p .�a � c .. ..f{5�. "L" �7.' L1Ll...:ile.
<br /> _ ,���; �+—
<br /> � ,'.�a:fi� .s�'�..a�yXr2� 'ct�s`t;i1• .re,sl;,:wr/�».ww.:.,...,:.,...._..,. - ..- - ---- - .._::- _ , --. . _
<br />_ . ...., _.... '1 Si ' t !Y ' f'.:_ --. ... _.
<br /> �� �Mo�4IV
<br /> TOOfiTfi�'R W!'fll aIl the ImprovemcNS norv or herwRer enx�cd on the92 rty,and all cascmems,appurtenancu,and
<br /> Oxtura now or herca�er n pan of the propeity. All reyla«men�s ai�d addi�lons shall nlso be mecral by thls Sccwiiy
<br /> tnsuumeN.All of the(nrcgoing Is rofcrnd m In thls Sccarhy Insuumcn�es�hc'Propcny.'
<br /> DORROWpR COVI:NANTS that 6ottowcr is ImvNlly seiscd of�he es�a�e hercby romeycd nnd has�he righ�ro grant and ----"� -
<br /> convey Iho Propeny and thet�he Prnperty is unencam6end,exeept for encumbrances of record. Dorrotter wnrmms a�xi wlll
<br /> defend genemlly�he titie to�he Properly againsl ull clalms xnd demands,su6Ject�n any encumbranees of romrd.
<br /> T111S SL�CURITY INSTRUMCNT mmbines unitonn mvenanis for na�ional usc and non-unifnrm covenams aith Ilmital
<br /> vadations 6y Judsdic�lnn to constimte n unifomi securi�y Inswmem covering ra�l propeny.
<br />� UNIfORM COV6NANTS.fMrrowcr xnd f�nder mvenam nnJ agruz ns follw�s. �:_-_�:.:__-. �__�
<br /> 1. Payment of PAnclpnl nnd inlercst; Prepn�meN and (mle Chnrges. 6orrowcr sha11 promptly pay when duo �he.
<br /> principal of nnd imercsi on the debi evlAenced by�ho No�e end nny prepaymem nnd late chnrges due under ihe Note.
<br /> 2. F+�mds far Tnxes mid Insnrnnee.SubJect �o applica6le law or m n�vritten wairer by I.ender, Uorroe•er shall pny m
<br /> Lender on�ha day momhly payments are due�mder�hc No�c,muil�he Nntc is paid in full.n sum('�unds')for.(a)yu�dy tnxes
<br /> und assessments which may ntmin priod�y over this Sttvrily Inslnimem as n Ilen on�he Propeny;(b)ycady Ieasehold prymenls
<br /> or grou�renis on the Property,if eny;(c)yearty t�xzanl or pm�xny tnsuryice premiums:(d)ycady Qcod insur�ncc pmmfums, - -� -
<br /> if any:(e)yeariy mongage irtsura�m premiunu,if any; and(0 any snnu yay:�!:6y 6orrower lo I.ender, in:crordancc�vith
<br /> the proiis:cns of paragrapA 8,in licu of the pay.r,eni ot motl6aFe insnnnce pzemiums.These itens are ral[ed'Fx�ow[cems.' �__
<br /> Lcndtr may, e�any Ume. coll�roi xr.cl hold£nncls in xn Amiwer: noc t.e�cced �he maximnm amount a IenJer for a federally �;:.
<br /> rclnted mortgage loon ma�� rrqnire for Uortow�ci s esaoa�n..�vun�und:r thr ledtml Rwl G�s�au SetUement Pruccdivcs Act of �k�;;[:=-
<br /> 1974 as nmendcd from�ime to lime, 12 U.S.C.S�iio� 2H�1 rr arq.('R�LSP1'),unlcu nno�her law that:iplies to thc�unds 1i����w==;
<br /> xls a lesser amount. It sn, Lerder may, in an} iim:.collcr� nnd hold Fund>in en nmoun� r.o� to exa.d tEC Iesser amount. �sr�, �;;
<br /> Lender may es�imatc�hr anwum ef T�mds A�re on the hasis of runem dz�a and reasonable escim:tes of espendiwres of(uwre ' } �,�,
<br /> 't�yt E.�
<br /> Gscron Items or o�henvLU in nttordance���iih npplicabit IflK'. �{`�cs-4;,;s_>...
