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<br />of Section Four (4) in Township Ten (10), North, of Range Twelve t12), west of the sixth rrincipai
<br />Meridian, in Hall County, Nebraska, and that more than forty years have elapsed since her death,
<br />and that no application has ever been made in the state of Nebraska for the appointment of admin-
<br />istrator of her estate, and no petition filed for that purpose, and no administration has ever
<br />been had upon the estate of Mary Ewing, deceased.
<br />The Court further finds that the said Mary Ewing left surviving her as her heirs at law and only
<br />heirs at law, the following named persons, to -wit:
<br />Helen C.Crawford, a daughter,
<br />Mary J.West, a daughter,
<br />Elizabeth A.Curtis, a daughter,
<br />John A.Ewing, a son,
<br />James Ewing, a son,
<br />Robert Ewing, a son,
<br />William A.Ewing, a son,
<br />Charles S.Ewing, a son,
<br />Edward F.Ewing, a son,
<br />all of whom are of legal age.
<br />The Court further finds that under the laws of the state of Nebraska, in force at the time of the
<br />date of the death of the said Mary Ewing, the real estate. hereinbefore described, passed and des-
<br />cended in absolute title as follows:
<br />one -ninth thereof to Helen C.Crawford, a daughter,
<br />one -ninth thereof to Mary J.West, a daughter,
<br />one -ninth thereof to Elizabeth A.Curtis, a daughter,
<br />one -ninth thereof to John A.Ewing, a son,
<br />one -ninth thereof to James Ewing, a son,
<br />one -ninth thereof to Robert Ewing, a son,
<br />one -ninth thereof to William A.Ewing, a son,
<br />one -ninth thereof to Charles S.Ewing, a son,
<br />one -ninth thereof to Edward F.Ewing, a son,
<br />The court further finds that the funeral expenses of said deceased have been fully paid and that
<br />all debts of the deceased and of her estate, if any such existed, are forever barred and precluded
<br />and that the costs of these proceedings have been paid.
<br />It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the court that the said Mary Ewing died intestate
<br />in Hall County, Nebraska, on the 1st day of March, 1983, that more than forty years have elapsed
<br />between the death of the said Mary Ewing and of the filing of the petition herein; that no applica-
<br />tion for the appointment of an administrator of her estate has ever been made, nor has there ever
<br />been any administration upon the estate of said deceased in the state of Nebraska; that said deceased
<br />died seized as the owner in,, ee simple title to the real estate hereinbefore described, situated
<br />in Hall County, Nebraskat; ghat the petitioner is a competent and qualified person to prosecute
<br />proceeding, that said deceased left surviving her +r heirs at law and her only heirs at law,
<br />the following:
<br />Helen C.Crawford,
<br />Mary J.West,
<br />Elizabeth A.Curtis,
<br />John A.Ewing.,
<br />James Ewing,
<br />Robert Ewing,
<br />William A.Ewing,
<br />Charles S.Ewing,
<br />Edward F.Ewing,
<br />that upon the death of the said Mary Ewing, the real estate hereinbefore described descended to
<br />Helen C.Crawford, Mary J.West, Elizabeth A.Curtis, John A.Ewing, James Ewing, Robert Ewing, Will
<br />A.Ewing, Charles S.Ewing, and Edward F.Ewing, a one -ninth share to each.
<br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the court that all debts of said deceased, and of
<br />her estate, if any such there be, are forever barred and precluded and further administration of
<br />said estate is hereby dispensed with, and said estate is finally settled and forever closed.
<br />COUNTY
<br />ss.
<br />Paul N.Kirk
<br />I. Paul N.Kirk, County Judge of Hall County, Nebraska, do here
<br />cert
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