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1 <br />1 <br />U <br />I <br />ied of the said hearing. <br />t the final account heretofore filed by said Administrator is in all respects true and correct, <br />that due notice to creditors has been given as required by law.and the orders of this Court, and <br />barred and excluded <br />that all claims against said estate not heretofore filed and allowed, are now forever,,and that <br />all claims allowed against said estate have been fully paid and satisfied; that said estate is <br />solvent and not subject to any inheritance tax or Federal or State taxes. <br />That the Deceased left surviving her as her heirs and only heirs at law the following named pers <br />who are related to Deceased as herein stated: <br />Belle Carriker, Inland,Nebr. daughter <br />Annie McCracken Spokane,Nash. daughter <br />Lillie Ranz Overton, Nebr. daughter <br />Orville H.Strawn Pasadena,Calif, son <br />Linnie McKee Grand Island,Nebr. daughter <br />Mary Alma Dennis Grand Island,Nebr. daughter <br />That upon the final settlement of this estate, there will be due this Court for court costs the <br />sum of $29.00; that the Administrator of this estate has waived the fee allowed him by statute for <br />his services; that after payment of the above costs and expenses, the said Administrator will have <br />in his hands the sum of $none in cash, which should be divided among the following named persons <br />in the proportionate share set opposite eachzespective name to -wit: <br />Belle Carriker <br />Annie NCC'racken- <br />Lillie Ranz <br />Orville H.Strawn <br />Linnie McKee <br />Mary Alma Dennis <br />That the deceased, Mary E.Strawn, was at the time of her death the owner of the following describe <br />property in Hall County, Nebraska: Lot Eight (8) in Block One Hundred Twenty -nine (129) Union Paci. <br />fie Railtay'Co's Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, which on the death of <br />Mary E.Strawn became vested in the above named heirs, share and share alike. That said real esta <br />has been sold by the above named heirs at private sale for the purpose of paying claims against <br />said estate and the costs and expenses of this probate. <br />WHEREFORE IT IS ORDERED AND CONSIDERED BY THE COURT, That the final administration account is <br />settled, allowed and approved as filed; that the Administrator pay the costs herein taxed at <br />$25.00, and that after the payment of the claims allowed against said estate and the costs and <br />expenses of this probate the Administrator pay the following named persons the amounts set <br />opposite their respective names as their respective sharesof the balance of the cash belonging <br />to the said estate, to -wit: <br />Belle Carriker <br />Annie McCracken <br />Lillie Ranz <br />Orville H.Strawn <br />Linnie McKee <br />Mary Alma Dennis <br />That the Deceased left her surviving as her heirs and only heirs at law the followine named <br />persons: Belle Carriker, daughter, Annie McCracken, daughter, Lillie Ranz, daughter; Orville H. <br />Strawn, son, Linnie McKee, daughter, and Mary Alma Dennis, daughter, who as such heirs take title <br />to the real estate hereinbefore described, upon the death of Mary E.Strawn, subject to all legal <br />indebtedness against said estate according to the laws of Nebraska governing inheritance of in- <br />testate estateq,share and 6hare alike. <br />That Upon the payment of the above coots of administration and the payment of the money as afore- <br />said, and upon the return of the proper vouchers and report of his doings under this decree, and <br />upon gpproval of same by the Court, the said Administrator be discharged. <br />Paul N.Kirk <br />County Judge. <br />