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1 <br />J <br />1 <br />11 <br />28 <br />No. 6 HALL COUNTY <br />FIFTH: I give, devise and bequeath to my beloved daughter, Emma Grote, the Northwest Quarter of <br />the Northwest Quarter (NW4 NW4) of Section Twenty —nine (29) Township Ten (10) Range Zlght (8) in <br />Hamilton County, Nebraska, she to have the same absolutely and forever, subject, however, to the <br />life estate of my beloved wife, Mary Horst. <br />SIXTH: I give, devise and bequeath to my beloved daughter, Edith Hoppold, the North half of the <br />North Half of the Southwest Quarter (NJN *SW4) of Section Thirty (39) Township Ten (10) Range Eight <br />(8) in Hamilton County, Nebraska$.. she to have the same absolutely and forever, subject, however, <br />to the life estate of my beloved wife, Mary Horst. <br />SEVENTH : I give, devise and bequeath to my beloved daughter, Ella Hongsermeier, the South half <br />of the North half of the Southwest Quarter (S2 N2 SW4) of Section 30, Township Ten (10) Range <br />Eight (8) in Hamilton County, Nebraska, she to have the same absolutely and forever, subject, hog <br />ever, to the life estate of my beloved wife, Mary Horst. <br />EIGHTH: I give, devise and bequeath to my three daughters, above named, all of the bed clothing, <br />linens, etc., possessed by me at the time of my death, the same to belong to my three said daughte�s <br />in equal shares to each, subject, however, to the life estate of my beloved wife, Mary Horst, <br />NINTH;_ I hereby direct that all the rest of my personal property, household furniture, fixtures <br />etc. be sold and the proceeds thereof divided between my five children, hereinabove named, subjec <br />to the life estate of my beloved wife, Mary Horst, or if said children desire they may divide s <br />property among themselves. <br />TENTH: All of the rest, residue and remainder of my property of every kind and nature, I give, <br />devise and bequeath unto my five children, Ernest, William, Emma, Edith and Ella, in equal shares <br />to each, subject to the life estate of my beloved wife, Mary Horst, <br />ELEVENTH: I hereby name and appoint my beloved wife, Mary Horst, Executrix of this my last Will <br />and Testament, and request that she be not required to furnish any bond as such Executrix. I <br />hereby revoke all former wills by me made. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal, this 8th day of <br />November, A.D. 1932. <br />Witness: <br />B.J.Cunningham <br />H.G.Wellensiek <br />Fritz Horst. <br />We, whose names are hereto subscribed, do hereby certify that Fritz Horst, the Testator, signed <br />the above - instrument, consisting of two pages of typewritten matter, in our presence and hearing <br />and he, at the same time, declared said will to be his Last Will and Testament, and we, at his <br />request and in his presence, did sign our names hereto as attesting witnesses. <br />B.J.Cunnirigham, of Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />H.G.Wellensiek of Grand Island,Nebraska. <br />State of Nebraska ) <br />)ss <br />Hall County ) <br />CERTIFICATE OF PROBATE OF WILL <br />At a session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in Grand Island, in said County, <br />on the 4th day of February A.D., 1935• <br />In the Matter of the Estate <br />of <br />Fritz Horst, deceased. <br />Present, Paul N.Kirk, County Judge. <br />I. Paul N.Kirk, Judge of the County Court in and for said County, do hereby certify that on the <br />15th day of January, 1935, the instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Fritz <br />Horst, deceased, was filed fQr probate in this Court. That on the 4th day of February 19352 said <br />instrument to which this certificate is attached was duly proved, probated and allowed as the lass <br />will and testament of the real and personal estate of said Fritz Horst, deceased, and the same wa. <br />