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228 <br />LANVAN-1-14-1 <br />THE AUGUSTINE co. ,6427-5-33 <br />The court further finds that the creditors of said estate were duly allowed three months from the <br />14th day of August, 1934, within which to file their claims against said estate, that due notice <br />thereof by publication has been given as required by law and the order of the court; that the time <br />so fixed by law for filing claims has expired and that.any and all claims against said estate, not <br />so filed, should be and they are forever barred and ex4luded, and that all claims filed against sa <br />estate have been fully paid, and that all allowgnces,taxes, expenses of administration, and all <br />other charges against said estate have been paid in full and that no personal property remains for <br />distribution. <br />The court further finds that the deceased died possessed of the East (e) seventy (70) acres of the <br />North Half (N *) of the Northeast Quarter (NEJ) of Section Twenty -six (26),Township Eleven (11), <br />North, Range Ten (10),except railway right -of -way in Hall County, Nebraska, and the West Half (W*) <br />of Lots Sixteen (16),Twenty -one (21),Forty (40),and Forty -five (45) and all of Lots Seventeen (17) <br />Eighteen (18),Nineteen (19), Twenty (20),Forty -one (41), Forty -two (42),Forty -three (43),and Fort <br />four (44) of Person Subdivision of the North Half (N *) of the Northeast Quarter (NE *) of Section <br />!Twenty -six (26), Township Eleven (11),North, Range Ten (10) in Hall County, Nebraska, and the Sou <br />west Quarter (SWJ) of Section Thirty -four (34), Township Thirty -two (32),North,Range Thirteen (13) <br />in Holt County, Nebraska. <br />The court further finds that the said William McEver, deceased, left a valid last will and test <br />which was duly admitted to probate in the State of Michigan, County of Wayne, <br />The court further finds that a petition for the probate of said foreg:gn will of William McEver, <br />together with the duly authenticated copy of said foreign will and the foreign probate thereof was <br />filed in this court on the 14th day of June, 1934, that due and legal notice of the filing of said <br />petition has been given by publication as required by law and the court, upon consideration thereo <br />and the evidence introduced, entered an order on the 20th day of July, 1934, admitting said fore <br />will to probate in the Order entered as follows: <br />Zt <br />"Now on this 20th day of July, 1934, this cause came on for hearing upon the Petition of Ethel Wick, <br />praying for the probate of a Foreign mill, an instrument purporting to be the Last Will and Testa- <br />ment of William McEver, Deceased, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that notice <br />was given to all persons interested in the estate of said deceased of the filing of said petition <br />and purported foreign Will, and of the time and place fixed for proving same, and no objection or <br />protest has been filed." <br />"WHEREUPON duly authenticated copies of said purported Will, and Certificate of Probate, Petition <br />!for Probate of Will, Order Proving and Allowing said Will, Order Granting Letters of Administratio <br />pwith will annexed, and Letters Testamentary were properly identified and introduced in evidence. <br />"ON CONSIDERATION of the evidence, the Court finds that the said William McEver, departed this lif <br />on the 1st day of June, 1932, being at the time of his death a resident and inhabitgnt of the <br />County of Wayne, State of Michigan and City of Detroit; that he left a Last Will and Testament, <br />instrument was duly admitted to probate in the Probate Court of Wayne County, Michigan, on <br />the 22nd day of September, 1932, said Court being the Court having original jurisdiction of the <br />probate of Wills in and for the County of Wayne,and State of Michigan, and being the Court having <br />original jurisdiction of the probate of the Last Will and testament of William McEver, Deceased; <br />that the said William McEver died seized of real estate situated in the State of Nebraska, and tha <br />said instrument ought to be allowed as the Last Will and Testament of the said William McEver, <br />ceased, in the County Court of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />"IT IS, THEREFORE, CONSIDERED BY THE COURT that the Last Will and Testament of the said William <br />Ever, deceased, according to the duly authenticated copies filed therein, is genuine and valid, <br />d that said Last Will and Testament is hereby allowed, admitted to probate, established as a <br />ill of Real and personal estate. and recorded in this office. <br />