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<br /> � , ' � `� �,BT� , ive Points Ban[c a ldebraska Cor ora4�on
<br /> � � � �,
<br /> . :,:� whosetsr�ir6t�is Q„�A Anx ]50'L� PranA Iclan_tl_� uC 6ARA2-1507 �h8teittTcw^t�s7.en4 ,:�
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<br /> a � � t ---- - p
<br /> -`t:�;;;'�:',fX`��tRS� ,f FOR VAStJ�BL�C�^51DERATtON,induding Leade►'s extsnsfon of�sedrt ide�tified heretn to C11ffoY'$ L. l4iileP .
<br /> :., '.�`"��.�,.;s�:°<<�� '��`, .
<br /> rn;� t -'�i< .; (herein`Bonower.'wheiher one ar more�d�the �Trustee.�IN��TRUST•WiTK �, -
<br /> ';'°` .���; af e�fiich is i�r�y admowted9�.Tnrstor baceby inavocabty grants.ttansters.comreys 9�
<br /> • ,:�`p � POWER E2+r SAl.E,fir fhe�enefit and seatrity oi LenQer.under and subjsd��e terms and oon�tions f�ersinafter set forth.the real e •'.
<br /> ''� ` �I a8foU0ws: �--=-�s:
<br /> � r 4t��.: P�rt!►� -
<br /> j`1`4� s f rtr j. -
<br /> ;���;�` ,�; t4� [�tr�e $9) and Eteven �li), Block F��n �1,�I;o. Unive�rsity Ptac� Addittor� to tt+e T.
<br /> ��:�;
<br /> xt�i1 ' ..:?�, Cfty o� Gr.�nd is�and, (f�J County, Nebara���� . .__
<br /> ,; � � r+ and appurtenanoes
<br /> � . ' �` �<,� easemec�ts.rfghtsi tufv..eg�
<br /> ' Togeti�eead��t�tt�ng�.improvemer►ts.fixwreE.streets.afteys.p�� . .
<br /> ',�; . r.. �� reversions and rematrtdt�s thereol.and surh per- ,
<br /> .. ..: iJ?: Iccated�x�.�.�.��'ftse pertaWng there0�.and the cents.issues a�►d�.
<br /> . . ? ,,; �nal pr�{;e�rk�at ia�q�ed to the imprwemerrts so as to oonstitute a fixtur�;G�iduding,but nat limited ti����g�0�Wg eWio- =
<br /> � . ;�� mer�ea4�e►wim tKe homestead or marihai interests.if arry.wNd►interests are hereby�eieased and�raived:ai!of wh1�,indud� . . -
<br /> �� ing repizcert�ls and addiUons theret0.�s heret�l dedanaA tp be a paR oi the real esbte secured by tha lien of thfs Oeed o9Tnrst and F�,:�i_
<br /> , �� eU of th�nogt Tau�shall secure(a)tt�e PaymeM ot the PflnciDal sum and inte�est�evidented by a Pcqm�ssory rtote or aedit eg� � '
<br /> 9
<br /> f.� Yff�t u _--_—_
<br /> ��� i AA7 having a maUirily date of,j+jQygpi�(�,�,3�• 2�Q • r
<br /> meM Cas� h
<br />� � : ;.�';'�' , and any ana a:1,mndHtc�s.extenstor�s artd renewats __
<br /> f
<br /> i�'y,r:, :,;� ir'�.;} in ttu�a�ttt.�Pdncipa!emount at S � ._
<br /> `�?�j�'� :`��^, �reaF�ar t(`,eseto artA arry end atl fu.fure a ces and readvarna�s tu Bortawer(or any aPilr�n•if'mdtQ�.an one)hereunder pursuant s
<br /> T ;� W one o�e�raca Prrsr�ssoN notes or credit agreaments{her�r:i�d•tvote�:tb)the Dal��cat`ati�a��ms advanaed by�enear m T-
<br /> �'`.. : protect�~,o seciu(t)!'c�tLe Nota:(a)ths Pertorma�ro�af at!ca�;c-nar.ts and agre�'rs�nts oi Tn�r set�a�ttt lsr�.a;fn:and(�aD pressnt and � -••
<br /> � � tu0aro irt�oDtedt��:d obligaUons ai Bortawer(4i�aFrt�i�rnore than:�to Lender whether dir�.:�stlirecR absoiute or oondr�
<br /> ::�"�.�: uaran .ovardr�cr oit�c�s�.Yhe Note.'�is Oeed ot Tnist�nd a�en�taY other docume�that � _��=°:
<br /> • . ;. :tl, �; geat aat�whether afising by tate.S tY
<br /> ?��::.:; secu�ttte Note or othernise executed in connecuon�cr�u+itr;inGuding without limibtion gu�Ysnt�s.security agreemenfs and �` _-
<br /> � rr•-
<br /> ' ' ;;�..•.i: a s s i g n��l e a s e s and rents.shall be retemed 6D hereln es ttv�'Loan InsWmer�:'. .},`„:.:�,
<br /> _ � x,+� j Tir�or covenama an0 agrees wtth Lenderas tbitaws:
<br /> �` t. Paymor�4 oi trtdebtadrtess.Atl indebterl5tmss�secured hereby shall be paid when Que. � r'
<br /> 'i� .{.� ,:._
<br /> }r,�, �, �. Yt�.Tnu�is the owner oi the Prapmtg�as the�ight end authodty t�oonvey the Property.nm�vz�rents tl�ae�e Qen creat `
<br /> �}, < „t}+����. �h�y�a�C Ectd prlot lien on the Propeit.y'.exeept for Uens and enambrances set foM P�y T n���n v v M�n g�deiiveted to ���r^
<br /> t��J )�� � �I� '+' Ler�er Oefore exAccrtion o1 this De+ed ot Tnist,an0!he executlon and deltvery ot ihis Oee�i.cf Tcu�t daes not vlolate�sy oontract or „ Y i,,,
<br />'r''�51°�{;fl'.'`.,'�_'f r`�l';.'•,.. "' '�Sr��
<br /> ;:.,.,.. )a r;. ,.; othe�r obllgation tD u�.1ch Tn�stor is�bjea. ,`�� %
<br />-_ ,,��`4��,�„5, 3.'i�xos►�meMe.To pay before d�ffnqueney atl ta�ces.sPec�al assess�ments antl eU ather chr�ges against the ProAenll , -.
