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Ll <br />1 <br />rl <br />1 <br />6.11 <br />being fully advised in the premises, finds as follows: <br />That Robert W.Muirhead filed his petition in this Court on the lop day of July, 1936 alleging amonj <br />other things that William Muirhead departed this life on the 8th day of February, 19361 and at the <br />time of his death he was a resident and inhabitant of said County and State and was the owner of <br />an estate to be administered in said County; that upon reading and filing said petition an order <br />Nas entered fixing the time and place for hearing the evidence in support of said petition, giving <br />notice thereof to all interested parties by publishing said notice for three successive weeks in tl <br />band Island Daily Independent, a legal newspaper published and circulated in said County- and tha' <br />said hearing was held, as heretofore ordered by the Court, and as by law required, and Letters of <br />Administration granted to said petitioner upon the filing of his bond in this Court, as required <br />by law. <br />That due and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time and place fixed by the Court <br />for filing claims against said estate by publication for three successive weeks in the Grand Is <br />Daily Independent, -as provided by law, and that all persons having claims against said estate, not <br />filed within the time fixed by the Court, if any such there be, are forever barred, excluded and <br />enjoined from,setting up or asserting any such claims against said estate. <br />That said deceased departed this life leaving surviving him as his heirs at law, and only heirs at <br />law,, legatees,_devisees, and persons entitled to share in his estate the following, to -wit: <br />Robert W.Muirhead, a son, Grand Island, Nebraska, Ruby Eberel, a daughter, Grand Island,Nebraska, <br />Hazel Lueth, a daughter, Grand Island, Nebraska, Floyd Muirhead, a son, Grand Islarid,Nebraska, <br />Harry Muirhead, a son, Grand Island, Nebraska, Glenn Muirhead, a son, Grand Island, Nebraska, all <br />of legal age and Harvey Muirhead, a minor son of the age of 19 years. <br />That said deceased died the owner of situated in said County, and State consisting of <br />real property and that there were no personal assets of said estate, and that said administrator <br />expended of his own funds in administering said estate the sum of $150.00 for which he makes no <br />claim against said estate, and said real estate being described as follows: <br />Lot Three (3), Block Ninety (90) in Wheeler & Bennett's Fourth (4th) Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island,Hall County, Nebraska, also known as 211 East 17th Street, Grand Island,Nebraska. <br />and that said above described real estate did pass and descend at the time of the death of said <br />deceased the following named heirs: Robert W.Muirhead, a son, Ruby Eberel, a daughter, Hazel <br />Lueth, a daughter, Floyd Muirhead, a son, Harry Muirhead, a son, Glenn Muirhead, a son, and Harvey <br />Muirhead, a minor son, to each an undivided one - seventh -(1/7) interest therein, in equal shares it <br />absolute title. <br />That due and legal notice has been given to all persons of the time and place for hearing on said <br />final report by publication of said notice for three successive weeks in the Grand Island Daily <br />Independent, as by law required, and no one appearing to object to said report, and the Court <br />having examined the same, together with the vouchers attached thereto, finds that said report is <br />true and correct in all things, and should be approved and allowed as and for said administrator's <br />final report, said estate settled and closed, and said administrator discharged. <br />That said estate is not subject to the payment of any inheritance tax under the laws of the State <br />of Nebraska or the United States. <br />IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED BY THE COURT that all persons having claims againi <br />said estate not filed and allowed within the time fixed by the Court, if any such there be, are <br />forever barred, excluded and enjoined from setting up or asserting any such claims against said <br />estate. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the final report filed herein by Robert W.Muirhead, administrator, be <br />and the same is hereby, in all things, approved and allowed as and for said administrator's final <br />report, said estate settled and closed and said administrator discharged from any further liabilit <br />