�,;.:��r��Iyr .< Y ��. �'!:r . :w. Y+ �� . ad . �z .S =7�L` _-
<br /> -.rSI=l,�.ir ���huS..l.1nlSl,w.�'.a.s x�.�...5.�..ul'_:sa+�/i�`altlJafn;i:Y`W.A.M"t11b>�.- • a . '•�. . . .
<br />: . _._"'_'_' ��w. ���ICi�.?
<br /> F�.l}'NEf1I511?AY f10�0➢�'C��1C��111f0l�.8I 1�1C ofllloll o(�.COdCL�(�lOfl$a�'i Illstlf.nCC mYCfit$C(�II��1C eP100n1 efld(0�I�IE�f��
<br /> ihm Lcnder rcqulrts)provldal hy nn Insarcr apprnvtd by l.cnder aguin Aaomes avallablc unJ is obtalncd. Ilorrowcr shall pay
<br /> tlm premlunu rcquind ro maintain mohgagc insumncc in c(fcct,or to providc a loss rcurvc,umil thc rcquircment fur mongngc
<br />- insum�m:cnds in aerordanm wi�h any���dtten agmcnkm 6etu�mn Rorro�vcr and I.cndcr or npPlic.blc law. ___ _ ,
<br /> 9.Inspectlon. Lcndcr or Its egcnl may makc nasonablc rmdcs upon a�r.l inspcc�inns of�hc Prnpcny. I.�ndcr chall givc _
<br /> Oono�ver notice a�ihc Ume of nr prinr�a an inspeqon srecifyfng reasonable cnusc for dic inspec�fon. ---
<br /> i0.Condtmnntlmi.Thc pmccods of any award or claim fm damagcs, dinY1 nr mnsequcntfal, in rnnnatinn wi�h nny _
<br /> mndemnailon or oiher taking of any pan nf the Propcny,nr fnr conrcyan�:in Ifcu nf amdcnmaifon,arc hercby assigned and
<br /> shall 6c p�fd to LcMcr. - - . _ .
<br /> In�he ev^m of a tmnl taking of the Pmpeny, liie pnxcals�hall be appllcA to ihe sums sccarcA by ihis Sccurity Inslrunkn6 Tc;� -. ..—.. .-.. .
<br /> wha�her or not�hen duc, wiih any excess paid�o Dormwcr. In�lie event nf n panial �aking of�he Pmpeny in�vhich d�e falr �;•;;._..
<br /> markc�vzluc of�he Propcny immedtmcly 6eforc thc Iaking is equnl to or gruvcr than�hc anmum of�hc sums sccurpl hy diis i°i'�"�`'`"-'.�-
<br /> :'�Yf:-i:irawr-�-.
<br /> Securily lastrumem immediately before the�aking, unless Dorrnx•er nnd Lender oihenvise ngme fn wri�ing.�he sums secural 6y �,syst�_;,-.__���,=;r,_.
<br /> �hts Scturiry ins�mmenl shnll bc nduccd by �hc mm�unt of�hc pracccdc nwltipltcd by ihc follmving frx�fnn: (n) �hc �otal y�;i._�t:y;���j,y,t_:;
<br /> mxunt of ihe sums secuad inm:ediueiy be(ore Ute taktng,divided by(b)the fair marke�vnlue of ihe Propeny Immalfatcly �-%'"'.�i?�it!;� ,�i;•
<br /> ;L�:.:2?..r.F_''-''F;�:
<br /> bdore ihe teking. Any balar.ce sM1all be paid to Qorrox�ec 6t the event o(a panial taAing nf�he Property in which il:c fnir f��:;�-:;;::,�.�.
<br /> _ ma�kch�yue of Ue Propzrty imm�yiateiy befoa the taking is less ihan the amonns of�hz cums secund immMia!eIy be(orc�he �y��(;":'`�t:;���:;�*;�-
<br />_ �sking,ur,less Boam�rr md Lendcr othenris.z�r€c in��ritiryv or untesc a,^pliraM.I:�w o�hrn��isc pcu�i3cs.�he prc��vk shall �'`�r�i>.';;;�<•�o,a<_�
<br /> ' t=t Y::i-:,_�,•.