<br /> .. • •_ •.i',.r'}:'� .
<br /> - :+.�,,��� nr��orRetoafteriovii�d:
<br /> a
<br /> . :�` �'F: 4_In��r�rcca.t`a keep the Property Insured against Camage by flre.ttazards induded vi�thin the ta►r.+'exOenQed caverage.ena .
<br /> �:>,��
<br /> � ^ L�;,.� sucit,atiier hazara4s as Lsnder may requlre,in amounts and with oompanies acceptabie tn LertQer,naming Lender as an addidon2i
<br /> _ � �;f named t�esured,v�ith tass payaAte to t�e lender.tn cese ot toss under sud�policles,tl�e l�ender is authorized to adjust,coftect and
<br /> :;-. , 5�a poar�promtse.ell ctalma theseunQer and shall have the opUon of aPPtyring ell or part ot the insuranoe pcoaeeds(�to eny indebtedness .
<br />-_ � r� s�tre0 heteDy end In such order as Lender may detertnine.(ii)to the Tn�stor to be used for the reDair or resEoraBon ot the Property►or
<br /> , . ;�•
<br /> _ �:, ((il)�far atry othe►putpose or object satlsfactory to Lender without aHecting the lien of this Osed oi Trust tor the fiill amount secured
<br /> . haaaby Qefore surh peyrrtent ever tcok ptace.My apDticattons ot prcoeeds to indebtedness shatl not e�dend or postpone the due date
<br />- oi any paymeaLs under th0 Note.or curo a�ry aefautt Nereunder or hereunder. ;:
<br /> - 5.Esctow. Upon written demand by Lender.Tntstor sha11 pay W Lender.in sucfi manner es Lender may designate.sufficierK �:`,`.
<br /> ' � sums to enabie Lender to pay as they became due one or more oi tre toitowlc.g(i)ail taxes,assessments and other charges sgainst
<br /> - - tho propeny.(ti� the premlums on the ptopeRy insurano�required he�eunder.and pii)the premiums on any mortgage insuaance •
<br />_�v. , �� . , raquUed by LenQet. .. •
<br /> • • � 8. PAatntore�nce.Ropaire anA Compitaneo wittf Lav�rs.Trustnr shafi keep the Property in gaflA oondiUnn and repair,shall
<br />-- � �' � - pnamptty repalr.or replaoe any impmvement whicN may bs damaged ar destr�oyed;shall not wmmit or pemdt any vraste or Qetedora�
<br />- ' � t�m ot Me proAertyr,shail nu1 remove.QemollsA or subshdnUatry altar any of the improveme�s an the Property;shall not commit,suf[er : _
<br /> � � or pem�it erry ect to be dorte in or upon th0 PropeRy in viofation ot any Iavi.ordinartce,or regulatlon;an0 shatl pay end pmmpty dis� ��." ,�
<br /> � � � � charga at 7rustofa oost end expense atl Ilens,encumbranoes an0 charges tevfed, imposed or accossed agalnst tt�e PropeRy ar arry �
<br /> . � � part thoteol. .
<br /> ,.. : �.
<br /> � . 7, �!neret3 Oamatn Lender is hereby assigned all compensaUon,avrards,damages erM other paymenia or retief(herelnaffler
<br /> ,.. . ... • � ��
<br />..... , : � � . :,� . o a.,1•
<br />-�-�------.____ . . .__ _.
<br />_. . . .. - l�css�p�re�Lri.+�' � _._.
<br />� ' - - Ofo3l�mnuesacmrn.minmansmn+m�u�.wora++ •
<br /> . . S� .
<br />. .. i �
<br />- .' _. .. . . ,,. -...,.., _:: �� --.—. . a .xe Y�o:y'a� , �1•9?��b � �va� -
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