<br /> The �unds xhall Fc held in an instiiud��n ���hose deposits nre fnsurcd by a fedcmi ngtncy, Instnimtr.lulity, o� Cnlily �{1 �Sy��:;�.
<br /> ,llc.:•..,-,.-..
<br /> (incluJing l.ertder,if Ler.der is such an insiitmion)or m nny Federel flome Loan 6ank.Lender shall nppiy the�unds io pay�he ��-{�s{;t��?.aF —_
<br /> Gscrow Items. I.enAtc io.q'not charge Dorrower for hnlJing nnd applying the Pands,annuelly analyzing�he eurow attount,or ,�SE�y�,�'S;�i_;,
<br /> verifying the Cscrow i�enu, unteu I.ender pays 6orrox�er in:eres�on ihe NnJs xnd applicnble law permi�s Lender to nra5x such - §a=(�4�<'•!3=^_�'--
<br /> a charge. Howerer, Lender may rcqulre Qorrower tn ry�y n oueain;e charge for'an independent rcal eslate mz rcporting service ��"'+";L'�,��7�":.
<br /> '���g'#'��."'1.�_
<br /> used by Lender in conneciion �ei�h �his loan, nnles upplicable Imv provid.s o�henvise. Unless on agreement is mado or 3i7;#�, ,;,';"'
<br /> a licable law r uires in:eres��o bc �id.Lcnder shali no�be rc uirnl to a Darrower nn interest or carnin s on the�unds. .�i�`-:�t"f• J r%..
<br /> PP �1 Y s P� g 9 PPY Y �8 ,�t�.y��,��.�;'.,.,--
<br /> Dorrowcr and Lcnder nia a rce in writin ,hoec��er,thai imcrest shall be aid on lhe Nnds. Lender shall h�c�o Dorro�acr, �
<br /> ''S"<�i tiF}'it.v r,_
<br /> wi�hout chargc, an nnnual acmuming of�Ik Funds,sho�ving crcdiis and debf�s ro thc Pucds end thc purposc for which cach fx._,s}��;,E�,4:,=:':__:_
<br /> debil Io the�unds was mada The W nds are pledged u nddilinnal xcurily for all sums sea�red�y�iiis Secutity insm�rr.em. �C�� ,1--
<br /> /f�he�unds held hy I.ender exceni�he nrr.ounts permitted w be held by npplinbl�d�u�. Lender shnli aaoum �n Aorronnr �j'�1')�( �,�,,,�,..
<br /> for�he excess�unds in xecordanw wi�h tht re.uiremems of a licable la�v. If�l�e nmoom of�he�unds held b•Leixler o�an y�/���'�� �''"'�-
<br /> t PP 5 Y r� {�-i�J�'�1/,i�.�+`
<br /> lime is not su(Ociem ro a Ihe fscm�r Ilems ahen dee. Lemfer ma sa no�if�Florro�cer in ariiin ,and.in su.h eas.Borrower ;AC��h''�'�%r'%%°"-"`
<br /> CY Y� Y 8 ��.�z�it° ��;�w::�.
