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1 <br />1 <br />J <br />247 <br />upon the final report of u Otto Rehder,Executor. <br />The Court finds that Hannah Rehder died on the 30th day of March,1929,and that she was on the date <br />of her death a resident and inhabitant of Hall County,Nebraska. <br />That a petition was filed herein offering for probate a document purporting to be the last will <br />and testament of said Hannah Rehder , deceased. That a time was fixed by the court and notice pub- <br />lished according to law of the time and plaoe fixed for hearing upon said will,and that thereupon <br />said last will and tastament was admitted to_probate as and for the last will and testament of <br />Hannah Rehder,deceased. <br />The Court finds that all claims filed against said estate have been paid,as evidenced by the re- <br />ceipts and vouchers on file.That the time fixed for filing claims has expired and all claims agair <br />st said estate not filed herein are forever barred. The Court further finds that there was no in- <br />heritance tax to be paid; that all bequests have been paid, and that the report of the Executor is <br />in all things correct and should be allowed as and for his final report. <br />The Court further finds that the said Otto Rehder has deposited with this Court the sum of One <br />Thoveand Dollars ($1000.00) under the provision of Paragraph 2 of said last will and testament, <br />to be paid to Alfred Rehder,Trustee,for the benefit of Henry Rehder,grandson of the testatrix,and <br />that said money is deposited for the purpose of being paid to said Trustee under such terms and cc <br />ditions as may be fixed by the Court. The Court further finds that said Hannah Rehder died siezed <br />of the following described real estate,to -wit: The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter <br />(NEJ NEJ) the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (EJ S*) and the Southwest Quarter of the South- <br />east Quarter (SWj SEJ) of Section 16,Township 11,North of Range 11,West of the 6th P.M.,Hall <br />County,Nebraska; Lot 2 in Block A of Boehm's Subdivision to the City of Grand Island,Nebraska. <br />That under the terms of the last will and testament of said Hannah Rehder,deceased,the aforesaid <br />real estate was devised to Alfred Rehder,Otto Rehder,Ha.rry Rehder,Annie Rehder Schoel and Minnie <br />Rehder Bockhahn,share and share alike. <br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED,ADJUDGED AND DECREEDby the Court that said final report be,and the same is <br />hereby,approved as and for the final report of Otto Rehder,Executor, and he is hereby discharged <br />and his bond cancelled. <br />It is further ordered,adjudged and decreed by the Court that the real estate described as follows: <br />The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NEJ NEJ) the East Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />* 8*),and the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW� SEJ) of Section 16,Township 11, <br />North of Range ll)West of the 6th P.M.,Hall County,Nebraska,and Lot 2 in Block A of Boehm's Sub- <br />division to the City of Grand Island .-Nebraska; under the last will and testament of Hannah Rehder, <br />deceased, was devised to Alfred Rehder,Otto Rehder,Harry Rehder',Annie Rehder Schoel and Minnie <br />Rehder Bockhahn,and thereby passed and descended to them in absolute fee simple title,in equal . , <br />shares. <br />Paul N. Kirk <br />County Judge. <br />In the County Court of Nall County,Nebraska <br />State of Nebraska, Certificate <br />ss. <br />Hall County I,Paul N.girk County Judge of Hall County,Nebraska,do hereby certify that <br />I have compared the foregoing copy of Last Will and Testament, Certificate of Probate thereof and <br />Final Decree,IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HANNAH REHDER,DECEASED, with the original record there <br />of,now remaining in said Court,that the same is a correct transcript thereof,and of the whole of <br />such original record ;that said Court is a Court of Record having a seal,which seal is hereto attac <br />ed;that said Court has no Clerk authorized to sign certificates in his own name,and that I am the <br />legal custodian of said Beal and of the Records of said Court, and that the foregoing attestation <br />is in due f orm of law. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Co Court,at Gr <br />Island,this 1st day of May 1935. (SEAL) Paul N.K kunt ge <br />Filed for record this 1 day of May,1935,at 10 o'clock A.M. <br />r <br />