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under the laws of the State of Nebraska, or <br />Further alleges that she inherited an undivi <br />estate as the widow of the said Lawrence W. <br />541 <br />laws of the United States of America. <br />d one -half interest in the above described real <br />den, and that she is therefore a proper person to <br />sign and file the application for the probatelof the estate of the said Lawrence W.Hayden, decease.. <br />Further alleges that more than 22 years have elapsed since the death of the said Lawrence W.Hayden <br />that no application or petition has ever_beenlfiled in any court of the State of Nebraska, for ad- <br />ministration on his estate, and that all debts of the deceased, if any existed at the time of the <br />death of the said Lawrence W.Hayden, are now (forever barred and precluded. <br />Further alleges that the funeral expenses an <br />Hayden were fully paid and settled. <br />Wherefore prays that a time and place be fix <br />notice thereof be given to all persons inter <br />as by law provided, and that upon said heari <br />of the said Lawrence W.Hayden; that the Cour <br />testate; that the heirs of said Lawrence W.H <br />respective degrees of kinship to said deceas <br />described, passed and descended at the death <br />hereinbefore stated, to -wit: One -half there <br />Hayden, that the Court enter such other, fur <br />premises as may be necessary for a determina <br />of the heirs of said deceased, and degree of <br />belonging to said deceased; that the Court f <br />the last illness have been paid, and that al <br />of the said Lawrence W.Hayden, are forever b <br />expenses of the last illness of the said Lawrence W. <br />by the Court for a hearing upon petition, that <br />ted in said estate, both creditors and heirs at law, <br />, the Court determine and find the date of the death <br />also find that the said Lawrence W.Hayden died in- <br />den are the persons hereinbefore named, and that the <br />, are as shown above; that the real estate hereinbef�re <br />the said Lawrence W.Hayden, to the heirs at law <br />to Katherine Hayden, One -halt thereof to Louise <br />r and different orders, findings and decrees in the <br />on of the time of death of the said Lawrence W. <br />inship, and the right of descent of the real estate <br />r find that the funeral expenses and expense of <br />other claims, if any existed at the date of the dea <br />d and precluded. <br />September 23, 1936. Entered order assigning October 17, 1936, at 9 A.M. as day for hearing said <br />petition and that notice of hearing be given to the heirs at law and all persons interested in <br />said estate, including creditors, by publication of a notice in accordance with this order, in <br />the Douglas County Legionnaire, a legal newspaper published and circulating in Douglas.County, <br />Nebraska, for a period of three weeks. <br />October 17, 1936. Filed proof of publication of notice of hearing on petition for determination <br />of heirship, which shows by affidavit of Thelma F.Ray, Secretary of the Douglas County_Legionnaire <br />a legal weekly newspaper published in Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, and in general circulation <br />in said County, that the printed copy of notice attached was published in said newspaper for three <br />consecutive weeks,_beginning September 24, 19136 and ending October 8, 1936. <br />Said printed notice is as follows: In,the matter of the Estate of Lawrence( W.Hayden, deceased. <br />To the heirs at law, creditors, and all'other{s interested in said estate, take notice; <br />That Katherine Hayden, the owner of the hereinafter described real estate, has filed her petition <br />in this Court, alleging that Lawrence W.Hay <br />in Douglas County, Nebraska, on the 6th day <br />, late of Douglas County, Nebraska, died intestate, <br />f September, 1914) being a resident and inhabitant <br />of Douglas County, Nebraska, and the owner of the following described real estate, to -wit; The <br />Northerly one -half of Lot 8, Block 66, Original Town, now City of Grand Island, an undivided one - <br />half interest in and to the West twenty - sever and one - twelfth feet of Lot 2, and the East half of <br />Lot 3; the West half of Lot 3; the East 21 feet of Lot 4, all in Block 2071, of the Original City <br />of Omaha, Nebraska; that his sole and only heirs at law were the following described persons: <br />Katherine Hayden, his Widow, Louise Hayden, a daughter; that the above described premises passed <br />and descended to the above named persons in equal shares to each. <br />+i <br />Said petitioner further alleges that no application for administration has been made, that the estate <br />