<br /> shall ryty ro Lender�he amoimi nne.:anry tn make up�he deficiency. Unrron�er shall maAe up Ihe deficiency in r:o moro than Av*(.f�.��.::,�� -
<br /> lu�elve nwmhly paymems,et Lender's solediscretton. l�������,itff��`���
<br /> Upon paymcnt in PoII of nll sums saurcd by this Saurity Ins�mmcnt, Lender shall promp�ly ttfund to Bnrrmrr any '�' +} �•;;t;�-.:
<br /> t.`i"S:Ya�1,7r_-��.�-,::.�
<br /> of�hc Prod b�t shallralf.'under Funclsnl e'Id b Lend r ut��thc iin c nf uecoiziciopror�.culc os u cnvlirn aim�hhc suums'sen�reJ 6C ;'.-'���`"='�Lr�;'l{:€':�
<br /> P� S PPY Y Y 9 b Y �?yyj'r'Nr.i;'�++::__�"-:
<br /> ihis Securi�y Insuument. y - ' l� u
<br /> 3.Applicnilmi of Paymenis.Unlcu appii.ablc law pro��idcl utlicnri>c.all papmc�xs receiccJ by I.eMlcr undcr paraFrap4s `������ ��a� -
<br /> 1 end 2 shall 6e applied: firsL�o any pre�ymem charges due under�he No�e: z.rnr,J.�o mnoums payable undcr pnragnph 2: i„!.r�4,'. ,}�,hr�o-.'
<br /> Ihtrd,lo iNCra�Juc; founh,m principal d�c; ar.J l.�t,ln any lalc chargts due und.r ihc Nuic. ;s;�:a�`�[7��Y,S�S:�k,�'
<br /> 4.Charges; l.Icns. 6orrowcr shall pay nll c�cex.as,nsmrnn. dnrgc.. fin.s and imposi�inns auribw;�ulc to ihc Propcny •.''•✓.�`.,.f.it�k+::r:
<br /> e:4y.'�: ��r J -.
<br /> . �vhich may auain priority orer�his Security insuumem, and Ie:�scholJ payinems or smnnd rcnu, if any. Oorm�ver sh:dl pay ��(-,,i 1� .
<br /> �hese o4ligx�lans in�hc manner providcd in paragmph 1,or if not paid in th:n manntr. IIorro�cer shall pay thcm on�inx direcdy ia}.'�r� Tdi�,,,,
<br /> to the pcnon o�vnl paymcm. Qarrowcr shall prompdy furnish�u L.r.d.r all r.�,ticc�of anx.ums to M;paiJ undcr thfs par�graph. ,Jl;w�,:��':�,c,G"s-=--'.
<br /> If 6orron�er�uakes ih.sr{aynxms dircc�ly.Ourrmrer shall promp�ly fumi+F��0 1 ender rcecip�.exiJencing�he paymems. t ���-t �t :
<br /> Qorro�rcr shall promptly Jischargc an��licn which has prioriq�occr ilm S;:urit}• Inalrwncnl unlc>.Uorrowcr. (u)agrces in Z 1r�� i�r `� -
<br /> wriiing to�hc paymem of�hc obligation sttvrcd by��hc licn in a manner arc�p�ahlc tn lwnJcr. �M1)amtc.ts in ga�J faiih�hc lien rJ�i�.:j•i''r';�zr��.
<br /> 6Y. or deknds againsi cn(orcenxm of�hc licn in. Icgal pnxadingti nhi�h in �hr Lcr.Jcr'. npinian nper.nc �n prc�rm �hc � -,�+� �-��n".
<br />. enforccmrnl of�hc licn:nr fc)steurc>Gom Ihc holJcr n(Il�r licn an a}r.¢mcin.dii.Liaon to Lcixlcr wlxinlinaling�hr hrn lu 5���.y' �� _
<br /> Ihis Securiq• Insuument. I(Isnder Jecennine�i6z• �m��pan nl ihe Pro�xny i.wbjerl tu:� lirn��hiA�ma)�:ivain prinriiy over .���fik,;:;�•,�':,--
<br /> ���'.,...;.-.,..,�
<br /> Ihis Securily Inslrumenl. LenJer nuy��ice Il�.irow�-.�nu�i..iJ.nti���inE�hr lirn. Bornmer sh:�li cei�f�ih.licn or ede nne or :xt:"tr'.-..�.�:.r.�i:-:---
<br /> more of Ihc actions sct fntth alm��e���ithin 10 d:q,.rt�he gi�m�ol nutire. ;:.itj:111i7�s.;}%j,`--:�
<br /> ...�. •i:.'�,!',
<br /> Fo�m3020 9/90 ^.-��is� "'
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