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J <br />7 <br />279 <br />been fully paid and all claims not filed are hereby forever barred and foreclosed. That the said <br />estate is not subject to the payment of Inheritance Tax, and that there remains in the hands of <br />the said Administrator for distribution the sum of $6726.39 in cash, a sinall amount of household <br />furniture of no sale value, and the promissory note of H.M.Treat for $159.36 and the promissory <br />note of Albert E.Treat for $96.67, which notes cannot be collected at the present time. <br />The Court further finds that the said Charles E.Harshfield died seized of the following real estat <br />to -wit: <br />The Southeast Quarter of Section 11,Township 9, North Range 10, West of the 6th P.M., Hall County <br />Nebraska. <br />free and clear of liens and incumbrances. <br />The Court finds that the said Charles E.Harshfield died intestate on January 15, 1935, being at <br />the time of his death a resident and inhabitant of Hall County, Nebraska; that he left no widow <br />surviving him and that his sole and only heirs at law consist of the following children and grand <br />children: <br />Eva Jay, grand - child, Prosser, Nebraska; <br />Everett Creason, grand - child, Grand Island,Nebraska, <br />said grandchildren being the only children and heirs at law of Myrtle May Creason, a deceased <br />daughter of the said Charles E.Harshfield; <br />Daisy M.Rainforth, daughter, Litchfield, Nebraska; <br />Mary Beekman, daughter, Grand Island,Nebraska; <br />Charles V.Harshfield, son, Arapahoe, Nebraska; <br />Claude W.Harshfield, son, Prosser, Nebraska <br />Edd Harshfield, son, Cambridge, Nebraska; <br />Ross Harshfield, son, Fort Laramie, Wyoming, and <br />Almona Dunham, daughter, Ottumwa, Iowa. <br />The court further finds that the said Mary Beekman duly assigned all her right, title and interesI <br />in her distributive share in the said estate unto one Marvin Beekman of Grand Island,Nebraska <br />IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED AND DECREED that the final account of the said Administrator be, and <br />the same is hereby approved and confirmed, and upon payment of the amount in its hands for dis- <br />tribution to the persons entitled thereto as herein set forth, the said Administrator be dis <br />from its trust. That the said sum of $6726.39 be distributed as follows: <br />Eva Jay <br />$ 420.40 <br />Everett Creason <br />420.40 <br />Daisy M.Rainforth <br />940.50 <br />Marvin Beekman <br />840.50 <br />Charles V.Harshfield <br />540.50 <br />Claude W.Harshfield <br />840.50 <br />Edd Harshfield <br />540.50 <br />Ross Harshfield <br />840.80 <br />Almona Dunham <br />540.79 <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the said household furniture and said promissory notes be assigned and <br />distributed to the said heirs at law in the proportions aforesaid, and it is further ordered and <br />decreed that the said real estate be assigned and distributed to the said heirs at law in the fo <br />lowing proportions: <br />Eva Jay <br />Everett Creason <br />Daisy M.Rainforth <br />Mary Beekman <br />Charles V.Harshfield <br />Claude W.Harshfield <br />Edd Harshfield <br />Ross Harshfield <br />Almona Dunham <br />One- Sixteenth <br />One- Sixteenth <br />One- Eighth <br />One- Eighth <br />One- Eighth <br />One- Eighth <br />One- Eighth <br />One- Eighth <br />One- Eighth <br />Paul N.Kirk <br />COUNTY JUDGE. <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HALL COUNTY,NEBRASKA <br />CERTIFICATE. <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA ) I, Paul N.Kirk, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do hereby certi <br />)ss. <br />HALL COUNTY ) that I have compared the foregoing copy of Decree of Distribution ente <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES E:.HARSHFIELD,DECEASED, with the original record thereof, <br />now remaining in said Court, that the same is a correct transcript thereof, and of the whole of <br />M <br />