�s aad 6�bicldes.vnlat�e solv�s,marrrlata containing asb�stos or fo�E�t.gd�.and iadioactive mareiiaLs.As�sed in '
<br /> mar ;a ' „ ..�_;
<br /> '���r��'tL � ' � y t�is�b 7A."Eav�nm�al Law"me�s fe�eaal taws and laws of ihe jutis�arhete the Ropeaty is lacated thal ielaze .�.y� �.
<br /> �: . � � ;s, to healtb.safety ar eavuunmentai piotecaon. � , ",�
<br /> . '�.. :. .;�.,,.
<br /> , � ��:_ . . �. .r_
<br /> '� � ; NON UNII�Y�t,&!COVENANfS.Borrower and L�dea fMher ooveaaan�d a�ee as foltows: ` �"��°.
<br />-=�1�:� ' � ���i t� 21.Awetera�a:RemgdiFS.l.tnd�r shail give noitce to Borrow��uimr Qo a�atina foi��ring Burrotive�'s bre�ac6 0! ' , �,i
<br /> .r>
<br /> ��`; ,,,����'��� ' any coveaun! or ag�reem�nU im W[s Sec�Ity Ias�r�cu� (Dnt uot prIor ¢� �uaatta� ander paaa�..,ID 17 anicss :�r-.u:
<br /> 9, ;R,;, ��.. ' �� apDiiaable faw provides mtitea�se).3'he uottae sban sp¢dfy:(a)the defanit;(bl t�hza�tlon reqaired to care tti��efanit,(c) ' : :�:,
<br /> a date,aot tes thsn 30 daya tlrom tEae date We aottce Es gtven to�otmwrer,by�u�h the def�3t�mn�tse�d;and(d� ��' ���
<br /> � ,..,
<br /> . �� ;`, ��.,;� that faIIme to c�e We defaa[Q on ar D�'rncce t�he date specffied in the aoZtce may resn�t in a�:�o!4he srsias seeac�d � ��
<br /> Y� �]��F � '':t3f:;��. � ��. ;�;.:,.
<br /> by Wts Se�itq instraaneat and safr o!tPo¢�roperiq.'f'he notlae sha0 tiuther it�Cc�m Bosro��r o!the r�to rein�i.t�e �n,,,c
<br /> - ,'.'{„�;t�,�.,1;.� ' ,r � �.:_ �.�1
<br /> e�ter acv�eteration aad t�e 6f�hT to b�ing a com�astlon to as�ert the noa�cu of a defaatt or any a�de?ense o? �;,,, ,;. � _;.,,_
<br /> e era nr
<br />-_;,;i��;�,�'�t�=°.�::� �t Borpo�wer to aeoeterattnn amr�c��f the defan[t tv aot cared an or 6eSare t�e¢d�apxciti¢d in the notFce,d.cuder.at iP� .';",�,.,,. .� '. .
<br /> _ r.;� �`; �. +c a➢t i o n,ma y r e q a i r e imrmedlate p a y meat in t�D of a0 sams sQCa�e�b y tbis S e a u l t y Instrar��nt�vithont laather demaruL ,
<br /> �';� <<,. . ti mnd may imru�e the pawer ot sale aQd any ot6er remediea permitted Dy appli�Ie law.Leadsx s6�dl 6e entItled ta ooi[er� � •
<br /> .,;d��.�•:.,.�. ._. , aII espens�iaamad In pm�saing We remedt�pmvtd�in tNe paragrap6 21.inctudtng,Ont ao! ti�ited to.reasonable ..
<br /> '='"':�,1�:?'i,•`� fi a4tomeys'fees and a�of fitf�evi8ence. � . �
<br /> ."'`A�?1:�� ;' ! ff the power of sate is iavoge�,Trustee aLall record a aot�re of defautt in each comnty in w6ish any par¢oT the . _ .
<br /> ,.r,.;,.
<br />-���;7�2, .. . i .
<br /> ;.,�•. . ; Pmperty ts brated and smaU�sil cqrytes of sac6 notice in the man�er preacrt6zd by ap➢ffcable law to Borruwer and to the �• ;� ,
<br /> _`": j olher pe�sons pr¢ssrit�e�by apDlicab4e La�v A�er ths time sequire�by ayplizsble law�7Yastt�s6aID give p�bttc uotice o! , •�"r'��
<br /> a«.
<br /> `�'"` '`�`� �a1e to t6e perfions end in the manner ar�strmed by applIcabte Isw 7'r�stee.wfthamt dem�d aa�orrower.sB�U se[1 the � .: .`:�;;�%:`.
<br /> �i;O:i `�,, �. ���:.{..
<br /> _ ''�.;f�i��,.:;.�'`��,�:;;,,� Froperty a!pnDllc anctIon to t�s�3g�est btdder at the tirae and pfa:e nnd aader ths terms d�igna¢ed in tine Qottoe o!sal� ' ' . .
<br /> .�i .f +., � �i:;� .
<br /> ��'It�ir.;a,�•:. �.�<< ;i� �:�t�:.'
<br /> `�`�r. r�. . � i. -
<br />=M:��S�_ �•� • ; }``, ' � _
<br /> '�,�;':.. ' Fosm SdZO 41L0 . . � _;•,�
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<br /> -Tj' . _C7 '.���.. � .
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