<br /> be applied to Iht sumc>tcurctl by Ihis Security I:utmmem�vhaheror not[E�r cunu ari Ihen dua .�uryh_:���?�:�:��
<br /> If�he Propery�is abandoned hy Ilortower.�ir iL aiur no�i r hy Lenh.�o Borru+�tr�hat tFe cmid.mm�r o((rn to make an r.�G �r .__
<br /> awar� or settle a cialm fnr damages, Qorrower fails ta respnnd to Leniar within 30 Jays niter Uie da�e ihe��ticr Is given, - � j����-__
<br /> Lender Is awhoriztd to colla�ond apply ihe proceals,a�irx option, ei�1v_r tn tts�omrton nr repair of�F.e Propeny or m�he sums _;r` 4
<br /> secured by this Security Inslrument,whether or not�hen due. �' ' ��
<br /> Un!ess I.ender end Borro�rer othenvise zgree in writing, any applica�ion nf proceeJs to principal shall no� extend or „�;,r+_����, ��
<br />= po�eporc the dee da�e nf ihe momhly paymcros rcferred m in prrngraphs I and 2 nr ehange the amnum of such paymcnts. " - '�r,�'t r �-
<br /> � 7S.6orrm�er Not Relea,.d;Forhearance 6y Lender YM n {Vnlrea Extensiaa oC�6e�ime for payment or madification � , ,;�
<br />= ntamoniration at th.r sunu secnred by�his Securi�y Insvument gramed by I.ender w msy.ucccuor in interest nf�ottower shall �;�`��.}{���t1 -
<br />- no�operax �o rrlea�r Oie liahilii� o!�hc original 6oROwer or Ounowcr's successors in intcres�. Lend:r chall nm M requircd to ;���N.�'�Fyt„s._,_�
<br /> commenre pru:.cdings againsl any sucrossor in interest nr rcfu<c lo.s�end�imc for paymcm or mhrn.isc malif�nmoni�atlon ��J�tF>t�5�tr•
<br />-- of�he sums secund b �his Securii Instrument 6 rcason nf any dem�nd maJe 6 �he ori iO�I Dortm�c� or Bnrmwer's '�,,�>, ,; -
<br /> Y r Y Y s ;-9.(,..r , t�._,�
<br />_ sunexwrs in iNeresl. Any fotbearance 6y I.enCer fn exrrcivng any righ�or rcmedy ehall noi M a waiver o(m pmdude lhe 'ibEyi���i�'i"�":i�_�--"
<br /> !-:,,.� :.ii�`_':_
<br />- excrcisc of nny right or remaly. '� '�>..;;:,.,.r:_-
<br /> 11.Sucecssors and �iccle��s Bound: Jolnl nnd 5evernl l.intiltU; Co•slCners. The cvvenanu anA ngr�mentx of this ��i�t:��.:;t`;€r'-,`--�---
<br /> Security Inslrumem shall btnd and benefit the succescon and ac,igns of Lei�der and Oorrou•er. .uhj.cl �o Ihe provfsions af ."���� }� �}��-::
<br /> ��`�� 4
<br />�� pangraph 17. Ooiro���er's arovenams and agnenunts shall Ix joim zr.d zeceral. Any Dorrow�er ��ho coalgm �his Securiq• n;'��
<br />- hiarumer.i 6ut Jces not e�ceute the 6ute: fa) is rn�si nine �hic Senuit InslmN.nt o�l• In ntort•:t�t, ranl ar.d cnnve• Iha1 it:y }�tic_._��
<br />- S Y } ? " 6 Y rr��'�r� t'iY:_
<br /> Qo�r�w�.r x intcrcs�in�hc Prn��eny wdcr thc�emis ot tld.S.:u�il)• Insirumenl:(b)i>r.m p:rcomil�•obliga�.d tn p.w�he sums -�;,�};3'r��,s,_-
<br />�_ scturcd b�'Ihis S�turily Insuun:.m:and fc)agrnts�6a1 l.cn�t.r.md any n�Atr Qnrtmecr mar aFr¢c�o rs�ind.ntalify. fonc�aror Jj�y/';ez�t�1� i� ,�;;
<br />- make anynecommnda�inna w7�h Teganl lu�he tenn.nf Ihix Sc�uriip Lmm�nem nr�he Nme�ti�hnm thai Dorro�cer'ti consem. ,�}1,/���t f`
<br />- 13.Lonn Chnrgcs.If�he loan secured by�his Security Ins�mmtm i..aubj�t� �n o I:nr which x�s maxinmm Wan chargcs. kf i,�.� r'y� 4 ;
<br />_ and�hat law is�nally interyre�ed sn�ha� tl�e imercsl nr nther In.m charges rollated or i.,h culiccled in conneriion ��•iih �he ��i2iT�S:�±:�;t_,�f.
