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230 <br />_ <br />_THE AUG ugnne co. 8427 -5 -33 <br />JORDER AND FINAL DECREE <br />I �� \ I,l I,l l . � I •\ I I i •\ I . � \•I I •\ I ,l <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF FALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />In the Matter of the Estate ) <br />) O R D E R <br />of James Ewing, Deceased. ) <br />on this 15 day of March, 1935, this cause came on for hearing upon the petition of Mary J.West <br />of Hamilton City, California, which petition is duly verified, and it appearing to the court from <br />the proofs on file and the evidence in support of said petition that James Ewing departed this <br />life on the 31st day of October, 1888, that on the 10th day of December, 1888, Charles S.Thompson <br />duly appointed administrator for the estate of James Ewing deceased, that he took oath as such <br />administrator, furnished bond, and acted as administrator of said estate until said estate was d <br />!administered, <br />jAnd it further appearing to the court that James Ewing at the time of his death was the owner of <br />i <br />!lots five (5) and six (6) in block sixteen (16) of the village of Mood River, Nebraska, that the <br />!said lots were occupied by the said James Ewing and Alma E.Ewing, his wife, as their home and ho <br />Istead, that the said James Ewing was also the owner of an undivided one-7ninth interest in and to <br />!the East half of the Southeast Quarter (Ei SEi) of Section Four (4) in Township Ten (10) North <br />!of Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, <br />;And it further appearing to the court that the inventory filed by the said Charles S.Thompson as <br />administrator of said estate, omitted the undivided one -ninth interest of the said James Ewing in <br />and to the east half of the southeast quarter (E* SEJ) above described, and that said property <br />should have been included in the inventory filed by the said Charles S.Thompson, administrator, <br />it further appearing to the court that the said undivided one -ninth interest in and to the <br />above described premises, passed and descended at the death of the said James Ewing, to Alma E. <br />Ewing, surviving widow, and Arthur Ewing, his son, and that they were his sole heirs at law- that <br />the said Arthur Ewing departed this life on the 31st day of December, 1888 and that his undivided <br />interest in the above premises passed and descended to his mother Alma E.Ewing, that the said Alma <br />E.Ewing executed a deed conveying all of her interest in and to the above described premises as <br />Iwidow of James Ewing and mother of Arthur Ewing, both deceased, and that said premises have been <br />s <br />;conveyed to ithe petitioner herein, Mary J.West, and that she is now the owner of the absolute fee <br />simple title to said premises; <br />jAnd it further appearing to the court that said estate ought to be re- opened and that the invento <br />s <br />filed therein should be amended to show that James Ewing was the owner of an undivided one -ninth <br />interest in and to the East half of the southeast Quarter above described. <br />it further appearing to the court that an amended final decree should be filed finding and <br />determining the heirs of the said James Ewing, deceased, and passing title to the said undivided <br />one -ninth interest above described to the heirs of the said James Ewing deceased, to -wit: Alma E. <br />Ewing, his widow, and Arthur Ewing, his son, and that the prayer of the petitioner ought to be <br />I <br />granted. <br />IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the court that the said James Ewing departed this <br />life on the 31st day of October, 1888, that Charles S.Thompson was the duly appointed administrate <br />of said estate, that he filed an inventory as administrator of said estate, and that said inventor <br />ought to be and is hereby amended to include an undivided one -ninth interest in and to the East hA <br />of the Southeast Quarter of Section Four (4) in Township Ten (10),North, of Range Twelve (12),West <br />of the 6th P.M. <br />IT IS FURTHER ORDERED ADJUDGED AND DECREED by the court that said estate is'-hereby ordered re -open <br />for the purpose of filing said amended inventory and that the court further find that the said un- <br />divided one -ninth interest in the Ej of the Southeast Quarter of Section Four (4) in Township Ten <br />(10) North, of Range Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.M. passed and descended to the heirs of James <br />f <br />