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<br />Last Will and Testament of Freta Leona Stambaugh,
<br />of Grand Island,Nebraska.
<br />In the name of God, Amen:- I, Freta Leona Stambaugh, being of sound mind and memory and consider-
<br />ing the uncertainties of this mortal life, do hereby make, publish and declare this my last will
<br />and testament, in words and figures following, to -wit : -
<br />First
<br />I direct that all of my just debts, including the expenses of my last sickned.s, death, and burial
<br />be paid out of my personal estate as soon as can conveniently be done after my death. There is a
<br />bill due S.N.Wolbach Sons store that should be paid by my daughter Carlotta E., though the bill
<br />stands in my name, and I make the payment of that bill a charge against the property hereinafter
<br />given to my said daughter.
<br />Second.
<br />To my daughter Carlotta E.Swanson, I give and devise Lot Two (2) in Block Eight (8) of Schimmer'
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island,Nebraska, upon condition, however, that she is not to conve
<br />or mortgage the same for a period of ten (10) years after the date of my death, to have and to
<br />hold to her and her heirs forever.
<br />Third.
<br />a
<br />To my said daughter Carlotta E.Swanson I give and bequeath all of my housbh6ld furniture, except-
<br />ing the piano which is now the property of my daughter Edith M.Stambaugh, to be hers absolute.
<br />Fourth.
<br />All of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate I give, devise and bequeath to Ernest G.
<br />Kroger of Grand Island,Nebraska, in trust for the following purpose. Said Trustee shall convert
<br />said remainder into cash and shall then invest the same in United States Bonds or Certificates
<br />of Deposit in Banks or both, as he sees fit and shall pay to my daughter Edith M.Stambaugh such
<br />amounts as he deems proper, not to exceed, however, the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars per month,
<br />unless on account of sickness a greater sum is deemed advisable, until my said daughter has attai
<br />her thirtieth (30) birthday, when the entire balance is to be paid to her in a lump sum, if aray
<br />balance then remains.
<br />Fif th.
<br />I hereby nominate Ernest G.Kroger, of Grand Island,Nebtaska, Executor of this my last will and
<br />testament and hereby revoke any and all former wills by me made.
<br />Done at Grand Island, Nebraska this 10th day of March, 1933•
<br />Freta Leona Stambaugh
<br />Testatrix
<br />We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do hereby certify that this instrument was signed by
<br />Freta Leona Stambaugh the testatrix, in our presence and in the presence of each of us, and at
<br />the same time, in our presence and hearing, she declared the same to be her last will and testa-
<br />ment and we, at her request and in her presence and in the presence of each other, sign our nameE
<br />hereto as witnesses.
<br />W.D.McGrath, M.D.
<br />E.G.Kroger
<br />ENDORSEMENT: HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, F I L E D MAR 24 1933 Paul N.Kirk, County Judge.
<br />State of Nebraska )
<br />Hall County )
<br />At a session of the County Court held in the County Court Room in Grand Island, in said County,
<br />on the 21st day of April A.D., 1933.
<br />Present Paul N.Kirk, County Judge,
<br />In the Matter of the Estate
<br />of
<br />Freta Leona Stambaugh, deceased.
<br />I, Paul N.Kirk, Judge of the County Court in and for said County, do here
<br />r certify that on the
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