<br />= Innn eccml Uic�tm�ined limii.. �hrn�1:0:my wch lu:m chim;ehall ht ndurcJ by�hr emnunt necessiry lo raiuce �ht char@e C.a*.�:j�4 Tt �-
<br />` to theµmiitteJ limit: :mJ Ib)an� sum�alreaJy rolle.led irnm flnrtotrer ahich tseeeJ.d permilt�d limib�cill 6e rc(undeJ Io ���.i5.6 ;4:r,Z';::i?-
<br />- Lkurower. LenJer may chane io m:ike �his nfunJ by nJu.ing ihe princip:d o�eeJ under �he Nnt. or 6y nukiug a Jircet �,•7��I��` 3`�h� '
<br />-- paymem to Ourro�cer. If a rc(and nduce. principal. ihe reduc�ion �cill Ik treatid a> a p:v�i:d prcpayment wi�hmm �ny ����*,/,Y�,� r r.� ,�
<br />" prrpaymmt chargc undcr�hc N.uc. 1 C12vi���;� r
<br />-- IJ.No�iccs.Any noiicc u�Oorrwrer proeidcJ fnr in ttn.Sreuriq�Immuncro shall M1r gi�rn h� Jrlivcring it nr by m�iling �iel`X r�a.(+��?_-
<br />- it b� +int clnsx mail unlc.s appiirahlc law mquircs mc of+moitcr mcih�d.Thc notier.hail F�dircct.J tn�hc Prnpeny AdJrcss 3.�(•::`.t.�..r;;�-_-.-�
<br />= Y b Y > ! > � ���.F�r ��.�+ '.
<br />- or an o:her r.ddre�c Qurrower de.i�n,:le. b� r.uti.c lo I.eiatrr An• nmi.•. lo LenJer xhall 6e ��rn b- fim cinss mail lo � �1�
<br />.- Lender's adJresc,ia�ed 6emin or any oiher addrcv IwnJer dacigna�.,M nmin�o l3ortnxer. Auy r.nuce provideJ fnr in Ihis � n '
<br />= Sccurily Intitrumcm.hall bc Jtcmcd io haec bccn giren 1n I3,�nm�.r or Ltnd.r�chan gi�rn:u prnvid�d in Ihi+paragraph. 55:�?��p'� �. <�.,::;;
<br />-- ni.GorcrninF Lun: Srrernblliq�. Thi, Sccurii� fu.immenl >6all bc goctmr.l h� f�ylcr.d law anJ Ihc law of IhC - °S�ok �r
<br />= Jurici8i.l:an in��hiih Ihc Pmpeny is Lxa1.d. In Ihe ccem ihn any prori.ian ur cidur:�n Ihi.Sccuril�� In+irumcnt or Ihc Nule E}i�t� p�'�Y��'`� '
<br />_ mnilicisrvi�happlicablela�c.wchennllict.hallnut:d(a�mherprn��i.inn.ollhi.Se.uriiy6�.Imn:rmnrlheNn:ewhichtanbe ,'S�tIAi6;..:•�.tt�.,:-`
<br />= Eirui cffccl wiihout ihc can0iaing pro��i.inn. To dii,cnd Oie pruri.ion.af Ihi.Sc.uriry� In.wmrnc r.^J dm Nac arc dalamd -�i:l:?u,�°..•.,.i,;-_.
<br /> i_. , •
<br />- �')y���i���.�::i.l_.l.0•
<br />._ tnhc sccentblc. • .�%°fY� .:- '
<br />-_ 1G Uor�ro��cr's Cop��.Oorto���cr.h:Jl hc given nr.r rn^fnnmd.op}ol�ho Xmc anJ ul thi.Sc�uriq ImWn:rnl. y;: � - �
<br /> - fam 3078 9�90 'i:' ��:". .� .
<br /> 4�j,�'t�._�__.. -
<br /> nr._... �� .
<br />-_ �{�j,�j� .
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