. .. �.r�_ .�`�" ' _ .:s.:.�..t�}`,'�..s.t ...a��t�.��1'��. . �a�St �. .r;.. . ���tK��f.C��Z`E'' c. c._ '�• _..
<br /> _ _ ---^--,.—F�'�'? •,k-. -. -�� -.—
<br /> � '� < ' 1 _ � *��'� :.:�'.. �. ` ,.[• �<<;�. �St :(�.. . L.
<br /> ; � ^ ' _ 4' _ .' f f,ti� r -, s� ,�'"4
<br /> -<' 1, <.. ` t_ C -�.r � � ��4' . .. .. � �`� ' � Js � � . y •
<br /> . .`r- - ; - . (Yji.� . . ' f a . _�-_t �4 t _ �.9c
<br /> � . , . � . _ . - }e c.. .. r{ . r � _ . " .. ' Y.= .._.=r�`.. �rN'r' < .�_. .
<br /> .�1. . - � . �% �Il '_ _ . ��� _a. �Y.',,�t.
<br /> � .. �. . � . � _ , _
<br /> , ti ----�t{' _ C. . c -: - . i't,�, . �- u } , -- — . ..- . L -"r-_ � fi`'
<br /> .! ., .' ' _,,� F < � "Z ''�l�Ilt�;sr�- '�` 1�� ��` -. �'�( S�t - �£ ' r ,. � . .
<br /> �,`. _ _ ' ..�..`_.t..{L�.rv�._....s_.......1/=�..._r_.LL ..-1.._�_ ... _"_._..i.__...__.�,...�__...._ .+. `.� �
<br /> A . .J'
<br />.. . ' ' (�[t • ��� �v�/rY� , ♦. ,..-.
<br /> .. S.Ha�rd ar Prop�iv Iase�noe. Bmmwra shall�dce�paa��neuts now existing or d�erected on the Propeny ° '��
<br /> - ' , insum,d agamst loss by fae.ba�ds incWded within the teim°e.xte�3t�tl oovarage" and any other haTaNs.inclading Qnods or `. :�:.,�:<....�
<br /> flnod'mg,f�r whicb L,�d�i reguaes ms�aunce.This ins�ance shaq be amimmined'm the amounts and for�perioQs d�at Leader `� ,
<br />- � �� � requ�.7te�oe cffirier gimrid'mg the ina�nance sl�aU be�by BorraNer subject m Leuder's a�nnval wbic?t shall not
<br /> . . n 6e�abty withheid. ff Bmrower fni{s ta mainffiin cave�age des�'bed abov� Leader may.at Lendec's optiaQ. obtam �.� < .
<br /> ' � =�--" oovea�ge Yn protECt Ix�der's rights in the F7upECiy'vt aa�tdaace tvitb paz8gt8ph 7. r •
<br />��� "� -- '� All ins�tance pulicies and maecvels shall bs ac�qstable to Leatler anA sball include a standard mastgage cta�e.L�td�shall . ,�..��. . .
<br /> `_ `" -��`` - have the righi Lo hoId dis pW£cies aud renetvais.If Leude�requ�es,Boam�shatl I�P�Y B�m I�dei ait re�ts of paid ��. .`°�
<br />`''= ` ' piemnuns s�►d r�ecval aodces.In the event of I�,�annnwer sha}i g'nme�rrompt nonce to the m.s�u�ae caIIi�r and Le�der.La►der ,
<br /> omp r.:r
<br /> ::;: , ` ' aray m�a?�proof of lu�s if nut made pmmgUy by B�ow�
<br /> "iF:,.: - _' UnIess I.�dcr aa+d Bmrrawer utLeawise agee in writing.msma�e ptuc�eeds diall be aFp�ied m reswrat3on or re�ait of t�e ` •
<br />�;�.;- � :�. . . ptopeity damaged.if the�or rqtair ia econamicaity feas�'b1s an�i LBnder's s�urity is not le�.If tbe res7asaQioa or -�R- <_�^:•
<br /> <�; ; . . - �S is�ot economicaIIy f�ble er Lemder's seauity woWd be l�ed,t6e insu�ance proceeds s6all be applfied tt�fhe sams '�-t`'-
<br />,i;�`�� � . �. seca�+es!tag this Secroaity InsttnIDeat,wheiher rn aoi dten d¢e,wi3b 8Ay eo�oeSS paiA to Barmwea.If Baaowes abaQdnns the .��.� .
<br /> :. F -
<br /> -�;: _ - - Pt�ge�ty.�r daes nat aa�cver wutria 3Q days a naaise from Lmder that We�ranriea 6as offea,ed.m�tle s clahn,the,n -
<br /> _ ,,,_ `' I���zay cQIIecc the insw�ance pmce�s.L�der may use the pmceed3 m n�air or restore tLe P�op�y a�tn pay sums� ;;�;:
<br /> ,`� � < - by t��iry In�ocome�t.wheWer ar no1 the�due.Thc 30-day peliad cvUl beg�whea the aotice is giv�. :�:v:`.0 '';;; - _
<br /> : �;:..,, �` ;
<br /> : . �°•
<br /> :;.. ,::���': , ; . G�I.eatder and Hornow�utt[e►+a�r38e�m wri��+anY a�ppli��n of pioc�eds m priadp�al shaU not erztca�d at pastpane •�--`,-
<br /> ' '�`�' � the dne date of the mon ,� �y,,� �
<br /> .}� }�,� �,,!,',{PaYmTe,m,.,s�,r,,�efered m i,�ns garagraphs I aad 2 or ctange t6e amqmmt-o-f,,t)he�p,,a,,y��m*��.If�pa�agraph . .,,` ,
<br /> i , , . ., r., .
<br /> _ -� f� .,�` 2� iilei rlV�y�$$�QQGLL�i.Gf{4�i�H(��/Gt g n�i������Y�L�ALY iGS{i4Llg�m��YlG 1 � .,i,.
<br /> ,':�� . ' �F�Y P�m the ecg�n shaU pass w Leadcr w dce ext�t o#'Ws ssmns s�by tl�is Secarity Inswment immediatcdy . •
<br /> w>_ . .� . - ptios w thsacquisIdon. ':_•,�=��' �,`:
<br /> ;---�-�;�:' � , �-�P��9r�tesP�vstfuu�Main4�nCe eud I�ot�of the P9roperiy� Hotmwes's Losn AppBt�ttoII;�Fefa�� ,'>;;'" ,�:,:.n�'�'
<br /> 4� �.4 Bammra shall ooaipy.e�thlist4 and u�ttte lalmgerly as Ea�wer's prims3p�1 seside.nce wit6ln sixt}r days aftea the exeru�nn of .�"���:�.-.'i;.•�
<br /> this Se�ouity Iasuament emd shaIl comtinue m ac�py the Ptap�ty as Barrowu's p�insigal resii�eace foa�at t$ast one year aftea the - t�`•�-s%--�_
<br /> s
<br /> - " dare of acxupancy,unless Lendec rnh�aarise ag,ne�s in�$, vvhi�h an�eui shall not 6e uareasonably withhetd,or imte,sc � ° �:� �
<br /> .' ., ---��` ''r�, ex�ana�g��es eacist whidt ane beyond Bomuwe.s'�cenuol.Bommvr,r shall aot desoroy.dama,ge or impai�'rhet'ropeat�►, .'_ �.;;.�`=.'
<br /> . , • � ..`� aliow the Property to det�maw.ar cammit waste on t�:L�eaty. Baaawer s6ai1 be in default if any forfe�scaion or. ' :L�*.� .'
<br /> 4..� ' p �
<br /> i.... .. � .. �,'�':'.'--
<br /> �.f. . . .: ;• ......` pmceeQing,wh$Star aiv�or�a1,Ls 6cgtw t�t.m I.euc�¢'"s�aod�ith jndgme�i aould res�ili in far�nac of tf�Pt6gesty qr _ `����
<br /> �Y : . 4 otLriwise ma�iRl[��impair Qte llen a�d iry this Securjry Ias�ame�at ffi J�cadea's ser,�ity in�aest Bamuwea may cma sush� � � —
<br /> ea n=
<br /> ; ' ° ;;y�. 3 defanit and ie�nsm�.as pravided'm paiag�ap6 18,by causing the�a ar.�sooeeding to be dis�aissed wItb a rn�d�at.in . �
<br /> �► ;-' Leadds gaod farth d�r�a�oa,Prectndes fasfeiuue of the Barmwer's fa�est in tue Prapeatp ar othea ma0er'ral�pu of ." ,'s.,,, ,•`���`�;
<br /> "' _ `� the lien c;teated by d�is Secutity.Insttntae�i ar Le�der's seiauity int�st.Hoa�wea sdall also be in default if Borroarez:.dtrring the � :i'�� � `�.:
<br /> ,� ;• tmi�►1i�tion Pmress.6f►�'tt mntar�ally falsc ar ivaccuiate mfonnarinn otr s�uemeuts to Le�ndra(oz failed to pmvi�T_�zdea wIth �,��'�'�r;��,'.
<br />-�. " ' � '.::��;- � aay materiai mfom�alion) in c�an �vith t�c Iaan evidrnced by tbe NoLe.inclndng. but nat li�ed w,rqsr�sa►tarions ,. •.;,•.; .. _ �
<br /> � ... ..•. • j . t.� •.; ,
<br /> � � ' �,: ooncxmiag Boaoarer's ocaaptmcyi of the Ptogezty as a prindpal reaideaea It this Ser�rity Instrummt i�v8�I�Eii,Sornawed ,� .
<br /> . •�� s6all comply witb aU the pmvisions af the l�se.If Bo�ower a�ires fee titie tn the Prop�ty,d�e I�d and i��e tiftlee sLaU
<br /> , .. . ' not mage anless Leader a�raes w tho rtts�er in wridng. ''��-
<br /> �`;;�•. . . `��,. 7.Prmte�tan of Lcude►+'�ttigltia ln We Prvperty. 1f 8st.�we�r faiLs w pPafomi the ooveaants and agree�ne.nts�c�nta�ned in ' ' . �"'��=;
<br /> ,s : . : •. ,,:,i,..;,-
<br /> this SEauiry Ins�usqark nr•tht�is a legi�l Pmce�din8 that may signibcaatly affect Lender's rtghts in the PlroPeaty+(sach ac a
<br />--�!`� : , , - praceedmg in bankraptay:pmbata,for condemnatfan ar farfeitme or w eut"aare laws or�egWations),thea�Le�nder may do attd pay '-�';=r`-_ _-
<br /> �.� � . �: far w t�a t e vet t s n�w pmuxt the valua of the Arageaty and LeaQer's rights in the Pmpeaty.Lenda's actians may include . �. �--
<br /> l �# PaYmB enY stunv seaued by•a llen whicli Wis prtorIry over dus 5�Insommen�aDH� in ooun.Dayl�g�casoaab2e -;`�;fiW.�,.•..r_
<br /> : . .. S
<br /> � .. � �? a m a m e y s' f e e s a n d e a t e r t n g a n,d t a P r o p$r t y w m a k e r e g a�.A l t h o n g l i I�d e r m a y t a k e a a i o n a n d e r t h l s p a r a g t a g b 7..L e A B e i `;-t'�rr. :. ,-�-
<br /> � . ' doesuat6avewdoso. .� � .`.`�:,# �
<br /> � � :� ,,. �: ";.: ,'�"�R°�,,-
<br /> � ..: . .... : Any amo�d6b�aed by Laidea andar tbis paragraph 7 sball becama Edditlonal debL of Borrawes secQred by this Se�c�uity ----
<br /> ��' � ' lnstiumcaii.UnL�ss Bmmwer aad�I:csnd�epee w oWer tesms of p�aymenL these amovnts st�all bPar mt�rest fmm the date oi `.
<br /> .��s�. :• .. '
<br />�:�,;.��.c, . .. dlsbiuse�tat the Note rate and�shuU�Ue payable.wltb inte�st.upon rwr)aelmm I.raide�w Bomnwea retN�S PaY�� .. . : .
<br /> �"; . 8.M4ttgage Iasarant+� 11�Jusndor ccsqttined mort�age in�s�uance as a oanditlon of making the loan secaced by fh3s 5e�auIry '
<br /> _:'� . Ins�nnc,nt.Bormwur stm11 pay tho giaminms m,�uicpd 0� ma�tain tha mong,�ge�noa in effect ff,far any reasan,fhe
<br /> �;`:, ° :. :;` �',f mongage insurence cflverage required hy�Lead�lapses or ceases w ba in efFeG,Bmmwer shall pay Wa�raniums nguhed to .. ,
<br /> s,,�" .. ' : otsta�in oovelage substantiaIIy equivalent w,tha mongt►ge insivance previnugty ln e�'ea.at a oost substandally eqvivalent w the . . .
<br /> �:� ,.
<br />'°*` ca�srt.Bomuwer of the mortgage insuautce pr�evlously in effect.from �u altemate mortgage instuer ayproved by Lcatder.If ' .�. .. � .
<br /> "' �.' sr�kcx�ntisllY equivalent mortgage insurta►ce cflvcraga is nat ava�7able.Bonosver shall pay w l.�der eacb mantb a snm to -'�'�`fk;,-.�•
<br /> �.� • o a�-t w e i ft b o f t h e y e a r l y m o:t g a g e i n s u r a n c e g a�i u m b e i n g p a l d h y B o t r o w e r w h e n t h e' �o o vemge IaD s r d o r c e a s e d t o .'1�'�t� '
<br /> ��y` : . mcmm�n
<br /> b e in e ff�t L�der w i U a�xept�use an d�ret�a t hese paymeats as a!o�rese�ve in lieu of mortgaa��.smance.Loss zesQrve � '`. . ' � �
<br /> mn
<br /> . t_' �, r,� .
<br /> �� .;. ,, Fcn►vso2o s►oo ���t�,� . ..
<br /> a�?,,,:.;r'�: �� • �-6R(4�LEjlo2�a�.o� m�aao�e �r. �-,��:,i�.. ��i:..
<br /> ��s�j� •r.�si —---- •`�'�
<br />_�);ir�,�•, n •�• � . � ..
<br /> �}!; !:i!. . . . H �.w.: ..... � . .
<br />-w:r'� .. . .
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